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Exporting Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2006-06-22

This Info-Guide is a document designed to help you navigate through the different government programs, services and regulations and identify those of interest. The selected items provide a helpful overview. This list is not exhaustive. Further information on each item can be obtained by contacting the organization directly or by contacting the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre at 426-8604 or 1-800-668-1010 or visiting our Web site: Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre .


  1. Training and Export Counselling
  2. Export Financing & Wage Subsidies
  3. Sources of Trade Information
  4. Trade Information Products - Web Sites
  5. Trade Information Products - Sourcing Products
  6. Trade Information Products - Statistical Products
  7. Trade Information Products - Publications/Video
  8. Regulations
  9. Additional Info-Guides


International Trade Canada Regional Offices - ITC

The regional offices (ROs) of International Trade Canada (ITCAN) can help direct you to the existing products and services that relate to your particular exporting needs. Their mandate is to work within the Team Canada Inc (TCI) partnership to substantially increase the number of Canadian exporters, to expand and diversify exports and to support the investment initiatives of Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

For further information:
Please call (902) 426-7540
See the document International Trade Canada (Regional Offices)
Visit the Web site:

Agri-Food Trade Service - Agriculture and Agri-food Canada

The Agri-Food Trade Service (ATS) provides simplified centralized access to international market information and intelligence, export trade counselling and export support activities, which will take the exporter from initial enquiry to foreign market.

For further information:
Please call (902) 426-6151
See the document Agri-Food Trade Service (ATS)
Visit the Web site:

Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (ATIP) - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

The Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (ATIP), an important component of the Atlantic Investment Partnership, seeks to ensure that new and existing exporters are equipped with the requisite export skills and opportunities for successful market entry and sustained export activity and that new initiatives are implemented to attract increased Foreign Direct Investment.

The initiative draws on the following five key elements:

  • Team Canada Atlantic Trade Missions
  • Sector Export Strategies
  • Trade Education and Skills Development
  • Export Internship for Trade Graduates
  • Atlantic Investment Strategy

For further information:
Call: 1-800-565-1228
See the document Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (ATIP)

Export USA - International Trade Canada

Export USA consists of three programs:

  • NEBS, or the New Exporters to Border States Program, is a key export education tool offered by trade offices in the U.S. that targets Canadian companies not yet exporting to the United States. NEBS provides companies with vital practical orientation by introducing them to the essentials of exporting as well as by giving them first-hand exposure to markets located in U.S. border states.
  • EXTUS, or Exporters to the United States program, is a program similar to NEBS that serves Canadian companies already exporting to the U.S. border states. Formerly known as NEBS Plus, EXTUS focuses on expanding the markets of successful Canadian exporters to other regions of the United States.
  • The Reverse NEBS program serves Canadian companies not yet exporting to the United States by providing informative seminars in Canada on the essentials of exporting.

For further information or for a listing of upcoming NEBS/EXTUS missions:
Please call (902) 426-7540
See the document ExportUSA
Visit the Web site:

Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)

FITT provides interested exporters with the training and skills necessary to compete in the international market. FITT programs and services include:

  • FITTskills is a comprehensive package of courses consisting of eight individual modules focusing on the day-to-day mechanics of international business, including entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, logistics, market entry and distribution, research, legal aspects and trade management.
  • FITT's Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process allows individuals to obtain recognition for previous education and experience in international trade by challenging any of the FITTskills program modules.
  • AgFITT is an export training program designed for small and medium sized companies in the agri-food industry focused on the unique aspects of exporting agri-food products. The program consists of a series of workshops, workplace assignments, and instructor support via telephone.
  • FITTservices is a six workshop professional development program for people in the services sector who wish to develop skills in exporting services.
  • EntrepriseFITT offers organizations the expertise and experience available through FITT to deliver high quality, concrete, applicable and company or organization-specific training products and services that increase performance and bring results.
  • Certified International Trade Professional (C.I.T.P.) is the Canadian, national mark of excellence in international trade practice which guarantees competence and signifies professional status. It signifies practical, theoretical and experiential know-how in the complex and high risk business of international trade.

