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Trade Data Online

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2006-07-07

To get and stay competitive, Canadian business needs strategic value-added information about target markets and products. Trade Data Online is a  product designed to facilitate access to Canadian and U.S. trade statistics by commodity (Harmonized System - HS code), industry (North American Industry Classification System - NAICS and Standard Industrial Classification - SIC codes) and geographical location. The data is obtained from Statistics Canada and the U.S. Census Bureau.


Through the Internet, Trade Data Online provides detailed information on Canadian and U.S. imports, exports and trade balances - in terms of dollars or percentages - with 200 countries for over 5 000 commodities (by HS codes) for the latest ten complete years and the current year to date. Monthly details are also available for the last two years. In a separate module, information is available on the imports, exports, trade balances, manufacturing shipments, apparent domestic markets and export intensities of Canadian industries (by NAICS and SIC codes).

The information is presented to users in report and/or graphic format, and can be printed, bookmarked or copied to a work file. With free registration on Strategis (to obtain a username and password), frequent users can also avail themselves of advanced features that allow them to create, edit and run personalized groups of reports individually or in batch. A built-in thesaurus assists users in locating codes through a powerful but easy to use keyword search.

Trade Data Online helps Canadian business be more globally competitive and provides the numbers to assist firms to make more informed business decisions, understand domestic and foreign market opportunities and create improved business and marketing plans.

Nova Scotia Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Jean Sylvestre
Industry Canada
1st Floor
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: (613) 954-5031
Fax: (613) 954-2430
Toll-free (information): 1-800-328-6189

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Last Modified: 2006-07-07 Important Notices