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Canada Business - Online Small Business Workshop

Serve Unique Client Groups

Unique client groups can be served by adapting or tailoring an existing product to meet the special needs of a particular group of potential customers. In some cases, meeting the needs of a unique client group may involve creating a new product especially for them. The needs of these groups could relate to characteristics (left-handed, overweight, disabled), lifestyles (occupation, leisure activities, income, age), owned assets (cars, boats, houses) or other factors.

Some Examples

  1. An existing educational, recreational or other community service may be offered in a foreign language to meet the needs of a particular ethnic group.

  2. A store was established to supply products for left-handed people.

  3. A woman opened a laser-engraving service where boat-owners could bring glasses, dishes, cutlery and other objects and equipment to have them personalized.

How To Do It

  1. To find a unique client group you would like to serve:
    • analyse the Yellow Pages to find groups with specific interests, activities or occupations (truckers, sports groups, doctors, brides, seniors);
    • check with your local Canada Business or library for directories of associations;
    • analyse newspaper stories to identify special interest groups;
    • observe unique sections of your city (ethnic areas, for example, or areas with large numbers of retired people or young children);
    • identify groups which live in remote or unique regions; or
    • analyse magazines produced for special interest groups.

  2. Analyse the special needs of a group by studying the unique characteristics of the people and observing their activities.

  3. Identify products and services which are not offered to unique groups, or are not well-tailored to their needs.

  4. Find products, services, resources or assets that can be adapted to meet a group's special needs, or create new products for a group.

  5. Talk to members of the client group to determine whether there is a market for the product or service you have in mind.

Key Questions

Where can I find a group of people with special needs that are not being addressed by the marketplace?

What unique group of people could I serve with specialized products or services?

What product/service could I modify to better serve the group I want to serve?

Have I talked with the people for whom I am considering providing a specialized product to determine whether there is a market for it?

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