Note: Many community colleges and some boards of education offer courses in international marketing and import/export methods. Several universities operate Centres for International Business Studies or offer international business oriented MBA programs. Industry and trade associations offer various seminars on trade.

For further information:
Please call 1-800-561-FITT (3488) or fax /e-mail your request to (613) 230-6808 /
See the document Forum for International Trade Training - FITT Inc.
Visit the Web site:

Trade Commissioner Service - International Trade Canada

Part of International Trade Canada, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service is a network of more than 900 trade professionals working in Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates located in 140 cities around the world and 12 regional offices across Canada.

In Canada, trade commissioners working in regional offices provide practical advice on marketing strategies and up to date market and sector information to help smooth a Canadian company’s path to doing business abroad.

Trade commissioners working our offices around the world help Canadian companies in development of their international business, including investigating market prospects, identifying key contacts and providing relevant advice and market intelligence.

For further information or to obtain a copy of the Trade Commissioner Directory:
Please call the Enquiries Services Centre at 1-800-267-8376, (613) 944-9136 (TTY)
See the document The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service - TCS
Visit the Web site:

Trade Team Nova Scotia- associated with Team Canada Inc

Trade Team Nova Scotia is a federal, provincial, and private sector group dedicated to helping Nova Scotian companies export their products and services.

For further information:
Please call 1-888-811-1119
Visit the Web site:


Business Development Program (BDP) - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Through its Business Development Program, ACOA provides interest-free, unsecured business loans to certain business types: information technology and knowledge-based businesses, manufacturing and processing, aquaculture, tourism and businesses that provide a service to business. It does not finance retail, wholesale, purchase of an existing business, services of a personal nature, real estate or government services. Representatives are located throughout the Province.
See the document Business Development Program

For the representative nearest you:
Please call a Business Information Officer at the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre at 426-8604 or 1-800-668-1010 (Press 1 and 2)
Visit the Web site:

In Cape Breton , ACOA's programs are delivered by the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation.
Visit the Web site:

Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) provides Canadian exporters with a range of export sales and contracting services which enhances their access to market opportunities and significantly increases their ability to land export sales on improved terms. Here are examples of the type of financing available at CCC:

International Prime Contractor Service

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) offers Canadian companies a range of export contracting services that support business growth through exports. These services help Canadian exporters close sales on the best possible terms and conditions, including waived performance bonds and advanced payment guarantees, in markets around the world.
See the document International Prime Contractor Service

Sales to the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) specializes in sales to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and NASA, and is responsible for maintaining the Canada/U.S. Defense Production Sharing Arrangement (DPSA). This service provides Canadian exporters with privileged access to one of the largest procurement markets in the world. See the document Sales to the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA

For further information:
Please call 1-800-748-8191
Visit the Web site:

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

CIDA is designated as a department for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act by Order-in-Council P.C. 1968-923 of May 8, 1968. The authority for the CIDA program and related purposes is found in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act, in the Annual Appropriations Act and in the International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act. CIDA is the lead government organization responsible for Canada's Official Development Assistance (ODA) and reports to Parliament through the Minister for International Cooperation.

Here are examples of the type of financing available at CIDA:

Industrial Cooperation Program (INC)

CIDA provides risk reduction to Canadian firms through cost sharing; costs unique to doing business in developing countries and transition countries. CIDA-INC also shares costs associated with providing training and ensuring social development, gender equality, and a clean environment. Support is provided for both the study and implementation stages of projects through the following mechanisms:

Investment mechanism – This supports firms that seek to invest in, and establish a long-term business relationship with, a local counterpart to produce goods or provide services.

Professional services mechanism – This supports consulting firms that seek to participate in infrastructure projects with positive development impacts in the host country.

Development Information Program (DIP)

The Development Information Program (DIP) financially supports the development of mass media and educational initiatives aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of international development and international cooperation issues among Canadians

For further information:
Please call 1-800-230-6349
Visit the Web site:

Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation

Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) assists in the financing and development of industry on Cape Breton Island and a portion of mainland Nova Scotia in and around the town of Mulgrave. The Corporation is charged with the responsibility for promoting and assisting the financing and development of industry in the region, providing employment outside the coal-producing sector and broadening the base of the local economy.

