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October 2006 - Issue 53
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An Export Minute

The Chinese Market

The word "China" makes people think "opportunity" these days, but doing business with this market commands some real attention to planning. In fact, many small and medium sized businesses find that once they start looking closely at China, there isn't necessarily a fit for them. It takes a great deal of time, money and patience to do business in a new market, so reduce your risks by identifying as many of the considerations as possible. Join Export Link on November 8th for our new seminar entitled "Preparing to do Business With China". Find more information at or call
1-888-811-1119. Export Link is a special initiative of The Business Link.

E-Future Bytes

Privacy Policy Generator

Developing a privacy policy can be one of the more difficult stages of developing your business website. One strategy is to look around at what others have posted and using that as a template to get started. However, you may miss out on things that they have chosen to omit. OECD, the Organization for Economic Development Co-operation and Development has a great tool for getting you started. The OECD privacy policy generator walks you through a questionnaire that produces a draft privacy policy for you to download. The downloadable privacy policy is fully editable so you can make any necessary changes.

For more information on the generator and related resources available on the E-Future Centre website click here. To check out the generator go here. You can contact The Business Link's E-Future Centre at 1-800-272-9675.

Resource Feature

eBay - often described as the world's largest online auction service - is used daily by countless private sellers and buyers, as well as by many businesspeople whose enterprises range in scope from small, part-time trading to sizeable and sophisticated virtual storefront operations. Because eBay enables quick and easy access to a vast global marketplace, online entrepreneurs of every description find lucrative opportunities to buy and sell innumerable products and services.

While the basics of e-biz on eBay aren't too hard to pick up, it's the tips and tricks learned from the pros and veterans which can really maximize the potential for profit.

At The Business Link Library, we recognize that eBay is of interest to many entrepreneurs - whether it might only serve to supplement a hobby or sell some homespun products, or whether it becomes the foundation that allows a dream to grow into a full-time career business.
Here's five new books for eBayers that we've just added to our shelves. eBay - read all about it!
20 Questions to Ask Before Selling on eBay / by Lissa McGrath.
Building Your eBay Traffic the Smart Way: Use Froogle, Datafeeds, Cross-Selling, Advanced Listing Strategies, and More to Boost Your Sale on the Web's #1 Auction Site / Joseph T. Sinclair.
Shooting for Dollars: Simple Photo Techniques for Greater eBay Profits / Sally Wiener Grotta and Daniel Grotta.
PayPal for Dummies / Victoria Rosenborg.
Fundraising on eBay: How to Raise Big Money on the World's Greatest Online Marketplace / by Greg Holden and Jill Finlayson.

These resources are also available through the Regional Lending Library, if are not in the Edmonton area.

Get Your Library Membership

Library membership entitles you to borrow from our large collection of business books, videos, CDs, DVDs and audiotapes. For $12.00 per year, you can have access to the most current information on small business and leadership. Stop in at The Business Link library Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9 AM - 5 PM and Thursday 9 AM - 8 PM, or call 780-422-7780 for more details.



Cliquez ici pour accéder, ou vous abonner à ce bulletin électronique en français.

Latest from the Link
Guest Advisor Program Starts Up Again!
The Fall 2006 season for the Guest Advisor Program began on September 25, 2006, with a variety of areas of expertise available from Monday to Friday, 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. If you ever wondered how a management consultant, lawyer, accountant, financial representative or e-business expert could help your business, feel free to connect with one of our professional volunteers to discuss your business concerns. Through this program, you can receive:
  • Confidential, one-on-one consultation over the phone, in person or via video conference.
  • Service provided without obligation, free of charge.
  • An introduction into the variety of business services available to you within the private sector.
  • Insight into how working with a professional can assist in the development of your business.
  • The opportunity to discuss your business situation with a professional in a neutral location.

Again this Season, the Guest Advisors are located in Edmonton and are available to you by phone at 1-800-272-9675 or email. Another unique option is to use video conferencing; this is available at select centres throughout Alberta. A listing of centres can be found at here.

More information on the Guest Advisor Program is available at:


Small Business Week in Alberta
October 15 to 21, 2006

Communities across Alberta will join the nation in offering educational and networking events to celebrate Small Business Week. The Business Link works with the Alberta Chambers of Commerce to provide you with an online central source for event information, supplemented by statistics, information and links of importance to entrepreneurs. There are already over 170 events listed around theprovince!

