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September 2005 - Issue 40
In this Issue

Exporting Made Easy

Get the answers you need about exporting and doing business in the United States by attending the following seminars:

September 14: "The Do's & Don'ts of Business Entry into the U.S." is a half day seminar in Edmonton that will be video conferenced to Calgary, Cochrane, Fort McMurray, Lethbridge, Lloydminster, Medicine Hat and Pincher Creek. Register soon as this seminar usually sells out in advance!

October 17 & 18 : "Exporting to the United States: A Practical Approach" is a one and a half day seminar held in Calgary & Coutts with presenters from the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, Canada Border Services Agency, US Customs and Border Protection and more. Free shuttle service from Edmonton and Calgary to Coutts (and return) is available.

For more information about these seminars, please click on the export image below, visit the Calendar of Events at www.exportlink.ca or call 1-888-811-1119.

Exporting to the US

Edmonton Entrepreneur Show

The third Edmonton Entrepreneur Show and Luncheon will take place on September 29, 2005 at the Shaw Conference Centre.

Join business owners, managers and aspiring entrepreneurs at the informative and interactive trade show from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. . Workshops are included with trade show admission. Look for The Business Link's booth at the show!

For more information, to register a booth, purchase tickets or nominate a local business contact for the Entrepreneurial Innovation Award, call the organizers at 780-488-0255 or visit www.entshow.ca.


Marketing Resource Available at The Business Link Library

It’s no secret that there’s big bucks to be made selling “luxury” products to today’s more affluent consumers. But these customers aren’t always easy to identify - let alone target-market effectively.

Let Them Eat Cake: Marketing Luxury to the Masses - as Well as the Classes first takes a discerning look at the fundamentals of the luxury consumer and luxury product in the context of the contemporary luxury experience before discussing savvy ways to sell what are perceived as luxury goods.

Author Pam Danziger is a top consumer marketing expert who advises many prominent luxury brand firms. Let Them Eat Cake... is full of lucid case studies and solid research: plenty of food-for-thought for anyone hungry to sell to those with deep pockets.

To access this resource, visit our library or request this book through our Regional Lending Library.

Small Business Week-October 16-22

Is your organization planning an event for Small Business Week?

There's still time to register the event information - for FREE - on our special Small Business Week in Alberta website at www.sbwalberta.ca

Watch for the public portion of the site to go live in mid-September, where you'll find out about the many learning and networking events that will celebrate the contributions of the small business community in Alberta.

Centennial Entrepreneurial Event

The Calgary Business Information Centre (CBIC) and the Calgary Public Library will be hosting "One Hundred Years of Entrepreneurship in Calgary" on Thursday, September 15, 2005 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.. This event will celebrate the achievements of small business over the past century providing attendees with an educational component and networking opportunity. Panelists represent both longstanding and emerging businesses in the Calgary area. The event will take place at Fort Calgary and the cost is $20.00.

Seating is limited, so please be sure to register.

To register or for further information contact CBIC at (403) 221-7800 or visit their website at www.calgary-smallbusiness.com .

Meet the Link

Michael Shandro

Michael Shandro is one of the newest Business Officers at The Business Link. He brings with him a Business degree and Network Engineering Technology diploma as well as experience as a Systems Analyst and Marketing Assistant.

Michael will be helping you on the phone and in person with your questions. Additionally, he will be working on special projects such as developing Social Enterprise materials.

Michael may be reached directly by phone at 780-422-7766, or by email at shandro.michael

Talk to Us!

Need assistance in finding information on our website? Check out our web/voice support service, "Talk to Us".

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Your Feedback is Important to us

Your feedback is welcome at any time to help us improve and enhance our services for Alberta entrepreneurs. Simply use the "Feedback" function located on the toolbar at the top of E-News! to send us your views.

Welcome to a new issue of E-News! from The Business Link.

Whether this is your first time receiving E-News!, or you've been with us from the first issue, we hope you will enjoy this quick monthly e-newsletter. Our goal is to keep you informed of upcoming events and services at The Business Link and other items of interest to Alberta's small business community.

