Government of Nova Scotia

how to start a small business

Innovation Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2005-07-28

This Info-Guide is a document designed to help you navigate through the different government and non-profit programs and services pertaining to innovation.  The selected items provide a helpful overview.  This list is not exhaustive.   Further information on each item can be obtained by contacting the organization directly or by contacting the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre at 426-8604 or 1-800-668-1010 or visiting our Web site;


1.  Provincial Services
2.  Provincial Financing
3.  Federal Services
4.  Federal Financing
5.  Non-profit
6.  Additional Info-Guides


AgriTECH Park
AgriTECH Park is a business incubation facility designed to assist in the development of businesses in the agri-biotechnology, food and aquaculture industries.
See the document AgriTECH Park Inc.

For further information, please contact:
Sharon MacKenzie
Telephone:  (902) 896-7275
Visit the Web site:

BioScience Enterprise Centre
InNOVAcorp's BioScience Enterprise Centre is a business incubation facility which enables businesses in the life sciences industry to develop commercially successful products and services.
See the document6

For further information, please contact:
BioScience Enterprise Centre
Telephone: (902) 421-2732
Visit the Web site:

Environmental Industries Branch
The Environmental Industries Branch provides assistance to Nova Scotia's environmental industries by coordinating the delivery of business assistance. The branch supports and promotes the innovative environmental industry sector in Nova Scotia by providing leadership in assisting this sector enter the global marketplace. It also leads in the development and delivery of a sustainable development program.
See the document Environmental Industries Branch

For further information, please contact:
Nova Scotia Environment and Labour
Telephone: (902) 424-5300
Visit the Web site:

InNovacorp - Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation
InNOVAcorp plays a key role in forming partnerships that will help specific industry sectors grow and helps entrepreneurs commercialize their technology.
See the document InNOVAcorp - Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation

For further information, please contact:
Toll-free: 1-800-565-7051
Telephone: (902) 424-8670
Visit the Web site:

Technology Innovation Centre
InNOVAcorp's Technology Innovation Centre is a business incubation facility which encourages and supports the growth of technology-based enterprises in Nova Scotia.  The Centre is an important part of the corporation's network of critical business resources for technology entrepreneurs -- it gives technology a place to start and grow.
See the document Technology Innovation Centre

For further information, please contact:
Faye Rose
Telephone: (902) 465-8877
Visit the Web site:


Value-Added Manufacturing Approved Program
The Value-Added Manufacturing Approved Program, an initiative of the Resource Recovery Fund Board (RRFB), provides funding towards the cost of commercializing and marketing new and innovative products, services and equipment from the waste stream.
See the document RRFB Nova Scotia Program Funding

For further information, please contact:
Rick Ramsay, Acting Chief Operating Officer
Telephone: (902) 895-7732
Visit the Web site:


Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency - Mandate
ACOA has a broad mandate for economic development in Atlantic Canada to increase the number of jobs and the earned income of Atlantic Canadians. Because new employment is the direct result of business growth, particularly among small and medium enterprises (SMEs), ACOA seeks to provide people with encouragement, advice and information, and the capital and technology they need to start and expand their own businesses.
See the document Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

For further information, please contact:
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Toll-free: 1-800-565-1228
Visit the Web site:

Canadian Innovation Centre - CIC
The Canadian Innovation Centre (CIC), which is located in Waterloo, provides evaluation, consulting and educational programs to help small and medium-sized enterprises, innovators, inventors and researchers take their ideas from the drawing board to the store shelf.  
See the document Canadian Innovation Centre - CIC

For further information, please contact:
Donna D'Argenio
Toll-free: 1-800-265-4559
Telephone: (519) 885-5870
Visit the Web site:

Can You Make Money With Your Idea or Innovation
Innovative ideas are essential to business progress. It is very difficult, however, for innovators to get the kind of financial and management support they need to realize their ideas.

This publication, aimed at inventors, and innovative owner-managers of small companies, describes the tests every idea must pass before it makes money.  
See the document Can You Make Money With Your Idea Or Invention

For further information, please contact:
Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre
Toll-free: 1-800-668-1010 (Atlantic Region Only)
Telephone: (902) 426-8604
Visit the Web site:

CRC-Communications Research Centre Canada - Innovation Centre
Since 1994, Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) has been operating an Innovation Centre that provides small (including start-ups) and medium-sized Canadian companies access to CRC technologies, expertise and specialized facilities and testbeds. For a fee, the Innovation Centre can provide furnished or unfurnished office space as well as access to laboratories and specialized equipment. The Innovation Centre also provides access to excellent networking opportunities and business resources.
See the document CRC - Communications Research Centre Canada - Innovation Centre

For further information, please contact:
Marie Lussier
Telephone: (613) 991-1635
Visit the Web site:

Innovation Management Toolkit
Developed for small and medium-sized businesses, the Innovation Management Toolkit can benefit both innovators and non-innovators. A useful resource for business intermediaries, the toolkit covers all management areas of business and includes case studies and best-practices.
See the document Innovation Management Toolkit

For further information, please contact:
Ms. Pat Oliver, Senior Policy Advisor
Telephone: (613) 998-0387 is a website for the NRC Regional Innovation Centre designed to assist technology spin-off and start-up companies. The goal of this site is to provide a one-stop solution for entrepreneurs planning to establish their own technology companies. This site contains information on all areas pertinent to spinning off or starting a technology company.
See the document NRC

For further information, please contact:
National Research Council Canada
Telephone: (613) 990-9550
Visit the Web site:


Atlantic Investment Partnership (AIP)- Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development
The Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development (EBSD) component of the AIP will respond to the challenges facing the Atlantic Canadian economy by providing more entrepreneurial opportunities and services for young people and women, by helping small business owners and their staff acquire the latest in business and technological skills, and by helping to provide career opportunities for youth within the region.
See the document  Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development (EBSD)

For further information, please contact:

Toll-free: 1-800-561-7862

Atlantic Investment Partnership (AIP) - Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF)
The Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF) finances research and development and related initiatives in the areas of natural and applied sciences, and social sciences and humanities linked explicitly to the development of technology-based products, processes or services or their commercialization. The AIF strives to strengthen the region's system of innovation.

