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Committees House of Commons
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House of Commons Committees
Select a Session:
39th Parliament
1st 03/04/2006
38th Parliament
1st 04/10/2004-29/11/2005
37th Parliament
3rd 02/02/2004-23/05/2004
2nd 30/09/2002-12/11/2003
1st 29/01/2001-16/09/2002
36th Parliament
2nd 12/10/1999-22/10/2000
1st 22/09/1997-18/09/1999
35th Parliament
2nd 27/02/1996-27/04/1997
1st 17/01/1994-02/02/1996
Reports and Responses

A standing, special or legislative committee may make its views known to the House and brings forward recommendations on matters it has studied by presenting a report to the House. Under Standing Order 109, a standing or special committee may request that the government table a comprehensive response to its report within 120 days of the presentation of the report.

For more information about committee reports and government responses, please consult Committees - A Practical Guide.

Table of Contents

  • Legislative Committee on Bill C-2
    Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
  • Report 3 - Findings contained in the Fifth Report (Adopted by the Committee on June 14, 2006; Presented to the House on June 19, 2006)
  • Report 2 - United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of Aboriginal Peoples (Adopted by the Committee on June 7, 2006; Presented to the House on June 14, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Endorsement of the Kelowna Agreement (Adopted by the Committee on May 8, 2006; Presented to the House on May 12, 2006; Concurred in by the House on October 25, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics
  • Report 1 - Acess to Information Act (Adopted by the Committee on September 27, 2006; Presented to the House on October 4, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food
  • Report 2 - Report on the Canadian Wheat Board (Adopted by the Committee on June 15, 2006; Presented to the House on June 22, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Imports of Milk Protein Concentrates (Adopted by the Committee on June 6, 2006; Presented to the House on June 8, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 13, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage
  • Report 8 - Court Challenges Program (Adopted by the Committee on October 4, 2006; Presented to the House on October 5, 2006; Concurred in by the House on October 18, 2006)
  • Report 7 - Study related to Canadian Museums (Adopted by the Committee on October 4, 2006; Presented to the House on October 5, 2006; Concurred in by the House on October 24, 2006)
  • Report 6 - Study related to Canadian Museums (Adopted by the Committee on June 22, 2006; Presented to the House on September 20, 2006)
  • Report 5 - Request for withdrawal of response (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2006; Presented to the House on June 22, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 22, 2006)
  • Report 4 - Canadian Feature Film Industry (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on June 1st, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Canadian Broadcasting System (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on June 1st, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Certificate of nomination of Robert Sirman to the position of Director of the Canada Council for the Arts (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on June 1st, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Review of the CBC - SRC mandate (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 17, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 13, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
  • Report 7 - Audit of The Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS) - Immigration Issues (Adopted by the Committee on September 28, 2006; Presented to the House on October 2, 2006)
  • Report 6 - Stateless Vietnamese Refugees in the Philippines (Adopted by the Committee on September 28, 2006; Presented to the House on October 2, 2006)
  • Report 5 - Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (adoption) (Adopted by the Committee on September 28, 2006; Presented to the House on October 2, 2006)
  • Report 4 - Immediate moratorium on deportations of all undocumented workers (Adopted by the Committee on June 21, 2006; Presented to the House on June 22, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Striking a Blow for Democracy: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution (Adopted by the Committee on June 19, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 21, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Main Estimates 2006-2007: Votes 1, 5 and 10 under the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 7, 2006; Presented to the House on June 12, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Procedures on how to review Order in Council appointments (Adopted by the Committee on May 15, 2006; Presented to the House on May 16, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Finance
  • Report 2 - Bill C-13, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on May 2, 2006 (Adopted by the Committee on June 1st, 2006; Presented to the House on June 2, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Main Estimates 2006-2007 (Adopted by the Committee on May 29, 2006; Presented to the House on May 31, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans
  • Report 3 - Federal Marine Service Fees in Canada's Artic (Adopted by the Committee on October 19, 2006; Presented to the House on October 24, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Small Craft Harbours (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on May 31, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 6, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Northern Cod (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 17, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development
