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Canadian Commercial Corporation - Mandate

Last Verified: 2003-07-25

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) provides Canadian exporters with a range of contracting services which enhances their access to market opportunities and significantly increases their ability to land export sales on the best possible terms and conditions. CCC puts the power of Canada behind export sales.

You should contact CCC when:

  • you've identified a sale involving a foreign government, international organization or private-sector buyer and you are ready to submit an offer;
  • your customer needs the added assurance of the Canadian government's guarantee that the contract will be completed according to its terms and conditions;
  • your products or services are not well known to the buyer, or your foreign competition is larger or better known, and you need the added credibility of the Government of Canada to make the sale;
  • you are concerned with the buyer's payment risks or terms such as the requirements for performance bonds;
  • you need access to pre-shipment export financing;
  • you need assistance understanding foreign government procurement procedures and regulations;
  • you are concerned about the complexity of a sale and need practical advice;
  • your buyer might be interested in a sole-source transaction for your product or service;
  • you are selling to the U.S. DoD and/or NASA.

How CCC Works
The Corporation is involved in facilitating and structuring export sales on behalf of Canadian companies. CCC does not provide financing directly to the firms using its services; rather, it provides services which, in some instances, give leverage to exporters to get financing from commercial sources.

Products and Services for Exporters
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CCC offers a specialized export sales and contracting service for exporters selling in markets and primarily to foreign governments. CCC works with exporting clients to share new business opportunities, to support their bids for international projects, and to negotiate and manage their export contracts.

Pre-contract services
CCC provides Canadian exporters with a variety of pre-contract services, including project promotion support, letters of support, letters of reference and contracting structuring and negotiation.

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The Progress Payment Program (PPP) is designed to assist small Canadian exporters that have insufficient working capital to undertake specific export contracts. Through PPP, CCC facilitates access to commercial sources of pre-shipment financing to provide working capital for their export sale.

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CCC specializes in sales to the U.S. DoD and NASA, and is responsible for maintaining the Canada/U.S. DPSA, which provides Canadian exporters with privileged access to one of the largest markets procurement markets in the world.

When Does CCC Participate in a Sale?
CCC only participates in a sale when a Canadian exporter or a foreign buyer requests CCC's involvement. When an exporter sells through CCC, foreign buyers benefit from a unique government-backed guarantee that the contract will be performed according to its terms. This marketing advantage can open doors, reinforces buyer confidence, and provides Canadian companies with the competitive edge they may need in markets where they are less known.

Benefits of Contracting through CCC

  • assures that the proposed Canadian suppliers are financially and technically capable of meeting bid specifications, contract terms and supplier warranties;
  • supplies a single point of contract for multiple-item purchases, or those involving more than one Canadian supplier;
  • offers a cost-effective, efficient alternative to lengthy international tendering processes;
  • provides convenient contract administration and monitoring;
  • facilitates access to high-quality, competitive Canadian technology and expertise;
  • establishes a means of resolving disputes over contract terms, should they arise.

Fees for Service
CCC offers a number of services on a cost-recovery basis. Under the DPSA, sales to the DoD and NASA, as well as the U.S. Bid Matching Service, are free of charge. Fees for sales to other international markets average 0.5 to 3% or higher, depending on the value, complexity and risk of the deal. For pre-shipment export financing, there is a basic application fee of $500, and a similar fee structure as above applies.

Team Canada
CCC is an integral part of the Government of Canada's trade team, offering export sales and contracting services which complement the export financing and insurance activities of> (EDC), as well as the market intelligence and promotional activities of the " DESIGNTIMEURL=" (DFAIT) and other federal departments and agencies.

CCC is an export sales agency of the Government of Canada. It is a federal Crown Corporation, established in 1946 by an Act of Parliament.

For more information on CCC, visit the Web site at

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