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  Are you Export Able?
  Sometimes exporting is the next logical step in your company's growth, or it's the only way for you to do business. Either way, exporting is not something to enter into lightly. It requires careful research and planning, addressing four key questions:

1.   Is there an appetite for your product or service?
2.   Is your company ready to take on the export challenge?
3.   Do you have financing in place?
4.   Have you developed a comprehensive business and marketing plan?
  We've developed a tool to help you address these questions. By filling in this questionnaire you will gain a better understanding of which areas you need to concentrate on. We’ve also prepared answers to some frequently asked questions  and a glossary of terms you may not be familiar with.
  Register Now
  Before using this tool, we would appreciate receiving some general information about you and your company. Please complete the following  registration form which will give you automatic access to Are You ExportAble?
  If you are an existing EDC Direct customer,  click here for immediate access.
  Conditions of Use
  We have made every effort to design this tool to provide you with information to better determine the export readiness of your business. However, since this analysis is general in nature, we recommend that you seek additional guidance and professional advice before taking any action or decision.
Future Exporters
Becoming Export Savvy
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Top Questions
What resources are available?
How do I decide if my product or service is right for the export market?
Where can I find information on industry statistics and trends, and international markets?

Tools for Future Exporters
Export Trends and Tips
EXPORT Able? Questionnaire
FREE eLearning for Business
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