For further information:
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
70 Crescent Street
P.O. Box 1750
Sydney, Nova Scotia  B1P 6T7
Telephone: (902) 564-3600
Fax: (902) 564-3825
Toll-free (information): 1-800-705-3926
Web site:

See the document Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation

Financing Services for Smaller Business Exporters - Export Development Canada

Export Development Canada (EDC) helps Canadian exporters compete in world markets by providing a wide range of financial and risk management services, such as export credit insurance, financing to foreign buyers of Canadian goods and services and guarantees. EDC's Emerging Exporter Team can deliver a range of financial services to small exporters.

For further information:
Please call 1-866-283-2957
See the document Export Development Canada
Visit the Web site:

For additional information on EDC's financial and risk management services:
See the document NORTHSTAR Trade Finance Inc.
See the document Export Receivables Insurance
See the document Financing Services for Smaller Capital Goods Exporters

Innovation Loans - Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

Today's small businesses must offer state-of-the-art, original and improved products to increasingly demanding clients. The BDC has created the Innovation Loan to help innovative businesses position themselves to take advantage of new markets and new technologies available to today's global players. This new loan will help businesses adapt to ever-changing rules, develop new practices, and invent new products to improve their chances of success. It's a one-word winning strategy: Innovation.
See the document Innovation Financing Solution

There are four locations in Nova Scotia. For the BDC nearest you, call: 1-877-232-2269.
Visit the web site:

Nova Scotia Business Inc.

This organization provides loans and loan guarantees mainly to manufacturing, processing and technology based industries, although businesses in many other sectors are also eligible. Not eligible are: charitable clubs and organizations; residential or rental accommodation, except for tourist facilities; lending, financial and insurance businesses; real estate development; retail, wholesale and construction; taverns, lounges, billiard halls and similar establishments.

For further information
Please call (902) 424-6650
Toll-free within Nova Scotia: 1-877-297-2124
Toll-free within North America: 1-800-260-6682 (NOVA)
See the document Business Financing
Visit the web site:

Trade Fairs and Missions - International Trade Canada

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, as part of the International Trade Canada (ITCAN), and other member departments of Team Canada Inc, supports a number of trade fairs and trade missions. These fairs and missions help Canadian companies expand their interests in global markets. Market information, financial assistance and assistance with the logistical details associated with participating in these events are provided by Team Canada Inc member departments, freeing a company to concentrate on its marketing efforts.

For further information:
Please call (902) 426-7540
Visit the Web site:

Trade Routes - Canadian Heritage

Trade Routes provides Canada ’s arts and cultural entrepreneurs with access to the full range of government trade programs and services that operate under the Team Canada Inc. banner. It helps arts and cultural organizations and entrepreneurs to strategically increase their export capacity and sell in international markets. Support is available across all cultural sectors: performing arts; visual arts; film/video; broadcasting/television; music and sound recording; publishing; design; crafts; heritage restoration and preservation; and new media.

Trade Routes has two objectives: to assist arts and cultural entrepreneurs to become more “export-ready” for international markets, and to assist them in increasing trade in arts and cultural products and services.

For further information:
Toll-free: 1-866-999-7233
Visit the Web site:


Team Canada Inc. - Export Information Service - International Trade Canada

The toll-free Team Canada Inc export information service connects businesses to the full range of government export services and expertise. Whether you are currently exporting or new to the opportunities of global markets, this service will make it easier to find the right program, service or expert to consult. Your call is answered by a trained information agent ready to provide answers to your questions and transfer your call directly to the many export services available. The service is available Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 5:00 in every time zone in Canada through the network of Canada Business Service Centres.

For further information:
Please call Team Canada Inc at 1-888-811-1119
See the document Team Canada Inc
Visit the Web site:

For further information on the Canada Business Service Centres:
Please call 1-800-668-1010
See the document Canada Business
Visit the Web site:

Atlantic Canada Food Export Partnership

Founded in 1998, the Atlantic Canada Export Club is an industry directed organization that provides the tools for member to work together to facilitate export growth and development. Membership is open to any individual, company or organization involved in the agri-products, seafood, horticulture, or health food industry within Atlantic Canada; or any service provider with dealings with one or more of these industries within Atlantic Canada. The Club provides: a venue for members to share personal exporting experiences; networking opportunities; information about various export markets and opportunities; transportation information; forum to work toward resolving trade issues.

