Government of Canada Province of Manitoba
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Links by Category

Oliver's Links by Category

Oliver, one of the librarians at the C/MBSC, has collected and organized a few thousand web site links that our staff have found useful for ourselves and our clients. These links have been organized to help you find other relevant sources of information. This is the view by category of the links. You can also view them alphabetically. If you find any of these links are inactive or discover new sites you think are useful, please let us know. If you have any requests, comments or questions please feel free to contact us.

You can read a more detailed overview of how the links are categorized.

When viewing the links by categories, Canadian information sites will be listed first and identified as such while other information sites will be listed last and identified in this manner.  Some of these other information sites will have a note in the description that states they have no Canadian content but have proven useful in the past to researchers in our centre.

Category / Name Number of Links



Sites dedicated to starting and running a business.



Directory sites for sourcing companies.







Sites with industry specific information.





General information site.

Last Modified: 2005-01-17