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The Business Link's E-Future Centre receives
E-Business Leadership Award

The Business Link's specialized service area—the E-Future Centre—was presented with the prestigious 2003 E-Leadership Award at the third annual Alberta E-Business Leadership Awards Gala held in Calgary on January 22, 2004.

The Alberta E-Business Leadership Awards honour companies, not-for-profit groups, educational institutions and government departments that have demonstrated leadership and success in electronic commerce, e-learning, community support and other innovative ways of using the Internet.

Winners in the various categories included Enmax, WestJet, Pepperheads Canada and SAIT, to name a few.

The E-Leadership Award is a special category, intended to recognize an individual or organization that has made a significant contribution in a provincial context to improve the understanding, adoption and ultimately the benefits of e-business practices within Alberta. Previous recipients of the E-Leadership Award include Calgary Technologies and the Hon. Lorne Taylor (Minister of Alberta Innovation and Science at the time of the award).

This year's award presentation cited the E-Future Centre's achievements and contributions, including its information-packed web site (, the training it has provided to clients, service providers and business groups, and the numerous resources it has extended to its clients and affiliate organizations throughout Alberta.

Trevor Poapst, the E-Future Centre Coordinator, accepted the award on behalf of The Business Link's E-Future Centre, and recognized its founding sponsors. "We are very appreciative of the support of Western Economic Diversification Canada, Industry Canada, Alberta Economic Development, Alberta Innovation and Science, and Redengine," he stated. "Their shared vision and commitment were instrumental in the establishment of the
E-Future Centre and in maintaining our ongoing efforts to spread the word about e-business."

Poapst further stated that working with 11 regionally-based
"Mini E-Future Centres" has helped ensure the provision of the Centre's various services throughout Alberta.

Rodger Cole, General Manager of The Business Link acknowledges the significant contribution that Poapst and his staff have made to help the business community understand and adopt e-business practices. "We're proud to be recognized as this year's recipient of the E-Leadership Award, and we hope to continue to be a leader in the provision of practical, relevant and timely business information for Albertans."

Information about the Alberta E-Business Leadership Awards can be found at

For more information about The Business Link's E-Future Centre, contact:

John Beauchamp
E-Future Centre Coordinator
The Business Link Business Service Centre
100-10237 104 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 1B1
Tel: 1-800-272-9675 or 780-422-7707 (direct line)



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