Upcoming Events

The Start of a New Fall Season!

The Business Link's Fall 2005
Seminars and Brown Bag Presentations

Our economically-priced Small Business Seminars and FREE Brown Bag Presentations feature the basics of business from start-up to marketing to e-business...and more! All sessions are held at The Business Link at 100 - 10237 104 Street in Edmonton. Pre-registration is required for the seminars but not for the "brown baggers", however there is limited seating on a first-come, first-served basis.

Video Conferencing
This fall our Thursday Brown Bag sessions as well as a number of our seminars are accessible in even more locations throughout the province through video conferencing (see events marked with a "V"). Call 1-800-272-9675 for location options.


September Schedule
Date Time Topic Cost
12 noon to 1 p.m.
The Romance of Business
12 noon to 4:30 p.m.
Do's and Don'ts of Business Entry into the U.S.
12 noon to 1 p.m.
Marketing Secrets for Small Business
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Starting a Small Business
12 noon to 1 p.m.
Dealing with Difficult Customers


12 noon to 1 p.m.
Secrets of EFFECTIVE Customer Service


6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Resolving Conflict-First Steps
12 noon to 1 p.m.
Exporting 101
12 noon to 1 p.m.
Sending and Receiving Goods Internationally
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Preparing a Business Plan


It's All About Opportunities

Aboriginal entrepreneurs from across the province are invited to participate in the third annual "It's All About Opportunities" conference in Edmonton on October 24 & 25.

This two-day gathering will provide many opportunities to attend educational sessions, network, share ideas and make professional contacts.

For more information and to register, contact The Business Link's Terry Foureyes, Conference Assistant at 1-800-272-9675 or visit www.cbsc.org/alberta/absn/conf

The Guest Advisor Program Resumes in September!

Get access to professional expertise through The Business Link's Guest Advisor Program. Each day of the week you have access to industry experts in a number of different fields. Management consultants, lawyers, accountants, financial representative and e-business experts all volunteer their time and are available to you to answer your questions.

The Guest Advisor Program runs from September 19 until December 2 for the fall season. To speak with a guest advisor, call 1-800-272-9675 or visit The Business Link. Enquiries may also be made via e-mail.

For more information, go to our web site at http://www.cbsc.org/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=CBSC_AB/CBSC_WebPage/AB_WebPage_Template&cid;=1109072414431&c;=CBSC_WebPage

Networking Opportunities at The Business Link - Grow Your Circle of Contacts

Would you like to boost your business and make valuable business contacts? Then join us at The Business Link for an opportunity to network! It is free and no registration is needed. Be prepared to exchange business cards and introduce yourself and your business!

Please join us on Wednesday, September 21 from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.

Cost: Free
*No membership required*
Where: The Business Link
100 - 10237 104 Street
Edmonton, Alberta

For more information, contact Lisa Iwanyk by phone at
780-422-7738, 1-800-272-9675 or by e-mail at

Hiring Foreign Workers

Alberta employers who are unable to fill skilled job vacancies can benefit from workshops on the process and benefits of hiring skilled foreign workers on either a temporary or permanent basis.

If you want practical information to help with the recruitment and application process, please plan to attend The Foreign Worker Readiness Workshop hosted by the Alberta Capital Regional Alliance in cooperation with Alberta Economic Development.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005: 9 a.m. – Noon, with a complimentary lunch provided by NAIT

Wednesday, November 2, 2005: 9 a.m. – Noon, with a complimentary lunch provided by NAIT

Both workshops will be held at NAIT in Edmonton in the main dining room “Ernest’s” at 118 Avenue & 106 Street. There is no charge to attend these workshops.

You must pre-register as there is a limited capacity by calling Currie Communications at (780) 413-9570 or e-mail kelly@curriecom.com.

Innovative Manufacturing Week (IMW) is Coming Soon!

Discover the vast and diverse world of manufacturing.

