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E-Business Info-Guides

The Saskatchewan E-Future Centre's 36 E-Business Info-Guides are free documents, available in PDF; that have been created to help small business owners understand e-business and how to take advantage of online business opportunities.

The Info-Guides focus on key topics, such as e-business planning and strategy, website design, Internet marketing, Internet security and privacy, selling online, and business-to-business e-commerce.

All of our guides are in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). Get Adobe Acrobat

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All Info-Guides

1) New! E-Business Basics ( PDF | 158 KB )
This Info-Guide will help you understand the concept of e-business and how e-business can improve your own business processes. You will be able to test your own e-business readiness and learn where to go for more information on getting started with e-business.
2) New! Essential E-Business Partners ( PDF | 183 KB )
Find out who you need on your e-business team and how to work effectively with them.
3) New! Business to Business E-Commerce Basics ( PDF | 150 KB )
This document will introduce you to the basics of B2B e-commerce from the perspective of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), separating fact from fiction, with a dose of common sense thrown in for good measure.
4) New! Integrating E-Business with your Small Business ( PDF | 149 KB )
This Info-Guide will help you identify ways to integrate e-business into your marketing and sales, operations, website, and customer relationships.
5) New! Return on Investment ( PDF | 167 KB )
Understanding the importance of getting a return on your e-business investment is vital for success. You will learn how to measure ROI and what the expected costs of a web-based project can be.
6) New! E-Business Planning and Strategy ( PDF | 163 KB )
This Info-Guide will outline the importance of planning in any business endeavour. It will explain how e-business activities can be readily incorporated into a typical business plan. It will teach you how to identify e-business opportunities and challenges, and integrate appropriate e-business activities into your own business plan.
7) E-Business Glossary ( PDF | 124 KB )
Our concise E-Business Glossary will help you make sense of today's e-business jargon. Explore over 150 essential e-business terms explained in plain English.
8) Planning Your Online Store ( PDF | 189 KB )
There are a variety of ways for a business to set up shop online. Whether adding an e-business component to existing services or building an online store from scratch, planning provides the best way for businesses to chart their path to success.
9) Strategic Planning ( PDF | 191 KB )
This guide will help you align your online and traditional business activities and that both support your firm''s goals, objectives, and values. The Core Business Model is a model specifically designed to assist companies in developing their e-business strategy.
10) Developing an E-Business Plan ( PDF | 126 KB )
The e-business planning process is very similar to developing a traditional business plan. The major difference, however, is that it includes the web as a new medium of communications and business.
11) Domain Name Registration ( PDF | 134 KB )
This guide provides you with some tips on how to come up with an effective domain name and how to go about registering it.
12) E-Purchasing for Business ( PDF | 125 KB )
The web offers professional purchasers a diverse range of online buying forums with varying levels of features, complexity and cost. This Info-guide explores different online purchasing options.
13) New! Building an Effective Website ( PDF | 163 KB )
Learn how to plan the development of your site by analyzing your competitors and your website users, selecting the right developer and avoiding common mistakes.
14) New! Internet Marketing ( PDF | 229 KB )
Understand how to use web development, search engine optimization, online advertising, e-mail marketing, blogs, and affiliate programs to increase traffic to your website.
15) Search Engine Optimization ( PDF | 486 KB )
How will your clients find your web site among the millions of other sites that are competing for your their attention? One very important way is through search engines and directories. Learn more about how to improve your site's rankings in the major search engines.
16) New! Selling Online ( PDF | 163 KB )
Some of the things to consider when selling online are: development and design, electronic storefronts, and payment processing. Also security, privacy policies, taxation and duties, shipping and order fulfillment will be discussed in this guide.
17) New! Internet Payment Processing ( PDF | 152 KB )
If you want to find out how online payment processing works, how you can implement it on your website and what other factors you will have to consider before you can accept payments online, you should read this guide.
18) New! Online Distribution and Fulfillment Strategies ( PDF | 167 KB )
