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House of Commons
39th Parliament, 1st Session
(April 3, 2006 - )
Journals Index

The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

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Journals Index - Information.Mackenzie
Journals Index - Information.Mackenzie

Information Commissioner of Canada Office

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 265 (8560-391-734-02)
    >>See also Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Justice, Vote 40--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Infrastructure Canada see Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Innovative Communities Fund (ICF)

    >>Project funding, Moncton Stadium and Fundy Trail, r.o. Q-62 (Scott), 365-6 (8555-391-62)

Insurance see Poverty--Discrimination

Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) see Autism--Treatment

Interest rates

    >>Criminal interest rate, calculation/hidden insurance charges see Payday lenders;Poverty--Discrimination

International agreements see Canada-Central America Free Trade Agreement;Kyoto Protocol;North American Aerospace Defence (NORAD) Agreement;Softwood Lumber Agreement

International Bridges and Tunnels Act (Bill C-3)--Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (Cannon)

    >>1st r, 52
    >>2nd r, 103, 108, 111, 114, agreed to on division, 114
    >>Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 114
    >>>Report, with amdts., 262
    >>Report stage, 297-8
    >>>Concurrence, as amended, with further amdt., M. (Cannon), 298, division deferred, 298, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 23), 311-3
    >>>Motion No. 3 (Clause 15), (Cannon), 297, agreed to, 297
    >>3rd r, 349-50, as amended, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 351, passed
    >>>Amdt., M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 350-1
    >>>Amdt. (Masse), 349, withdrawn, 350

International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 384 (8560-391-593-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

International development and aid see Foreign aid agencies

International Development Research Centre

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 384 (8560-391-365-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

International Organization of la Francophonie see Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee--Reports, First

International Trade Department

    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main
    >>>International Trade Standing Committee referral, 58
    >>See also Canada's State of Trade;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

International Trade Standing Committee

    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main, referred
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade
    >>>>Votes 15 and 20 (International Trade Department), 58
    >>>>Vote 25 (Canadian Commercial Corporation), 58
    >>>>Vote 65 (NAFTA Secretariat, Canadian Section), 58
    >>Membership, 79-80, 105, 429-30
    >>>First (softwood lumber), 345 (8510-391-57)
    >>Reports permanently referred see Canadian Commercial Corporation;Export Development Canada;Order in Council appointments;Steel Import Permit Information

Internet see Child pornorgraphy;Child sexual abuse and exploitation;Elections--Campaign offices

Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act (Bill C-214)--Stoffer

    >>1st r, 27

Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports

    >>Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
    >>>Antananarivo, Madagascar, March 21-22, 2006, 156 (8565-391-52-01)
    >>>Augusta, Maine, March 22-23, 2006, 156 (8565-391-52-03)
    >>>Delémont, Switzerland, March 14-16, 2006, 156 (8565-391-52-02)
    >>>Noumea, New Caledonia, February 2-4, 2006, 156 (8565-391-52-04)
    >>>Paris, France, May 19, 2006, and Jordan, Israel, West Bank and Syria, May 21-26, 2006, 495 (8565-391-52-06)
    >>>Vientiane, Laos, December 19-21, 2005, 221 (8565-391-52-05)
    >>Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
    >>>London, United Kingdom, October 12-22, 2005, 59 (8565-391-76-01)
    >>>Midrand, South Africa, May 1-2, 2006, 344 (8565-391-76-03)
    >>>Mozambique and South Africa, March 21-24, 2006, 299 (8565-391-76-02)
    >>Canada-China Legislative Association
    >>>Beijing, Guangzhou, Hainan Island and Hong Kong, China, March 22 to April 1, 2006, 163 (8565-391-68-01)
    >>>Jakarta, Indonesia, January 15-19, 2006, 117 (8565-391-57-02)
    >>Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
    >>>London, United Kingdom, January 19-20, 2006 and Strasbourg, France, January 23-27, 2006, 63 (8565-391-51-02)
    >>>Ottawa, October 23-26, 2005, 117 (8565-391-51-03)
    >>>Ukraine, March 26, 2006, 163 (8565-391-61-02)
    >>>Vienna, Austria, September 29-30, 2005 and Strasbourg, France, October 3-7, 2005, 63 (8565-391-51-01)
    >>>Vienna, Austria, February 23-24, 2006, 156 (8565-391-61-01)
    >>Canada-Japan Inter-parliamentary Group
    >>>Jakarta, Indonesia, January 15-19, 2006, 117 (8565-391-57-02)
    >>Canada-United Kingdom Inter-parliamentary Association
    >>>Belfast, Northern Ireland, and Dublin, Ireland, February 26 to March 5, 2005, 185 (8565-391-69-01)
    >>Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group
    >>>Gatineau, Quebec, May 8-10, 2006, 344 (8565-391-59-07)
    >>>Ottawa, Ontario, March 6-7, 2006, 282 (8565-391-59-04)
    >>>Ottawa, Ontario, April 30 to May 2, 2006, 336 (8565-391-59-06)
    >>>Seattle, Washington, July 14-18, 2005, 25 (8565-391-59-01)
    >>>St. Andrews by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, September 30 to October 3, 2005, 25 (8565-391-59-02)
    >>>Washington, D.C., February 25-28, 2006, 156 (8565-391-59-03)
    >>>Washington, D.C., March 16, 2006, 282 (8565-391-59-05)
    >>Canadian Group of the Inter-parliamentary Union
    >>>Geneva, Switzerland, July 11-15, 2005, 98 (8565-391-60-01)
    >>>Geneva, Switzerland, July 25-26, 2005, 98 (8565-391-60-02)
    >>>Geneva, Switzerland, October 14-19, 2005, 98 (8565-391-60-05)
    >>>Ghent, Belgium, September 19, 2005, 98 (8565-391-60-04)
    >>>Hong Kong, China, December 12 and 15, 2005, 98-9 (8565-391-60-07)
    >>>Islamabad, Pakistan, November 12-15, 2005, 99 (8565-391-57-01)
    >>>New York, United States, September 7-9, 2005, 98 (8565-391-60-03)
    >>>New York, United States, October 31 and November 1, 2005, 98 (8565-391-60-06)
    >>Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association
    >>>Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11-15, 2005, 156 (8565-391-50-01)
    >>Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
    >>>London, United Kingdom, January 22-28, 2006, 216 (8565-391-53-02)
    >>>London, United Kingdom, March 6-17, 2006, 216 (8565-391-53-03)
    >>>Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago, March 20-24, 2006, 155 (8565-391-53-01)
    >>Interparliamentary Forum of the Americas
    >>>Washington, D.C., April 11-12, 2006, 344 (8565-391-74-01)