To find out what's happening in your area, in and around Small Business Week, check out, online until the end of October.

Tell Us Your Story!

Don't forget that we would love to hear your story. Let us know how you have been able to use The Business Link and how we have contributed to your success. Click here to Tell Us Your Story.


Mark Your Calendar - Events

October is a very busy month at The Business Link. We're right in the thick of our Seminars and Brown Bags, there's an Aboriginal Business Conference, an Export Border Session and Small Business Week is this month.

Plan to join us for one, two or more of these exciting sessions! For more information or to register for an event, contact The Business Link at 1-800-272-9675 or click here.

All sessions are held at The Business Link unless otherwise noted. However, through the Entrepreneurship Learning Centre Network, many of these sessions will be available across Alberta via video conferencing. Visit for the site nearest you.


Events at The Business Link
Date Time Topic Cost  
October 3 noon to 1 p.m. E-Business Basics FREE VC Logo
October 5 noon to 1 p.m. Shoestring Marketing Strategies for Small Business FREE

VC Logo

October 5 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ignite Powerful Sales Results $31.80  
October 10 noon to 1 p.m. Commerce électronique (French Presentation) FREE VC Logo
October 11 noon to 4 p.m The Do's and Don'ts of Business Entry to the U.S. $31.80 VC Logo
October 12 noon to 1 p.m. Understanding Your Financial Statements FREE

VC Logo

October 17 noon to 1 p.m. Importing 101 FREE VC Logo
October 17 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Business Link Networking Event FREE  
October 18 1 p.m to 4 p.m. Small Business Bookkeeping $31.80 VC Logo
October 19 noon to 1 p.m. Barriers to Trade With U.S. FREE

VC Logo

October 20 noon to 1 p.m. NQI: Improving Processes and Productivity in the Organizational Development Department FREE VC Logo
October 20 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Canadian Intellectual Property Office FREE VC Logo
October 23 & 24   It's All About Opportunities Aboriginal Business Conference $106.00  
October 24 noon to 1 p.m. Creating Buzz Online: Internet Marketing for Small Business FREE VC Logo
October 25 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. NQI: Using the Progressive Aboriginal Relations Program to attract and retain Aboriginal employees FREE VC Logo
October 25 & 26   Beyond Borders: U.S.A. $53.00  
October 25 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Accounts Receivable Collection $31.80 VC Logo
October 26 noon to 1 p.m. HELP WANTED! FREE

VC Logo

October 31 noon to 1 p.m. Intellectual Property Law in a Nutshell FREE VC Logo
VC Logo Video-Conferenced Event

October Networking Event

The Business Link will be hosting its Monthly Networking Event on Tuesday, October 17th in Edmonton. This is an opportunity for you to network, attend an educational session, and make valuable entrepreneurial contacts. For more information about this FREE event, contact Darcen Esau at or 1-800-272-9675.

Around Alberta

Pan Western Regional Economic Development Conference

The Pan Western Regional Economic Development Conference, being held
October 24-26, 2006 in Camrose, Alberta will be attended by presenters and delegates from across Western Canada, Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Hosted by Alberta Economic Development, the conference explores the dramatic changes taking place in Western Canada's economy and how various jurisdictions are responding to those changes.

Highlights include presentations from Canada West Foundation President Roger Gibbins, Futurist Jim Bottomley and TSI Terminal Systems President Norman Stark. The conference will appeal to individuals and organizations involved in labour force development and regional and aboriginal economic development, including business leaders, elected officials, post-secondary education institutions, students and human resource developers.

Registration fees: $395 regular ($350 early birds), $175 students and youth plus GST.
To register or to become a sponsor please visit: or
call Jennifer at 1-800-296-8112 or email at


VenturePrize 2006-2007 Gears Up for Another Successful Year

VenturePrize, Alberta's Business Plan Competition, is designed for individuals, companies, faculty and students of post secondary institutions who have high-growth business ideas. Through seminars, tools, templates and the mentorship program, VenturePrize will help you transform your idea into a solid plan for growth!

The series of six weekly business plan seminars start on October 25, led by Dr. Lloyd Steier of the University of Alberta School of Business. The seminars will be hosted in Edmonton at the Stollery Business Centre on the University of Alberta campus as well as at The Business Link, and video-conferenced to locations throughout Alberta.

You could be the next Fast-Growth grand prize winner sharing in over $180,000 in prizes!