  • Report 3 - UN resolution on small arms trade (Adopted by the Committee on October 19, 2006; Presented to the House on October 20, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Darfur (Adopted by the Committee on June 21, 2006; Presented to the House on September 20, 2006)
  • Report 1 - His Excellency Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of the International Organization of La Francophonie (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 19, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates
  • Report 3 - Implementation of accrual-based budgeting and appropriations (Adopted by the Committee on June 15, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Significant property (Adopted by the Committee on June 6, 2006; Presented to the House on June 7, 2006; Concurred in by the House on September 27, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Certificate of nomination of Gwyn Morgan to the position of Chairperson of the Public Appointments Commission (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 17, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Health
  • Report 4 - Funding of the First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 19, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Silicone gel-filled breast implants (Adopted by the Committee on June 22, 2006; Presented to the House on September 18, 2006)
  • Report 2 - New strategy for the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Adopted by the Committee on June 22, 2006; Presented to the House on September 18, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Bill C-5, An Act respecting the establishment of the Public Health Agency of Canada and amending certain Acts (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 18, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities
  • Report 7 - Funding for the National Homelessness Initiative and its six programs (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 19, 2006)
  • Report 6 - Workplace Partners Panel Funding (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 19, 2006)
  • Report 5 - Summer Career Placement Program Funding (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 19, 2006)
  • Report 4 - Adult Learning and Literacy Program (Adopted by the Committee on October 3, 2006; Presented to the House on October 5, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Pilot Project on Increased Weeks of Employment Insurance Benefits (Pilot Project No.6) (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on May 31, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Study on Employment Insurance Funds (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on May 31, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Summer Career Placement Program (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on May 31, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology
  • Report 2 - Challenges Facing the Canadian Manufacturing Sector (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Motion of Mr. Mark Holland (Adopted by the Committee on June 1st, 2006; Presented to the House on June 12, 2006)
    Standing Committee on International Trade
  • Report 1 - Softwood Lumber (Adopted by the Committee on June 21, 2006; Presented to the House on June 22, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights
  • Report 2 - Bill C-9, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conditional sentence of imprisonment) (Adopted by the Committee on October 23, 2006; Presented to the House on October 24, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Review of Sections 25.1 to 25.4 of the Criminal Code (protection of persons administering and enforcing the law) (Adopted by the Committee on June 21, 2006; Presented to the House on June 22, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Natural Resources
  • Report 2 - Motion on Wind Power Production Incentive Program (Adopted by the Committee on October 24, 2006; Presented to the House on October 27, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Motion on EnerGuide for Houses Program (Adopted by the Committee on October 24, 2006; Presented to the House on October 27, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Official Languages
  • Report 3 - Court Challenges Program (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 20, 2006)
  • Report 2 - His Excellency Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of the International Organization of La Francophonie (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Application of the Official Languages Act to ACE Aviation Holdings Inc. following the restructuring of Air Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 13, 2006; Presented to the House on June 15, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs
  • Report 18 - Bill C-16, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (Adopted by the Committee on October 24, 2006; Presented to the House on October 25, 2006)
  • Report 17 - Standing Orders of the House of Commons (Adopted by the Committee on October 19, 2006; Presented to the House on October 20, 2006; Concurred in by the House on October 25, 2006)
  • Report 16 - Changes to membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on October 18, 2006; Concurred in by the House on October 18, 2006)
  • Report 15 - Changes to membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on October 6, 2006; Concurred in by the House on October 6, 2006)
  • Report 14 - Striking of membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on September 21, 2006; Concurred in by the House on September 21, 2006)
  • Report 13 - Improving the Integrity of the Electoral Process: Recommendations for Legislative Change (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2006; Presented to the House on June 22, 2006)
  • Report 12 - Changes to membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Adopted by the Committee on June 9, 2006; Presented to the House on June 9, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 9, 2006)