For further information:
Contact: (902) 894-5015
Visit the Web site:

CMHC International - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

CMHC International supports and promotes the export of Canadian housing products, systems, and expertise by identifying market opportunities and providing practical information and advice to the housing industry.

For further information:
Please call (902) 426-3530 or 1-800-668-2642
See the document CMHC International
Visit the Web site:

Enquiries Services Centre - International Trade Canada

The Enquiries Services Centre offers information, reference and consultation services to Canadian exporters, to companies interested in international markets and to anyone interested in Canadian foreign policy. Callers can request general information, counselling and publications on trade, foreign policy and consular services.

For further information:
Please call the Enquiries Services Centre at 1-800-267-8376, (613) 944-9136 (TTY)
See the document Enquiries Service
Visit the Web site:


Businesswomen in Trade - International Trade Canada

"Businesswomen in Trade" Web site provides a unique focal point on the Internet for Canadian businesswomen. The site was created to support businesswomen with information relevant to exporting and export activities. It provides an Internet entry point to a wealth of information on how to prepare for and to succeed in the export marketplace, including direct links to other useful Internet resources and sources of information of interest to Canadian businesswomen.

For further information:
Please call (613) 996-4785
See the document Businesswomen in Trade
Visit the Web site:

Carnet - The Canadian Chamber of Commerce

A single Carnet enables you to visit an unlimited number of ATA (Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission) countries during its one-year period of validity. You do not need to have your goods with you; they can be sent ahead if you prefer. Your goods can also enter and leave countries at different points. The ATA Carnet is a simple international customs document with two vouchers for presentation for each foreign country you wish to visit, and two vouchers for presentation to customs when leaving and returning to Canada.

For further information:
Please call (613) 238-4000 or 1-800-661-2930
Visit the Web site:

ExportSource - Team Canada Inc

ExportSource(Export Source) is Team Canada Inc's on-line resource for Canadian businesses seeking export information. This unique tool provides a one-stop shop for new and experienced exporters, with access to multiple sources of export-related information. Trade information from over 800 government and private links is brought directly to your work space to find the information you need, on everything from foreign markets, trade statistics and export financing to the logistics of delivery, trade shows, export missions and sources of assistance. The Web site is a federal government partnership initiative between numerous departments and agencies.

For further information:
Please call Team Canada Inc at 1-888-811-1119
See the document ExportSource
Visit the Web site:

Export Readiness Program - Team Canada Inc.

The Export Readiness Program is a software that you download to verify your level of preparation. It helps potential exporters in identifying, in a systematic and objective way, internal organizational structure, and product strengths and weaknesses in terms of export potential.

For further information or to order a copy of this diskette:
Please call Export Information Services at 1-888-811-1119, (613) 941-0126 or (TTY) 1-800-457-8466
See the document Export Diagnostic
Visit the Web site:

InfoExport - International Trade Canada

InfoExport is the International Trade web site of the International Trade Canada. The InfoExport web site is designed to help Canadian companies in their efforts to export. Through this site, you will find information and services to help you measure your export potential, prepare for a new foreign market, and develop and implement a market entry strategy. Step by step, InfoExport will direct you to service points and additional sources of information on topics such as training programs, financial assistance, business opportunities, and trade related activities. You will also find a series of sector-specific market reports which are extremely useful in preparing your export plan.

For further information:
Please call 1-800-267-8376
See the document  The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service - TCS
Visit the Web site:

Interactive Export Planner - Team Canada Inc

The Interactive Export Planner (IEP) is a computer software program that uses the capabilities of the Internet to assist you in preparing an export plan or an export-focused business plan for a new or existing business. With the Interactive Export Planner, you will:
- be guided through each section of your plan using a question and answer format;
- learn definitions and tips, and view sample plans to help you to write your own plan;
- have financial projections prepared for you, based upon the information you provide; and
- use the power of the Internet to assist you in researching your export plan or business plan.

