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Welcome to the July/August 2004 issue of infosource News. We hope you enjoy our monthly e-mail newsletter, meant to keep you informed of the services and resources available at business infosource, issues that effect you and your business, as well as upcoming events.

We welcome feedback from our newsletter readers. If you have a comment, a question or an opinion on an article, please contact the Editor.

Growing Locally - Succeeding Globally

On October 17th and 18th Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP) and Export Development Canada (EDC) will host their annual conference, Growing Locally - Succeeding Globally in Saskatoon at the Radisson Hotel. In its sixth year, this conference brings together experts from various international organizations who will share their knowledge and services in an information-packed two-day conference.

Who will you find at STEP's annual Conference? You will find domestic and international attendees:

  • Exporters of goods and services
  • Potential Exporters
  • Service Providers
  • Distributors/Agents
  • Senior Officials

Last year there were 28 breakout sessions for attendees to choose from. Presentations from the past three Conferences are available for viewing or downloading on the STEP Web site Final touches are still being made to the program for the 2004 conference; some of the breakout sessions all ready planned are:

  • "Monitoring Competitors - Cyber Prospecting" (how to use the Internet to grow your business presence),
  • "The Road to Riches - Obtaining Working Capital for Export Opportunities" and
  • "Small Export Financing - The Media Maze" (how to make it work for you).

The STEP Exporter of the Year Award was introduced in 1999 to recognize the export achievements of STEP members. Each year the Award is presented at the Conference Gala Dinner to a recipient chosen by a committee comprised of key service providers to exporters. The Gala Dinner this year is slated for October 18th, with Comedian and star of the popular television series Corner Gas, Brent Butt, providing the dinner entertainment.

For a complete listing of seminars, conferences, trade shows, and events of interest to the business community visit the business infosource's on-line Events Calendar.

Question of the Month

Question of the Month: I'm considering purchasing a franchise rather than building a business from scratch. What should I know to help me evaluate the franchise opportunity?

Response: Franchising has become a major force in today's business environment. Franchising is a system of distribution used by companies to sell products or perform services. The company (franchisor) offers its technical expertise, established marketing system, symbols and trademarks, and ongoing operational support in exchange for a continuing right to entitlement to receive royalties from the operator (franchisee) and an entitlement to limit the amount of business control. The aim is to be mutually beneficial to both parties by combining the marketing and technical strength of the franchisor with the local market familiarity, energy and capital of the franchisee.

Once you've decided a franchise is the right route for you, how do you choose the right franchise? Not only are there an enormous number of franchise choices available in each industry sector, but there are also many variations in the franchising methods offered. To ensure your success you must be fully aware of, and evaluate, all available facts pertaining to your franchise opportunity.

The following checklist of questions should assist you in making a decision about acquiring a franchise. It is also strongly recommended that you consult with your lawyer and accountant before you sign any documents or contracts.

  • Self evaluation - capital, skills, experience;
  • The Franchise Operation - this is where you perform the due diligence on specific franchises that interest you;
  • The Product or Service - is it unique? in demand? seasonal? what about supply? warranties?
  • Location and Sales Territory - defined and exclusive? growth potential? competition?
  • Other Franchisee Experience - Contact other franchisees about their experiences with the franchisor;
  • Franchise Contract - get professional advisors to help analyze the contract (lawyer, accountant)

To access the full version of this article, including a more comprehensive checklist for franchisees, visit business infosource's web site at: For links to additional sources of franchising information, visit our web site at:

Response based, in part, on excerpts from Checklists For Franchisees by Saskatchewan Industry and Resources.

The Role of Customs Brokers in the Export Process

By Curtis Cook, Global Trade Solutions

The most successful leaders in the business world recognize that one of the best ways to build a business is to rely on experts in certain fields. The lawyers conduct the legal work, the accountants manage the financial matters and the engineers design the products.

There are many areas of expertise required in the export process and one of the most important and complex is clearing goods through customs. Exporters can rely on a qualified customs broker to effectively handle the documentation and logistics services required to clear goods through customs.

In most cases, a Canadian exporter will engage the services of a customs broker in Canada, who then works directly with a foreign broker based in the country where the exports are destined. In complex export processes involving multiple foreign destinations en route to the final place of sale, foreign brokers in these countries may be enlisted into the operation as well.

The Canadian Society of Customs Brokers (see offers a valuable list of questions an exporter should ask prior to hiring a licensed customs broker. These questions include level of automation to communicate with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, affiliations with foreign customs brokers, reporting services and release procedures, security options and fees.

As with any relationship that is significant to the export process, the exporter will benefit from asking questions and obtaining references prior to entering into any agreement.