  • Report 11 - Changes to membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on June 7, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 7, 2006)
  • Report 10 - Private Members' Business - Bill C-291 (Adopted by the Committee on June 6, 2006; Concurred in by the House on June 13, 2006)
  • Report 9 - Changes to membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2006; Presented to the House on May 30, 2006; Concurred in by the House on May 30, 2006)
  • Report 8 - Private Members' Business (Adopted by the Committee on May 29, 2006; Presented to the House on May 30, 2006; Concurred in by the House on May 30, 2006)
  • Report 7 - Matters relating to the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 19, 2006; Concurred in by the House on May 30, 2006)
  • Report 6 - Changes to membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on May 15, 2006; Concurred in by the House on May 15, 2006)
  • Report 5 - Main Estimates 2006-2007: Vote 5 (House of Commons) under PARLIAMENT (Adopted by the Committee on May 11, 2006; Presented to the House on May 12, 2006)
  • Report 4 - Striking of membership of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-2 (Presented to the House on April 28, 2006; Concurred in by the House on April 28, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Changes to membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on April 28, 2006; Concurred in by the House on April 28, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Broadcasting of committees (Adopted by the Committee on April 25, 2006; Presented to the House on April 27, 2006; Concurred in by the House on April 27, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Striking of membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on April 26, 2006; Concurred in by the House on April 26, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Public Accounts
  • Report 8 - Chapter 7, Acquisition of Leased Office Space of the May 2006 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on September 28, 2006; Presented to the House on October 3, 2006)
  • Report 7 - Chapter 8, Canada Revenue Agency: Collection of Tax Debts of the May 2006 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 13, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006)
  • Report 6 - Chapter 5, Management of Programs for First Nations of the May 2006 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006)
  • Report 5 - 2006-2007 Estimates and Performance of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 13, 2006; Presented to the House on June 16, 2006)
  • Report 4 - Consideration of the Government response to the Tenth Report of the 38th Parliament (Adopted by the Committee on June 13, 2006; Presented to the House on June 16, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Main Estimates 2006-2007: Vote number 20 under Finance (Adopted by the Committee on May 11, 2006; Presented to the House on May 17, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Passport Office – Passport Services (Adopted by the Committee on May 11, 2006; Presented to the House on May 17, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Public Accounts of Canada 2005 (Adopted by the Committee on May 11, 2006; Presented to the House on May 17, 2006)
  • Government Response: First Report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, "Public Accounts of Canada 2005" (Presented to the House on August 16, 2006)
    Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts
  • Committee Business (Presented to the House as Report 5 of the Standing Committee)
    Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security
  • Report 3 - Review of the Anti-terrorism Act - Investigative Hearings and Recognizance with Conditions (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 23, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Matters Concerning Maher Arar (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 23, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Matters Related to the Firearms Registry (Adopted by the Committee on June 12, 2006; Presented to the House on June 19, 2006)
    Standing Committee on the Status of Women
  • Report 7 - Matrimonial Real Property Rights on Reserves (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006)
  • Report 6 - Pay Equity (Adopted by the Committee on June 6, 2006; Presented to the House on June 7, 2006)
  • Report 5 - Parental benefits for self-employed workers (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 19, 2006)
  • Report 4 - Pay Equity (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 19, 2006)
  • Government Response: Fourth Report of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women (Pay Equity Task Force recommendations) (Presented to the House on September 18, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Core Funding (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 19, 2006)
  • Report 2 - Study on Gender-Based Analysis (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 19, 2006)
  • Government Response: Second Report of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women (study on gender-based analysis) (Presented to the House on September 18, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Roundtables to explore the concerns of women' organizations and equality-seeking organizations (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 19, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities
  • Report 1 - Bill C-3, An Act respecting international bridges and tunnels and making a consequential amendment to another Act (Adopted by the Committee on June 8, 2006; Presented to the House on June 12, 2006)
    Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs
  • Report 1 - Main Estimates 2006-2007: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15 under VETERANS AFFAIRS (Adopted by the Committee on June 8, 2006; Presented to the House on June 21, 2006)

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