For further information:
Please call Team Canada Inc at 1-888-811-1119
See the document Interactive Export Planner - IEP
Visit the Web site:

Strategis- Trade, Investment - Industry Canada

Strategis is Industry Canada 's Web site of business information. It provides you with the latest information on Canada 's industries, export opportunities, international intelligence and business contacts, new technologies and processes, and much more to further develop and expand markets, create alliances and find new clients. The International Business Opportunities, Trade and Investment category of Strategis has valuable information to assist you in your export research and planning.

The Strategis Hotline can respond to general inquiries about Strategis; provide technical support to access Strategis; provide navigation aid and provide assistance to register and update Canadian Company Capabilities records.

For further information:
Please call 1-800-328-6189 or e-mail:
See the document Strategis
Visit the Web site:

Export Your Services...Take a World View! - Industry Canada

Take a World View is a comprehensive information site for service exporters. This export-readiness tool will help you in any stage of your operation, from shedding light on exporting services, to helping you prepare the tools to export your services, to stepping onto the world stage.

Toll-free: 1-888-811-1119
TTY: 1-800-457-8466
See the document Export Your Services...Take a World View
Visit the Web site:


Directory of Aboriginal Exporters - International Trade Canada

A directory of Aboriginal small - and medium-sized enterprises that are exporting, export-prepared, or export-oriented.

For further information or to obtain a copy of the Directory:
Please call the International Trade Canada at 1-800-267-8376
See the document Directory of Aboriginal Exporters
Visit the Web site:

Canadian Company Capabilities - Industry Canada

Canadian Company Capabilities is an on-line database which profiles approximately 40,000 Canadian companies. It offers free registration to Canadian companies and is available globally through Strategis, Industry Canada 's Internet site. This database contains vital company information that can be searched to locate Canadian suppliers and distribution channels, to determine competition, to form partnerships and to uncover export ventures. Registration is voluntary and free of charge. Companies are encouraged to register electronically.

Companies that do not have Internet access should contact 1-800-328-6189, or fax their request to (613) 954-1894 to obtain a registration form.

See the document Canadian Company Capabilities
Visit the Web site:

Virtual Trade Commissioner (VTC) - International Trade Canada

The Virtual Trade Commissioner (VTC) is your personal gateway to the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. Over 30,000 qualified Canadian exporters of goods and services take advantage of this internal government computer database (formerly known as WIN Exports). The VTC provides your company with access to market information, international business opportunities, and much more. Registration to the VTC is free.

DFAIT trade staff around the world and Team Canada partners across Canada use the VTC for their marketing activities and tracking of their client companies. These include recruiting for trade shows and missions and delivering market information and intelligence. DFAIT employees and the International Business Opportunities Centre (IBOC) also use the database to answer foreign trade enquiries annually.

To receive your personalized VTC, all you have to do is register as a client of the Trade Commissioner Service by completing the registration form, available at

Note: WIN Exports is now part of the Virtual Trade Commissioner service.

For further information :
Please call 1-800-267-8376
See the document  The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service - TCS

6. TRADE INFORMATION PRODUCTS - Statistical Products

Trade Data - Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada maintains records related to sales, inventories and operating data for retail and wholesale businesses and the number and value of new motor vehicles sold in Canada. Statistics Canada also maintains detailed trade date by commodity or industry and records related to exports and imports on a customs basis. Statistics Canada has the following trade analyzers products:

  • World Trade Atlas - Canada Edition is a data and software product providing up to five years of the most recent data on 18,000 import and 6,000 export commodities with 250 of Canada 's trade partners:
  • The World Trade Analyzer (WTA) shows international trade flows (exports and imports of goods), created from adjusted data reported by United Nations members countries. This database includes nearly 20 years of annual data on trade in over 800 commodities among 180 trade partners:

For further information:
Please call 1-800-263-1136
See the document Trade Data and Statistics
Online Catalogue:

Trade Data Online - Industry Canada

Trade Data Online is an information database accessible through Strategis. This database provides Canadian, US and European Union trade statistics by commodity (HS Code), industry (SIC Code) and geographical location. This product provides annual information on the value of imports and domestic exports in terms of dollars or percentages with over 200 countries for over 5,000 commodities and over 500 industries for the latest five complete years and the current year to date. Month to month information is also available for the last two years.

