LCD Projector TV, LCD TV, Projection TV, or Plasma TV?

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Just curious, is there a comprehensive review for these three genres of TV: LCD projector (e.g., Panasonic PTAE300EC), Plasma TV, and LCD TV?? What are their pros and cons and which genre currecly have better C/P (cost / performance) ratio?? Here are some factors to consider:

1. video (and/or sound) quality...and max screen size.
2. Whether it can be used for TV, DVD, XBOX, and even computers (and what would be the highest resolution that can be run for computers -- browsing the Web..etc.)

3. Reliability, the maturity of the technology, and the expected life.

4. HD-TV compatibility or upgrade-ability... any other special

5. price, space-saving issues, portability issues, etc.

> Just curious, is there a comprehensive review for these three genres
> of TV: LCD projector (e.g., Panasonic PTAE300EC), Plasma TV, and LCD
> TV?? What are their pros and cons and which genre currecly have better
> C/P (cost / performance) ratio?? Here are some factors to consider:

In addition to, here are a few sources for information
about Plasma vs. LCD: (comprehensive link list for consumer electronics
Web Reviews) (Flat Panel Industry Newsletter) (reviews and links to vendors) (reviews and links to vendors)

FWIW, I've used a variety of CRT direct-view, CRT rear projection, and LCD front-projection sets over the past ten years - then a 42" Panasonic plasma - now a 50" Panasonic plasma. In my situation, the ergonomic benefits of a flat panel outweigh plasma's technical limitations and cost. I would not go back to a 'box' unless there were a very compelling reason to do so.

I understand that significant advances in LCD technology and manufacturing processes will give rise to lower priced large LCD flat panel displays within the next year or two. My sense is that as the new generation of LCD panels is perfected, it will offer image quality equal to or better than plasma with lower power consumption (heat), along with greatly reduced risk of 'burn in' from watching computer/game sources or movies that do not fill
the screen. Of course, plasma will continue to evolve, too. But it seems likely that LCD will overcome its limitations more easily than plasma - and that LCD will become the better price/performance deal of the two. (I hope others
will offer a more informed opinion on this topic.)