The AIF is a $300 million, five-year federal program within the Atlantic Investment Partnership framework designed to strengthen the economy of Atlantic Canada by accelerating the development of knowledge-based industry.
See the document Atlantic Investment Partnership (AIP) - Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF)

For further information, please contact:
Rob McDonald
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency  Nova Scotia - Regional Office
Toll-free: 1-800-565-1228
Telephone: (902) 426-5471
Visit the Web site:

Business Development Program
The ACOA Business Development Program provides assistance to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Atlantic Canada to start-up, expand, modernize and become more competitive.  Non-profit organizations providing support to the business community may also qualify.
See the document Business Development Program

For further information, please contact:
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Toll-free: 1-800-668-1010
Visit the Website:

Canada Foundation for Innovation
The CFI is an independent, non-profit corporation established by the Government of Canada in 1997. The foundation's goal is to strengthen the capacity for innovation in Canadian universities and research institutions to carry out world class research and development activities. By investing in research infrastructure projects, the CFI supports research excellence, and helps strengthen research training at institutions across Canada.
For more information - Canada Foundation for Innovation

For further information, please contact:
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Telephone: (613) 947-6496
Visit the Web site:

Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs)
Atlantic Canada's 41 CBDCs are a strategic and effective community-based development infrastructure. The programs and services they deliver are aimed at helping entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada get the information, advice, and capital they need to make their businesses succeed.
See the document Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs)

For further information, please contact:
Maurice Levesque
Telephone: (506) 851-6981
Visit the Web site:

Industrial Research Assistance Program - IRAP
This program is currently under review.
The Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) is designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) meet the unique challenges they face in the research and development of new products, processes and services. IRAP offers a range of services designed to help SMEs access key resources, expert advice, new technologies, testing facilities, and financial assistance at the right time and in the right place.
See the document NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)

For further information, please contact:
National Research Council
Toll-free: 1-877-994-4727
Telephone: (902) 426-3138
Visit the Web site:

Innovation Financing Solution
In order to support innovative companies, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) has developed Innovation Financing Solution (up to $250 000), a new product designed to fund projects to develop e-business, explore new export markets, and to cover the costs of R & D associated with the introduction of new products and services.
See the document Innovation Financing Solution

For further information, please contact:
Business Development Bank of Canada
Toll-free: 1-877-BDC BANX (1-877-232-2269)
Visit the Web site:

Technology Partnerships Canada
Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) is a technology investment fund. TPC advances and supports research, development and innovation in: environmental technologies; enabling technologies (advanced manufacturing and processing technologies, advanced materials processes and applications, applications of biotechnology, and applications of selected information technologies); aerospace and defense.
See the document Technology Partnerships Canada

For further information, please contact:
Technology Partnerships Canada
Toll-free: 1-800-266-7531
Visit the Web site:


Entrepreneurs' Forum
Encouraging and supporting entrepreneurs help provide Atlantic Canada with the new innovative and knowledge-based businesses critical to developing a strong economy. Entrepreneurs' Forum, a non-profit organization, comprised of volunteers from the business and professional community, provides that support by giving timely, practical and expert advice during key stages of a new or existing business.

For further information, please contact:
Phone: (902) 492-7600
Toll Free: 1-866-492-7600
Fax: (902) 484-6637
Visit the web site:

Information Technology Human Resource Sector Council
The Information Technology Human Resources Council is a non-profit organization (established in 2000) to help Nova Scotia develop its human resources in information technology. The Council works through field representatives in communities throughout the Province. We help small businesses plan for and find qualified IT workers and interns, and we help people find learning resources, work and internships in IT.

For further information, please contact:
David Sable
Telephone: (902) 463-7482
Visit the Web site:

Women Inventors Project
The Women Investors Project is a non-profit organization working to increase the number of successful inventors and entrepreneurs in Canada. The project supports the innovative and scientific endeavours of Canadian women through programs that educate and heighten public awareness.

For further information, please contact:
Women Inventors Project
Toll-free: 1-877-863-2471
Telephone: (905) 731-0328


See the document - Aboriginal Info-Guide

See the document - Arts and Culture Info-Guide

See the document - Business Start-Up Info-Guide

See the document - Co-operatives Info-Guide

See the document - E-Business Info-Guide

See the document - Employment and Training Info-Guide

See the document - Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Info-Guide

See the document - Exporting Info-Guide

See the document - Financing Info-Guide

See the document - Government Procurement Info-Guide

See the document - Importing Info-Guide

See the document - Library Guide

See the document - Non-Profit Info-Guide

See the document - Taxation Info-Guide

See the document - Young Entrepreneurs Info-Guide

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

© 2004 Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre, All Rights Reserved.

Last Modified: 2005-10-11