- Customer Care - Browser Requirements
Air Canada
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Browser Requirements

We are committed to ensuring that works with the preferred technologies of the vast majority of our customers. In order to meet this goal, we track which browsers our customers use, and how these change over time. Please be sure your Internet browser is current as many older versions of these browsers do not support the latest Internet technology and may make certain features unavailable.

Supported Browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 5.5, 6.0 and above (Windows 98 and higher)
  • Netscape 7.2 (Windows 98 and higher)
  • Firefox 1.0 and higher (Windows 98 and higher, Mac OS X)

We are working towards fully supporting on Safari browser (Mac OS X), however this is not yet fully implemented.

Screen Resolution: 800 x 600 pixels
Javascript: enabled
Cookies: enabled

When printing pages from the Air Canada site, part of the right margin may be cut off. To avoid this problem, we suggest printing in landscape format.

Browser Upgrades
To upgrade your browser: click the link below then follow instructions to install the software:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Netscape Navigator


Adobe Acrobat Reader (Plugin)

Macromedia Flash (Plugin)