Inuit see First Nations Inuit Health Branch;Veterans--First Nations

Inuvialuit Final Agreement Implementation Coordinating Committee

    >>2003-2004 annual report, tabled, 288 (8525-391-10)

Investment see Agricultural cooperatives;Charitable donations--Publicly-listed securities

Investment tax credit

    >>"Gaspé Peninsula", definition see Income Tax Act (amdt.--definition of "Gaspé Peninsula")(Bill C-217)

Iraq see Immigrants--United States war resisters


    >>Prophet Mohammed, offensive cartoon portrayal, prohibiting
    >>>>(Comartin), (391-0093), 175, gr, 336 (8545-391-25-01)


    >>>(Marston), (391-0353), 451
    >>>(Poilievre), (391-0279), 347, gr, 386 (8545-391-47-01)


Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Japan see Social security agreements

JDS Uniphase see Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, Second


    >>Excise tax
    >>>Ways and Means No. 3, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-02)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 5
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 159, agreed to on division, 159
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 151 (8570-391-08)
    >>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2006 (Bill C-13)

Judge Advocate General

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to National Defence Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 472 (8560-391-735-01)


    >>Salaries and benefits, Legislation (Bill C-17)
    >>>Statement by Minister (Toews), 216
    >>>See also Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)
    >>See also Military justice system

Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)--Minister of Justice (Toews)

    >>1st r, 215-6
    >>2nd r, 319, agreed to on division, 319
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 319

Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentence of imprisonment)(Bill C-9), 239
    >>>Criminal Code (amdt.--luring a child)(Bill C-277), 503
    >>>Criminal Code (amdt.--minimum penalties for offences involving firearms)(Bill C-10), 273
    >>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing) and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-19), 489
    >>>DNA Identification Legislation (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 497
    >>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 319
    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main, referred
    >>>Justice, 59
    >>Membership, 80-1, 104-5, 258, 430-1, 512
    >>>First (sections 25.1 to 25.4 of the Criminal Code), 345 (8510-391-53)
    >>Reports permanently referred see Access to Information Act;Canadian Human Rights Commission;Canadian Human Rights Tribunal;Federal Court Immigration and Refugee Protection Rules;Law Commission of Canada;Miscarriages of justice;National DNA Data Bank of Canada;Privacy Act;Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Account;Supreme Court of Canada
    >>See also Order in Council appointments;Statutes--Parliamentary review

Justice Department

    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main
    >>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee referral, 59
    >>>Vote 40 (Information Commissioner of Canada Office), Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee referral, 57
    >>>Vote 45 (Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office), Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee referral, 57
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Justice system

    >>Appeal process see Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other amendments)(Bill C-23)
    >>Jurors, challenge process see Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other amendments)(Bill C-23)
    >>Official languages rights see Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other amendments)(Bill C-23)
    >>>(Masse), (391-0393), 488
    >>Reform, criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other matters see Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other amendments)(Bill C-23)
    >>See also Bail (interim release);Coffin, Wilbert;Court Challenges Program;Courts Administration Service;Director of Public Prosecutions;DNA analysis;DNA information bank;Federal courts;House arrest;Military justice system;Miscarriages of justice;Parole;Search warrants;Security certificates;Statutory release (penitentiary inmates);Summary convictions;Terrorism--Victim compensation;Vellacott--References;Witnesses (justice system);Young offenders


