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Chamber Business
House of Commons
39th Parliament, 1st Session
(April 3, 2006 - )
Journals Index

The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

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Journals Index - Procedure.Residential
Journals Index - Procedure.Residential

Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-16), 394
    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main, referred
    >>>Parliament, Vote 5 (House of Commons), 59
    >>>Privy Council, Vote 15 (Chief Electoral Officer), 59
    >>Membership, 14, 89-90, 106, 174, 439-40
    >>>First (Membership of House of Commons Standing and Standing Joint Committees), 64-92
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 93
    >>>Second (radio and television broadcasting of the proceedings of House Committees), 99 (8510-391-01)
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 99
    >>>Third (Membership of House of Commons Standing and Standing Joint Committees), 104-7
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 107
    >>>Fourth (Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2) Legislative Committee membership), 107
    >>>>Concurrence, deemed adopted, 107
    >>>Fifth (Main Estimates 2006-2007 - Vote 5 under Parliament), 170 (8510-391-04)
    >>>Sixth (Environment and Sustainable Development Satnding Committee membership; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee membership; Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee membership), 174
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 175
    >>>Seventh (Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons), 200 (8510-391-13)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodyear), 209, agreed to, 209
    >>>Eighth (items to remain votable), 207
    >>>>Concurrence, deemed adopted, 208
    >>>Ninth (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee membership; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee membership; Finance Standing Committee membership; Status of Women Standing Committee membership; Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee membership), 208
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 209
    >>>Tenth (Subcommittee on Private Business, Bill C-291, designated non-votable), 244
    >>>>Concurrence, deemed concurred in, 275
    >>>Eleventh (Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee membership), 244
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 245
    >>>Twelfth (Membership of House of Commons Standing Committees), 255-8
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 258
    >>>Thirteenth (Improving the Integrity of the Electoral Process: Recommendations for Legislative Change), 344-5 (8510-391-52)
    >>>Fourteenth (Membership of House of Commons Standing and Standing Joint Committees), 414-43
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 414
    >>>Fifteenth (Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee membership; Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee membership), 512
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 513
    >>Reports permanently referred see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada);Ethics Commissioner Office;Order in Council appointments

Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25)--Minister of Finance (Flaherty)

Project Amik

    >>Affordable housing project
    >>>>(Yelich), (391-0155), 245, gr, 385 (8545-391-37-01)

Promotional materials see Canadian symbolic and promotional materials

Property rights

    >>Constitutional entrenchment see Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-223)

Proportional representation

    >>House of Commons Standing Committee hearings/referendum see Proportional Representation Review Act (Bill C-318)

Proportional Representation Review Act (Bill C-318)--Martin, Pat

Proposals of the Information Commissioner to amend the Access to Information Act see Access to Information Act--Documents

Public Accounts of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Public Accounts Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006, Volume I, Volume II, and Volume III, 469-70 (8560-391-214-01)
    >>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, First

Public Accounts Standing Committee

    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main, referred
    >>>Finance, Vote 20 (Auditor General), 59
    >>Membership, 84-5, 106, 257, 258, 434-5
    >>>First (Public Accounts of Canada 2005), 185-6 (8510-391-07)
    >>>>gr, 379 (8512-391-07)
    >>>Second (Passport Office - Passport Services), 186 (8510-391-08)
    >>>>gr, 384 (8512-391-08)
    >>>Third (Main Estimates 2006-2007 - Vote 20 under Finance), 186 (8510-391-09)
    >>>Fourth (Considering the Government response to the Tenth Report of the 1st Session of the 38th Parliament), 289 (8510-391-40)
    >>>Fifth (2006-2007 Estimates and Performance of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada), 289 (8510-391-41)
    >>>Sixth (Chapter 5, Management of Programs for First Nations of the May 2006 Report of the Auditor General of Canada), 337 (8510-391-50)
    >>>Seventh (Chapter 8, Revenue Canada: Collection of Tax Debts of the May 2006 Report of the Auditor General of Canada), 337 (8510-391-51)
    >>>>gr, 479 (8512-391-51)
    >>>Eighth (Chapter 7, Acquisition of Leased Office Space of the May 2006 Report of the Auditor General of Canada), 487 (8510-391-65.)
    >>Reports from 1st Session, 38th Parliament
    >>>Tenth (Governance in the Public Service of Canada: Ministerial and Deputy Ministerial Accountability) see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
    >>Reports permanently referred see Auditor General of Canada Office;Public Accounts of Canada
    >>Travel, authorization, 347