Alberta's manufacturing industry--which in 2004 employed 147,800 people at wage levels 19 per cent above the provincial average--will be showcased during Innovative Manufacturing Week (IMW), September 26 to October 7.

IMW is a unique celebration where communities, industry and government come together to host a series of events including workshops, plant tours and other activities. These events profile innovations in manufacturing in Alberta while creating an increased awareness of the importance of manufacturing to the overall provincial economy - every $1 of manufacturing output generates $3.22 in total economic activity, the largest multiplier of any sector in Alberta's economy.

To register for IMW events, or to view further information, please visit the website at www.alberta-canada.com/imw.

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Business Article

Tips for Hiring Older Workers
By Rosemary Pon, RJP Ventures Inc.

With the looming workforce shortages, an employer should never be afraid of hiring well experienced and mature individuals. For health reasons, some older workers may not have the stamina or want the grind of a 40-hour work week, the overtime requirement, or the stress of making critical decisions. But, believe it or not, there are some individuals over 50 years of age, who relate very well to younger staff, and are well suited for your organization and are willing to share their expertise.

Not all older candidates are seeking benefits (i.e. vacation and healthcare). Some older candidates, especially those who took early retirement, may value flexibility more and may want to only work part-time to supplement their pension, or have something to do to occupy their day. Other older workers may want a transitioning opportunity, which will allow them to slowly wind down and exit easily from the workforce.

When recruiting an older candidate, it is important to:
- Create an opportunity that is challenging and appealing to the individual while recognizing their limitations;
- Examine your current workforce of older workers and determine who you would like to retain for their knowledge on a part-time basis;
- Contract them as a consultant, or advisor, to mentor and train your young staff and clearly communicate to the staff the role of this individual;
- Hire them for a temporary term position and test them for a period of time before committing yourself;
- Check out their references to ensure that they are well suited to the job;
- Explain the company work environment, mission and vision statements to them;
- Establish performance measures and communicate your expectations clearly; and
- Create a knowledge management program that will encourage the seasoned individual to transfer and share his/her knowledge.

Dispel the myths that older workers won't fit into a company or won't take direction well from you, as a manager. Open communication and understanding are keys to hiring older workers. An employer needs to understand older workers, what they value, why they want to return to work even on a part-time, or temporary basis, and how they are willing to contribute to an organization.

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Feature Web Site


Service Alberta

Service Alberta is an initiative of the Alberta
government that provides information from various provincial government as well as some federal government departments.There are four major menu choices that make up this site: "Living in Alberta", "Business in Alberta", "Contacts and Quick Facts".

For the business owner, clicking on the "Business in Alberta" menu gives information on: the Alberta economy, training, taxation, operating a business and other topics including links to The Business Link. While in one of the four categories you can browse by: financial resources, licensing/registration, publications or on-line services. In each category you can choose quick find/advanced search which allows a look by keyword or specific topic.

For individuals who want quick access to information about Alberta government services, Service Alberta is an informative first stop.

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Regional Access Site in the Spotlight

Our Network is Expanding!

The Business Link is working with its many regional partners to extend a greater range and depth of services to out entrepreneurial clients Entrepreneurship Learning Centre

throughout Alberta. Under the banner of the Entrepreneurship Learning Centre (ELC), we are using video conferencing to provide training and presentations to more people and more communities than ever before.

Western Economic Diversification Minister Stephen Owen formally announced the expanded ELC Network in August via video conference to over 20 sites across the province, as well as connecting to our sister Business Service Centres in B.C., Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

We're very excited about the learning opportunities the ELC Network will offer in the months to come. Be sure to check out The Business Link's Seminars and Brown Bag Presentations that will be video conferenced, as well as other events that we will post on our website from time to timeto be delivered by our ELC Network partners. See you around Alberta!

For more information regarding the ELC site nearest you, visit www.elcnetwork.ca .


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The Business Link Business Service Centre
100-10237 104 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1B1
Business Info Line: 780-422-7722 or 1-800-272-9675
Fax: 780-422-0055