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Found 124 documents listed under the keyword Tourism

ABCs of Financial Performance Measures and Benchmarks for Canada's Tourism Sector

Aboriginal Cultural Tourism: Checklist for Success - How to Develop a Successful Cultural Tourism Business

Accounting Systems and Financial Management Information for the Hospitality Industry

Adventure Travel and Ecotourism Best Practices Tour 2000

American Tourism Market : Evolution to 2010

American Travel to Canada - The market to 2010

Analysis of Developments in Tourism Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean Region : Occasional Research Report

Analysis of the Problem Loans at Asian Banks: Trends, Issues and Implications - Occasional Research Report

Analysis of the Seasonal Variation in the National Tourism Indicators - Research Report 1999-1

Annual Survey of Travel Agencies, Tour Operators : Research Report 1999-2

Asia Pacific Region in the Global Economy: A Canadian Perspective

Atlantic Business Magazine: Volume 16, No. 2 March/April 2005

Atlantic Canada Meetings, Convention and Incentive Travel Project - A Product and Market Assessment

Atlantic Canada Meetings, Convention and Incentive Travel Project - Executive Summary Report

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency - Report to Parliament 1993 - 1998

Atlantic Canada Tour Planner

Business Case for Growing Tourism in Nova Scotia

Business Outlook : Spring 2002 - Domestic and International Travel to Canada

Campground Information Kit

Canada Select Accommodation Guide 2005

Canadian Almanac and Directory 2006

Canadian Domestic Travel Strategic Marketing Plan for 1999/2000

Canadian Ecotourism Market 2002

Canadian Tourism Facts & Figures 2001

Catalogue of Exemplary Practices in Adventure Travel and Ecotourism

Compendium of Atlantic Canada Tourism Industry Statistics : 1998

Demand for Aboriginal Culture Products in Key European Markets 2000

Demand for Aboriginal Tourism Products in the Canadian and American Markets

Developing Recreation Trails in Nova Scotia

Doers' & Dreamers' Guide- This is Nova Scotia 2006

Environmentally Safer Products for the Accommodation Industry

Festivals & Events Guide: This is Nova Scotia - Canada's Seacoast 2005

First Nations Effective Practices: Getting Things Done in Aboriginal Communities, Businesses and Organizations

Food & Drink Guide 2005

Golf Nova Scotia: Travel Guide 2004

Greater Halifax Visitor Guide 2005

Green Hotels Association website on energy-efficiency for accommodations industry

Guide to Community Tourism Planning in Nova Scotia

Guide to Marketing Your Nova ScotiaTourism Business

Guide to Starting and Operating a Campground Business in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating a Commercial or Community Attraction in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating a Local Sightseeing Tour Business in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating a Local Visitor Information Centre in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating a Receptive Tour Operator Business in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating a Restaurant Business in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating a Retail Tourism Business in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating an Accommodation Business in Nova Scotia

Guide to Starting and Operating an Adventure Tourism Business in Nova Scotia

Hotel Association Canada: Access Canada Training Program

Hotel Association Canada: Canadian Hospitality for Chinese Guests

How to Package and Market Music Learning Vacations

How to Start a Home Based Travel Agency

International Travel Forecasts : Spring 1999 Update - Research Report

International Travel Forecasts 2000-2004

International Travel Forecasts 2002: Fourth Quarter Update

Internet Marketing for Your Tourism Business

Introductory Guide to European Markets

Japanese Visitor Survey : Final Report

Leading Spas of Canada

Learning Travel : Canadian ed-ventures : learning vacations in Canada : an overview. Volume 1

Market Intellegence Profile of China

NAFTA and The Sporting and Recreational Equipment Sector

National Tourism Indicators

National Tourism Indicators : Historical Estimates - 1986 to 1995

National Tourism Indicators : Quarterly Estimates First Quarter 2000

Nature & Outdoor Lovers' Guide: This is Nova Scotia - Canada's Seacoast 2004

New Brunswick Directory of Manufacturers and Selected Services to Industry - 2001

New Brunswick Directory of Manufacturers and Selected Services to Industry - 2002

Nova Scotia Bed & Breakfasts Association - 2002 Register

Nova Scotia Business Idea Explorer, The

Nova Scotia Business Journal

Nova Scotia Golf Tourism Development Study - July 1996

Nova Scotia Packaging Guide for Tourism Operators

Nova Scotia Product Market Match Study : Technical Report

Nova Scotia Tourism Occupancy Rates & Economic Impact 2002-2003

Nova Scotia Tourism Statistical Review - 1998

Nova Scotia Visitor Exit Study 2004

Nova Scotia Visitor Exit Survey - 2000

Nova Scotia Visitor Traffic Flows - 2000

Nova Scotia Visitor Traffic Report - 2000

NS Tourism & Culture : Tourism Industry Facts - 2001

On the Path to Success : Lessons from Canadian Adventure Travel and Ecotourism Operators

Operational Guidelines for Tourism Projects -- ACOA Business Development Program

Opportunity - Profile of the Western Valley Region of Nova Scotia 1998-99

Packaging the Potential: Discovering Heritage Tourism - Practical Ideas for the Tourism Industry

Pent-up Demand Expectd to Contribute to Travel Recovery - CTC Tourism Intelligence Bulletin - Issue 21: March 2004

Perspectives on Labour and Income/Summer 2005 Volume 17. No. 2

Pleasure Travel Markets to North America : Germany - Canadian Highlights Report

Pocket Facts : Canada - Economic Indicators & Canada's Merchandise Trade

Premier Spas of Ontario

Product Catalogue for the Canadian Tourism Industry

Profile of Canada's Travel Agencies and Tour Operators

Regional Profile of the Eastern Shore - June 1998

Research Issues Facing the Canadian Tourism Industry : Occasional Paper

Scandinavian Travel to Canada 1991-1998

Short-Term Markets Outlook

SMP Training for tourism industry is moving to Qualicum, B.C.

Specialty Travel & Tours (Start-Up Guide)

Start and Run a Profitable Bed & Breakfast

Start and Run a Profitable Tour Guiding Business : Part-time, Full-time, at home or abroad : your step-by-step business plan

Study on Incentive Travel to Canada for Selected European Markets

Study on the Tourism Market Prospects for Canada in Italy

Survey of Nova Scotia Hiking Trail Users

Swiss Long-Haul Travellers - March 1996

Tips for Business Travellers - Australia

Tourism: Canada's Tourism Business Magazine

Tourism Facts Flash

Tourism Industry Facts 2002 Nova Scotia

Tourism Insights - Newsletters

Tourism Partnership Council 2002 Report Card

Tourism Partnership Opportunities 2005 Nova Scotia

Tourism Statistical Digest

Tourist Accomodation Information Package

Towards Financial Performance Measures and Benchmarks for the Canadian Tourism Sector

Train the Trainer : Leader's Manual

Train the Trainer : Participant Manual

Travel Forecast 2000 : Twenty-One Questions for the 21st Century

U.S. Business Travel Marketing Program 1996/97 Operational Plan

U.S. Leisure 2001/2002 Participation Kit

U.S. Segment Tracking and Evaluation Study

Visit to Canada,s Countryside : Rural Tourism

Winter Tourism in Canada : A Research Snapshot

Youth Tourism in Canada : A Situational Analysis of an Overlooked Market

2004 Nova Scotia Visitor Exit Study - Regional Report

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