For further information and to register, visit


Business Awards of Distinction

As a federation of 127 Chambers of Commerce representing 22,000 businesses, the Alberta Chambers of Commerce is a great supporter of Small Business Week.

Many Chambers across the province take time during this special week in October to celebrate excellence in business in their communities. The Alberta Chambers of Commerce, however, hosts its marquee awards event in February.

Nominations for the Alberta Business Awards of Distinction opened in mid-September and closes on November 14.

Businesses can be nominated in all the categories for which they're eligible, and the 2007 awards is more extensive than ever, with categories including safety, Aboriginal relations, marketing, agriculture, youth employment, ethics, diversity in the workplace, and export.

To learn more about the Alberta Awards of Distinction, visit, or contact Tracy Elofson at 425-4180, Ext. 2.

Aboriginal Business Circle
Aboriginal Business Conference - October 23-24, 2006

Are you an Aboriginal entrepreneur thinking about starting a business or looking for innovative ways to grow your operations? If so, you can't afford to miss the chance to learn and network at "It's All About Opportunities".

For the fourth year in a row, The Business Link's Aboriginal Business Services, with the support of our generous sponsors (see list below), is presenting this two-day Gathering of Aboriginal Entrepreneurs from across Alberta. It's all happening in Edmonton this October 23 & 24 at The Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel.

Throughout the two days, you'll be able to learn from qualified professionals, network with fellow business owners and meet service providers for the Aboriginal business community.

You'll hear from successful Aboriginal business owners who will share stories of the challenges they faced, and the successes they have achieved in today's competitive world.

This year we are proud to have Miss Indian World 2006/2007, Violet John as one of our keynote speakers!

To register or for more information please visit or call

It's All About Opportunities is made possible with the support of:

Government of Alberta
Oteenow Employment and Training Society
CBC Radio-Canada
Indian Business Corporation
Shell Canada Limited
Apeetogosan Métis Development Corp.
Canadian Youth Business Foundation
The Edmonton Urban Aboriginal Accord Initiative
Alberta Indian Investment Corporation

Business Feature
The "New" International Business for Alberta SMEs

Many small and medium sized companies these days are feeling the strains of a hot economy and subsequent labour shortage. As a result, exporting is not on the forefront of many people's minds. There are other ways, however, that international trade can help your business. For example, outsourcing. Importing some of your materials can offer several advantages.

First, it can help mitigate the impact that exchange rate fluctuations have on your firm. If you were importing from the US when the Canadian dollar rose for example, you wouldn't have been hit so hard in terms of your US export profits. Second, importing some of the components of your final product may allow you to reduce production costs, and frees up local labour that can then be used for other parts of the manufacturing process, those that require higher skill or detail levels. Finally, doing business with another market now can create opportunities for you later.

It's really about preparing for the future, as firms start looking for export opportunities, those with contacts already established in-market will be more successful. Just remember that choosing the market and firm with which to outsource requires careful consideration. To discuss your options further, contact Export Link, a special initiative of The Business Link, at 1-888-811-1119 or

ALIS - A tool for Alberta's Employers

Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) is Alberta's on-line gateway for career, learning and employment information and services. The website is supported through a provincial government partnership of Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Alberta Education and Alberta Advanced Education. Be sure check out their website at

There are many interesting tip sheets on this website for Alberta Employers. With today's high turnover rates, retaining employees is a HOT topic. Check out "How to Find and Keep Valued Employees" here.

Top 10 List

Top 10 Networking Tips

  1. Choose the right networking group or event. The best results come from attending the appropriate events for your particular industry.
  2. Be Genuine; networking is about building trust and relationships.
  3. Ask open ended questions. This promotes discussion and shows you're interested in the other person.
  4. Develop a great handshake, approach people with a natural, genuine smile and make good eye contact.
  5. Make a powerful impression by asking them what they do before talking about yourself or your business.
  6. Develop a quick 30-second infomercial that will encourage the other person to ask for more information.
  7. Follow up with your contacts as soon as possible.
  8. When mingling, don't stay too long in one place. After eight to ten minutes, excuse yourself with a pleasantry such as, "It was nice meeting you ... "
  9. When attending networking functions, go by yourself or at least communicate to those you're with that you should all fan out to really get to meet different people.
  10. Become a volunteer; as you get yourself out in the public eye, your company will become more visible.

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