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Tax Commission - Revenue Act Tax Bulletins
July 26/06 Notice of Amendments to the Revenue Act Regulations
June 30/06 Motor Vehicles-Rebate of Nova Scotia Sales Tax (14%) For Persons with Physiological Impairment
June 30/06 Motor Vehicles- Rebate of 8% Provincial Component of Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) For Persons with Physiological Impairment
June 30/06 Rebate of 8% Provincial Component of Harmonized Sales Tax on Computers Paid By or on Behalf of Persons Who Are Physically or Visually or Hearing Impaired or Mentally Challenged
June 26/06 Tobacco Tax Calculation on Cigars.
June 26/06 Change in Tax Rate, Private Purchases of Motor Vehicles and Other Designated Tangible Personal Property
May. 3/06 Special Notice to Tobacco Manufacturers, Tobacco Wholesalers and Tobacco Tear Tape Manufacturers.
Dec. 19/05 Notice of Amendments to Part lll of the Revenue Act and the Revenue Act Regulations
Requirements for Tobacco Marking and Tobacco Tear Tape Manufacturer’s Permit
June 17/05 Amendments to the Revenue Act Regulations Furnace Oil Retailer Records
June 17/05 Notice to the Petroleum Industry
Feb 04/05 Notice of Amendments to the Revenue Act Regulations - Fuel Agent’s/Fuel Vendor’s Records and Prohibitions
Apr 01/04 Notice to Tobacco Retailers and Tobacco Wholesalers - New Fee Structure
Apr 01/04 Notice to Oil Companies - Repeal of Commission for Dye Facilities
Mar 16/04 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers and Tobacco Retailers - Tobacco Rate Increase and Inventory Form
Feb 02/04 Notice of Amendments - Fines for Fuel Tax Offences
Apr 16/03 Commercial Shipping, Commercial Fishing, Pleasure Boats, Boats Used for Commercial Purposes and the Gasoline and Diesel Oil Tax
Dec 09/05 Notice to Status Indian Consumers
Dec 09/05 Notice to Service Stations Participating in the Nova Scotia Indian Fuel Tax Exemption Program
Jan 08/03 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers and Tobacco Retailers
Apr 04/02 Tax Rate Increase for Gasoline
Apr 04/02 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers and Tobacco Retailers
Nov 01/01 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers and Tobacco Retailers
Aug 20/01 Notice to Propane Wholesalers and Propane Retailers
June 14/01 Notice of Amendments to the Revenue Act
Peace Officers, Fuel Sampling, Fines and Disclosure
Apr 06/01 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers and Tobacco Retailers
Tobacco Tax Rate Increase on Cigarettes,
Pre-Proportioned Sticks and Fine Cut
Feb 22/01 Notice to IFTA Registrants
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
Revenue Act Regulations
Feb 09/01 Notice to Tobacco Retail Vendors Revenue Act Regulations
Apr 26/04 Notice to Oil Companies
Apr 11/00 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers - Tobacco Wholesaler Commissions
Nov 05/99 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers
May 11/99 Notice to Tobacco Retail Vendors Revenue Act Regulations 
May 11/98 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers Revenue Act Regulations 
Mar 12/04 Notice to Oil Companies re: Unaccountable Product Losses by the Agent Allowance for Product Shortages or Losses Revenue Act Regulations 13 and 28
June 19/98 Notice to Tobacco Retailers & Tobacco Wholesalers re: illegally manufactured tobacco
Oct 03/03 Tax on Private Purchase of Boats & Vessels
May 11/98 Marking or Dyeing of Gasoline and Diesel Oil
Feb 14/98 Tobacco Tax Increase - Cigarettes & Pre-Proportioned Tobacco Sticks
Dec 06/01 Uncollectible Accounts - Rebate of Gasoline, Diesel Oil And Tobacco Tax Pursuant to Revenue Act Regulation 3A
Dec 06/01 Regulation 22(2)(j)(ii), 23(1)(j)(ii) Pursuant to the Revenue Act Harvesting Forest Products for Sale
Apr 01/97 Interprovincial Truckers Transitional Tax
Apr 23/97 Tax on Private Purchases of Motor Vehicles & other Tangible Personal Property
Apr 23/97 Subject: Harmonization
Mar 31/97 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers & Retailers
Mar 24/97 Notice to Tobacco Wholesalers & Retailers
Nov 16 /06 Volunteer & Municipal Fire Departments and Harmonization
Mar 04/97 Subject: Harmonization
Apr 05/04 Fees for Service
Dec 05/01 Bill 37 - The Revenue Act

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