    >>Kapyong Barracks see Housing--Winnipeg, MB

Kelowna Accord

    >>Implementation see Kelowna Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-292)
    >>>(Russell), (391-0206), 289, gr, 386 (8545-391-26-02)
    >>See also Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee--Reports, First

Kelowna Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-292)--Martin, Paul

    >>1st r, 187
    >>2nd r, 226, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 226, 521, division deferred, 521

Kluane First Nation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>Order in Council P.C. 2004-29 dated January 27, 2004, concerning a land claims agreement, 391 (8560-391-785-04)

KPMG LLP see Smith, David

Kwanlin Dun First Nation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>Order in Council P.C. 2005-394 dated March 22, 2005, concerning a land claims agreement, 391 (8560-391-785-05)

Kyoto Protocol

    >>>Climate Change Plan, annual see Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act (Bill C-288)
    >>>Federal-provincial bilateral agreement, M. on supply (Bigras), 165-6, division deferred, 166, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 8), 181-3
    >>>(Godfrey), (391-0282), 347, gr, 386 (8545-391-45-01)
    >>>(Savoie), (391-0256), 339, gr, 386 (8545-391-45-01)
    >>>(Silva), (391-0319), 405

Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act (Bill C-288)--Rodriguez

    >>1st r, 186
    >>2nd r, 290-1, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 291, 467, division deferred, 467, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 38), 499-501
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 501


Langley, BC see Rail transportation

Law Commission of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 387 (8560-391-371-02)
    >>>"In Search of Security: The Future of Policing in Canada", 378 (8560-391-371-01)
    >>See also Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Labour disputes see Replacement workers

Labour force see Child labour

Labour Market Training, Apprenticeship and Certification Act (Bill C-267)--Martin, Pat

Lac Saint-Pierre

    >>Canadian Forces bomb test-site, environmental impact, cleanup, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) world biosphere reserve designation
    >>>>(André), (391-0162 and 391-0163), 252, gr, 356 (8545-391-51-01)

Latvia see Social security agreements

Laurentian Pilotage Authority

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
    >>>2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 94 (8560-391-416-01)
    >>>Chairman, part-time, Michel Beauregard, certificate of nomination, 111 (8540-391-24-03)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Law enforcement officers

    >>Illegal acts or omissions see Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, First;Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Document


    >>Repeal of legislation not in force within ten years of receiving royal assent see Statutes Repeal Act (Bill S-202)

Legislative Committees see Committees, Legislative

Liberal government (Martin) see Grewal, Gurmant

Library and Archives Canada

    >>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Library of Parliament see Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Parliament, Vote 10;Parliamentary Budget Officer

Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee

    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main, referred
    >>>Parliament, Vote 10 (Library of Parliament), 59
    >>Membership, 90-1, 106, 208, 441
    >>>First (quorum and mandate), 277 (8510-391-37)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goldring), 296, agreed to, 296
    >>Reports permanently referred see Order in Council appointments
    >>Senate membership, message from Senate, 29

Lifelong learning see Economic growth


    >>Heritage lighthouses, designation/protection see Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill C-268)

Liquified natural gas (LNG)

    >>Robbinston, ME, Downeast LNG proposed terminal, marine mammal populations, impact, r.o. Q-74 (Cullen, R.), 366 (8555-391-74)


    >>Government funding
    >>>National Literacy Secretariat, r.o. Q-49 (Savoie), 362-3 (8555-391-49)
    >>>Treasury Board President Baird remarks, MP3 audio recording, tabled, 509 (8530-391-16)
    >>National policy see National Literacy Policy Act (Bill C-316)
    >>Teaching materials, books and audio and video recordings, zero taxation rating see Excise Tax Act (amdt.--literacy materials)(Bill C-276)
    >>See also Books and pamphlets;Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth

Lithuania see Social security agreements

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>Orders in Councils P.C. 1997-1419 and P.C. 1997-1420 dated October 1, 1997, concerning a land claims agreement, 390 (8560-391-785-01)

LNG see Liquified natural gas (LNG)

Lobbying Act

    >>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)


    >>Regulation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
    >>See also Commissioner of Lobbying;Ethics Commissioner--Document;Registrar of Lobbyists Office

Lobbyists' Code of Conduct

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 387 (8560-391-532-01)

Lobbyists Registration Act

    >>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 387 (8560-391-587-01)

Lockouts see Strikes and lockouts

London North Centre constituency see House of Commons--Vacancies

Long-guns see Firearms

Louis Riel Act (Bill C-258)--Martin, Pat

Low-income earners see Education, post-secondary--Canada access grants


MacIntosh, Kevin see Cabinet Ministers--Staff, Post-employment compliance

Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

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