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Tom Fairley Award
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If you're an editor...

Join us! We can put you in touch with 1600 other editors across the country, offer you discounts on training opportunities and resources, help you connect with clients and employers, and give you opportunities to develop your skills.

If you produce any kind of written communication...

Hire an EAC editor to help you say what you mean. An editor can help make your message clear, correct, attractive and appropriate to your market. EAC editors work on all kinds of communication projects, from personal resumés to corporate reports, from neighbourhood newsletters to best-selling books. An editor can make your life easier.

Regarder le site français de l'Association canadienne des réviseurs. (Des embellissements suivront sous peu !)

Tom Fairley Award

Do you know an editor who's made an outstanding contribution to a work published in Canada in English or French during the 2006 calendar year? Nominate that person by January 12, 2007, for the 2006 Tom Fairley Award for Editorial Excellence.

Active Voice

Active Voice

Download a free copy of the fall 2006 issue of EAC's national newsletter, Active Voice (PDF, 464 KB).