Cedar Lake Community Futures News


Cedar Lake Community Futures Development Corporation (Cedar Lake CFDC) is a non-profit organization.  The Mission of Cedar Lake CFDC is to assist small businesses, clients and organizations to stimulate Community and Economic Development Services throughout the Cedar Lake Region.  With our Loan Fund Programs we have assisted businesses with start-up and expansions within our region.  With our Community and Economic Development Services we have provided assistance to numerous agencies and individuals in order to develop strategies that: enhance the quality of life; identify opportunities; and capitalize on project and product development.

Cedar Lake CFDC operates under the guidance of the Board of Directors, who have been appointed by the communities within the Cedar Lake CFDC region.  There are 17 Board of Directors that oversee the activities of Cedar Lake CFDC.  The board consists of three sub-committees which focuses on Cedar Lake CFDC’s initiatives.  These sub-committees have specific roles as part of the mission statement of Cedar Lake CFDC.  The three committee's and their roles are;

1) Executive Committee

This committee is comprised of five board members and are responsible for overseeing the administrative functions Cedar Lake CFDC.

2) Investment Review Committee

This committee consists of seven board members who are responsible for the administration of the Loan Portfilio Program.

3) Community Economic Development Committee

This committee consists of seven board members and are responsible for the Community and Economic Development activities within the region.


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