Become an export expert with the help of the Canada Border Services Agency Handy Customs Guide for Exporters. This guide for exporters is available online at Or call Team Canada Inc's toll-free Export Information Service at 1 888 811-1119 for more information on exporting your products or services.

About Curtis Cook
Curtis Cook is a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) and a Partner with Global Trade Solutions. He is the author of Patents, Profits & Power, co-author of Competitive Intelligence and writes extensively on international trade.

business infosource Library

In addition to the thousands of reference books, the electronic databases and the audio and video tapes available to help clients with their business research at the business infosource library, we subscribe to over 100 different magazines. In this edition of infosource News we're going to list some of the business periodicals that can be accessed through our library and the lending policy for borrowing them.

Some of the magazines and periodicals we subscribe to are monthly publications, others arrive quarterly or semi-annually. Some of the publications are very general in content while others are specific to certain sectors or industries. Listed below are titles of just a few of the periodicals available in the business infosource reference library collection (click on the title to view a full abstract):

Aboriginal Times
Biotechnology Focus
Canadian Farm Manager
Canadian Grocer
Saskatchewan Business
Small Business Canada
Bar & Beverage Business Magazine
Canadian Business Franchise
Saskatchewan Indian
Western Restaurant News

Back issues of magazines and periodicals in the library are available for loan (view our lending policy) on a "walk-in" basis, with a library membership (no cost). While we don't loan out current editions, clients are welcome to come into the library and read the latest issue here.

You can visit our library in person weekdays between 8 and 5. You will find the business infosource library conveniently located at #2 - 345 Third Avenue South in Saskatoon.

Youth Opportunities Unleashed (YOU) Program

Since the early 1990s, entrepreneurship has rapidly been gaining popularity as a viable career option for Canadian youth. In 1997, a Royal Bank/Angus Reid report showed that 32 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 35 preferred entrepreneurship to any other career choice and twenty-nine percent expected they would be self-employed within five years. While entrepreneurship is cited as a desirable profession by so many, a number of barriers stand in the way of young people becoming successful business owners. More than anything else, lack of start-up financing is mentioned. Accessing capital can be a frustrating process for young entrepreneurs because banks are low risk lenders, and quite often youth are not able to meet the qualifying criteria for traditional loans.

In response to this major hurdle faced by young entrepreneurs in the province, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources (SIR) launched a program in June of 2004, designed specifically for entrepreneurs between 18 and 30 years of age. The Youth Opportunities Unleashed (YOU) Program addresses the key concern when lending to young entrepreneurs - the lack of experience and business skills. The YOU initiative consists of three components - loans, training and mentorship.

Entrepreneurs, with a completed business plan, may apply to their local Small Business Loans Association (SBLA) for financing. The maximum dollar amount available to an entrepreneur under the YOU program is $15,000, which can be used to purchase assets such as equipment. Loan proceeds may not be used for operating expenses or for repayment of existing debt. Loans are granted at competitive interest rates, which vary with each association, up to a maximum of 10% per year. Businesses have up to five years to repay their loans. To locate an SBLA in your area, consult the list of SBLAs posted on the business infosource Web site: .

Through SIR's Regional Office Network and a broad range of community-based partner organizations, workshops/seminars/training programs will be offered to assist YOU candidates in assessing the viability of their business ideas and developing their business plans.

There is no substitute for experience; the mentorship component of the YOU initiative will assist entrepreneurs to tap into the wealth of knowledge. YOU entrepreneurs will be assisted in forming mentor/protégé relationships with successful business people, using a number of existing mentorship networks and SIR's Regional Offices.

More details on the new YOU program, along with information on all federal and provincial government financing programs for business have been consolidated in the Financing for Small Business Info-Guide, available on the business infosource Web site:

"Sources of Financing" Web Site

At one time or another most entrepreneurs will run into a situation where they need access to some type of financing. Whether you're searching for seed capital, working capital, export financing, or just information on different types of financing, you will find it at this Web site.

Industry Canada's Sources of Financing Web site aims to increase small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) awareness of the financial options available to them by equipping them with a tool to find appropriate financing from a broad range of Canadian sources of capital.

The Sources of Financing Web site provides SMEs with interactive access to information on forms of public and private sector sources of debt and equity financing. Users will find information about:

  • banks, caisses populaires and credit unions;
  • leasing;
  • factoring;
  • angel investors:
  • venture capital
  • provincial and federal assistance programs.

Sources of Financing also provides a Lease or Buy Calculator that will help SMEs decide the best way to acquire business equipment. An on-line Small Business Financial Service Charges Calculator provides a comparison of financial service charges on small business accounts offered by various Canadian financial institutions.

For additional information on financing, see Lending: The Basic Criteria and Dealing with Your Banker and Other Lenders on the business infosource Web site:

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