The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) is an independent, non-government agency, responsible for regulating industry professionals in the real estate, mortgage broker, and real estate appraisal industries under Alberta’s Real Estate Act.

5 Year Ban - Taiwo Odetunde, Real Estate Broker February 2006
On 2 February 2006 , a hearing panel of the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) barred Taiwo Odetunde, registered as a broker with Bayside Realty Ltd., located in Calgary, from the real estate industry for up to five years as of the date of Mr. Odetunde’s previous temporary suspension. The panel further ordered that he pay a $15,000 fine, pay costs of $12,372, and complete an educational requirement before becoming a real estate industry member again. Read the decision (1 MB pdf).

Professional Development Survey Results January 2006
Sincere thanks to each of the more than 1,200 respondents who took the time to share their views and provide their comments on continuing professional development. The Real Estate Council has accepted the results of the professional development survey, the accompanying comments, and the various reports from boards and associations as representing the views of those interested in proposed changes to its professional development policies.

While Council strongly believes in professional development as a means of increasing industry members’ competence, knowledge, and skill, it believes that professional development is the joint responsibility of the individual industry member, the boards and associations, and the regulator.

Council has approved in principle adopting a policy whereby RECA's continuing professional development requirements will focus on mandatory education with regulatory content. RECA will work with education providers and associations to develop this policy in the coming months. In the interim, the existing professional development requirement remains in effect (18 credits to be completed by September 30, 2007).

Proposed Rules (259K pdf)
The Real Estate Council has undertaken a review of the Real Estate Act Rules to ensure they continue to meet the needs of industry members and protect the public interest. The purpose of this consultation is to draw your attention to key changes which would have a significant effect on current practice, as well as to seek your views on the proposed changes. RECA invites your comments by 5 p.m. on February 28, 2006.

Mohammad Tufail - Lifetime Withdrawal from Industry 18 January 2006

The Regulator (1MB pdf) January 2006
Information on the proposed Rules, preparing a seller for property access, and case summaries.

2004-2005 Annual Report & Financial Statements

Hiring a Condominium Manager
How can you ensure you choose the right candidate? Red flags from cases investigated by RECA can help you avoid problem scenarios. more
The Role of an Unlicensed Assistant
The unlicensed assistant of a busy mortgage broker or agent can be an enormous asset. However, the duties that assistants may perform without a licence are limited. more

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