Before launching your e-commerce site, you should plan out how you’ll ship your products to customers and fulfill the sale. This guide will discuss topics such as inventory control management systems, product packaging, international shipments, and quality assurance.
19) New! Internet Auctions ( PDF | 150 KB )
This Info-Guide is designed for beginners. It will explain how Internet auctions work and will outline the distinct advantages small business owners can gain from using online auctions to sell their products or services.
20) Attracting and Keeping the Customer ( PDF | 337 KB )
This Info-Guide walks you through some of the marketing techniques and innovative approaches that are available to help improve customer retention.
21) Supply Chain Basics ( PDF | 299 KB )
E-business has fundamentally changed the supply chain. This Info-Guide will help you identify ways that the Internet and e-business can be used to streamline and improve your supply chain.
22) Supply Chain Management ( PDF | 338 KB )
One of the first steps to participating in the connected "e-conomy" is to understand how the Internet can be used to manage your supply chain.
23) Business-to-Business (B2B) E-Commerce ( PDF | 348 KB )
Business-to-business e-commerce is the next phase in the global Internet revolution. B2B e-commerce is the largest growth area in the Internet economy, and we are still nowhere near its predicted potential. This Info-Guide details B2B requirements, opportunities, and benefits.
24) Back-End Issues in E-Commerce ( PDF | 449 KB )
Effectively integrating online operations with regular, day-to-day operations, can greatly increase the efficiency of a business. This Info-Guide outlines some key behind-the-scenes activities that can help ensure a well-built e-business.
25) Handling E-Commerce Returns ( PDF | 305 KB )
A whopping ninety percent of online shoppers consider quality customer service a critical factor when choosing a web merchant. To be capable of offering superior customer service it is critical that your company is able to deal successfully with product returns.
26) Shopping, Shipping and Credit Cards ( PDF | 308 KB )
Security and privacy are some of your customers' biggest concerns when shopping online. Instilling a sense of confidence regarding your security measures can mean the difference between securing a sale and missing an opportunity. This Info-Guide examines merchant accounts, encryption, taxation, and other components involved in online sales.
27) Electronic Storefronts ( PDF | 322 KB )
Electronic storefronts are virtual stores that can be created using only a keyboard, a mouse, and a browser. The advantages and disadvantages associated with different electronic storefronts are explored in this Info-Guide.
28) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ( PDF | 331 KB )
What is CRM? Simply speaking, it is the broad category of concepts, tools, and processes an organization can use to garner information and gain a better understanding of everyone with whom it comes in contact. This Info-Guide offers a more extensive definition of CRM and what it can do for you.
29) Shipping Concerns with E-Commerce ( PDF | 306 KB )
The factors that go into ensuring an efficient shipping service are often overlooked. This Info-Guide offers advice and resources you can use to make sure you have this important e-business topic covered.
30) Cross-Cultural Considerations ( PDF | 306 KB )
E-Business has expanded a company's potential market from Canada's 30 million people to the world's 6 billion people. While it is very important to clearly define and narrow your target market, this Info-Guide discusses some important tips and considerations when marketing to various cultures.
31) New! E-Exporting ( PDF | 180 KB )
Once your site is live, you may receive visitors and orders from around the globe. If you have never sold your products to anyone outside of Canada before, you will have various questions, such as: "What paperwork do I have to fill out?"; "How do I ship my product?"; "What taxes and duties will be charged?"; and, "How do I receive payment?"
32) New! Online Legal Issues ( PDF | 150 KB )
A lot of confusion exists on how the law affects e-business. Read how contracts, legal regulations, and intellectual property may affect your online operations.
33) New! Internet Privacy ( PDF | 147 KB )
Discover the importance of having a privacy policy and how PIPEDA, PIPA, and the laws of other countries will affect how you operate your e-business.
34) New! Internet Security ( PDF | 156 KB )
Learn about the importance of computer security on the Internet, data isolation, backup, firewalls, malicious software, encryption, and gain practical tips on how to protect yourself from security threats on the Internet.
35) Secure E-Transactions ( PDF | 307 KB )
There are several technologies being used to help secure online transactions. This Info-Guide outlines the basic concepts of how they work.
36) Avoiding E-Fraud ( PDF | 306 KB )
The anonymous nature of the Internet has left it vulnerable to the potential threat of e-fraud. This Info-Guide includes tips that will help you ensure that you never become a victim of e-fraud.