For further information:
Please call Strategis Hotline at 1-800-328-6189
See the document Trade Data Online
Visit the Web site:


CanadExport - International Trade Canada

CanadExport is a bilingual, online trade newsletter published twice each month by International Trade Canada. This publication covers many topics, including, but not limited to: current trade-related stories, trade fairs, Canada-US trade relations and best practices. CanadExport is available through an email subscription.

For further information:
Please call 1-800-267-8376
View CanadExport online:

Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting - Team Canada Inc

The Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting is designed to give you an understanding of the realities of exporting and to provide you with solid, straightforward information on how to assess your export capabilities. It also steers you through the process of planning and executing your first exporting venture.

For further information:
Please call 1-888-811-1119
See the document Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting
A companion product to A Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting is available on ExportSource at


Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) - Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA

The proposed Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a graduated system of administrative monetary penalties for failure to comply with Customs legislative, regulatory or program requirements. It will provide a flexible and effective sanctions regime necessary to ensure and preserve the public trust in the fairness and integrity of the Customs program.

For further information:
Please call 1-800-461-9999
See the document Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
Visit the Web site:

Border Information Service (BIS) - Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA

BIS is an automated telephone service providing information on customs-related topics such as: personal importing; travellers' exemptions; commercial importing and exporting; currency exchange rates; postal importing and refunds; CANPASS; Free Trade Agreements (North American, Israël, and Chile ); customs news and current events specific to each calling area.

For further information:
Please call 1-800-461-9999
See the document Border Information Service - BIS
Visit the Web site:

Business Number - Importer/Exporter Account Number - Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA

All Canadian individuals or businesses exporting on a commercial basis must obtain a business number in order to account for their goods. Canada Customs & Revenue Agency uses this number to identify a business and to process Customs accounting documents. Application forms are available from all Canada Customs & Revenue Agency offices that clear commercial shipments, and from Business Window sites, where you may also submit completed forms.

For further information:
Please call your nearest Canada Customs & Revenue Agency Business Window Office at 1 800-959-5525
See the document Business Number - BN
See the document Business Window - Supplement
See the document Importer/Exporter Account Number
Visit the Web site:

Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods - Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA

Some government departments prohibit certain goods from entering or leaving Canada. Certain other goods are controlled, meaning that permits, certificates, labelling or authorizations from a federal department are needed before the goods can be released by Canada Customs & Revenue Agency, which holds them until the importer or exporter meets all the requirements.

For further information, or for a listing of federal departments which control certain goods:
Please call 1-800-461-9999
See the document Requirements for Imports and Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods - Other Federal Government Departments
Visit the Web site:

Export and Import Permits Act - Export Permits - International Trade Canada

Export Permits are required when the destination is a country on the Area Control List or when the goods are on the Export Control List. The Export Controls Division of International Trade Canada provides assistance to exporters in determining if export permits are required and publishes brochures and Notices to Exporters that are freely available on request.

For further information:
Please call the Export Controls Division of International Trade Canada at (613) 996-2387, fax your request to (613) 996-9933.
See the document Export Permits
Visit the Web site:

Reporting of Exports - Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA

Using Form B13A, Export Declaration, exporters must report commercial shipments valued at CAN $2,000 or more that are shipped to a foreign country other than the United States, as well as any goods being shipped through the United States to another country. Exporters must also submit a permit or certificate when shipping controlled, regulated or prohibited goods that require a permit, license or certificate. Exporters can now use the Canadian Automated Export Declaration (CAED) program to electronically report goods. The CAED program can be found at the Internet address below.

For further information:
Please call your nearest Border Information Service office at 1-800-461-9999
See the document Reporting of Exports
See the document Customs Offices - Supplement
Visit the Web site:

Temporary Importation/Exportation Programs - Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA

All goods entering Canada, even those being imported temporarily or those goods which were exported temporarily, are subject to duty and tax on their full value, unless there is a provision to relieve the duties and taxes owing.

For further information:
Please call 1-800-461-9999
See the document Temporary Importation/Exportation Programs
Visit the Web site:

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

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Last Modified: 2006-06-26 Important Notices