Public Appointments Commission

    >>Chair, Gwyn Morgan
    >>>December 17, 2005 letter to Calgary Herald concerning immigration, tabled, 104 (8530-391-02)
    >>>See also Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, First
    >>Establishing see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>Chairperson, Gwyn Morgan, certificate of nomination, 52 (8540-391-4-02)

Public Health Agency of Canada

    >>Establishing see Public Health Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-5)
    >>See also Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Public Health Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-5)--Minister of Health (Clement)

    >>1st r, 52-3
    >>2nd r, 114, 117-9, 133, 135, division deferred, 135, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 4), 145-7
    >>Health Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 147
    >>>Report, without amdt., 195
    >>Report stage, 267
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Strahl), 267, agreed to, 267
    >>3rd r, 267, 287, 290, 298, division deferred, 298, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 24), 313-4, passed

Public health information

    >>Collection, management and protection of confidential information see Public Health Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-5)

Public inquiries see Air India

Public office holders

    >>Accountability, conflict of interest code, blind management agreements/"venetian blind trusts" see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
    >>See also Commissions List;Ethics Commissioner Office--Reports

Public opinion research

    >>Government procurement process/final reports, Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department

    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main
    >>>Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee referral, 59
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Emergency Management Act (Bill C-12), 446
    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main, referred
    >>>Privy Council, Vote 25 (Security Inteligence Review Committee), 59
    >>>Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, 59
    >>Membership, 85-6, 106, 244, 257, 435-6
    >>>First (firearms registry), 294 (8510-391-43)
    >>Reports permanently referred see Correctional Investigator Canada;Electronic surveillance;Order in Council appointments;Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee;Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission;Witness Protection Program
    >>See also Anti-terrorism Act (2001);Criminal Code

Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

    >>Mandate see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)

Public Sector Pension Investment Board

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 370 (8560-391-768-01)

Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act

    >>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)

Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act

    >>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)

Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal

    >>Establishing see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)

Public Service

    >>Accountability see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
    >>National Capital Region, Ottawa/Outaouais regions, employees, r.o. Q-58 (Nadeau), 365 (8555-391-58)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>Clerk of Privy Council Report to Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada, 219 (8560-391-376-01)
    >>Wrongdoings see Dingwall, Hon. David
    >>See also Cabinet Ministers--Staff;Employment Equity Act;Public Service Commission of Canada--Reports

Public Service Commission of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 494 (8560-391-908-06)
    >>>"Audit of Acting EX Appointments", 493 (8560-391-908-04)
    >>>"Audit of Readiness for the New Public Service Employment Act", 493 (8560-391-908-03)
    >>>"Audit of the Canadian Space Agency", 197 (8560-391-908-01)
    >>>"Follow-Up Audit of the Military Police Complaints Commission", 493-4 (8560-391-908-05)
    >>>"Follow-Up Audit of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner", 197 (8560-391-908-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Canadian Heritage, Vote 95--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Public Service Employment Act

    >>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada see Access to Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Information Act;Privacy Act;Sustainable development strategies

Public Service Integrity Officer

    >>2004-2005 annual report, tabled, 45 (8525-391-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Public Service Labour Relations Board see Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Canadian Heritage, Vote 100--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Public Service Pension Plan

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, 15 (8560-391-220-01)

Public Service Staff Relations Board

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, 341-2 (8560-391-515-01)

Public Service Staffing Tribunal

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 515 (8560-391-918-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Canadian Heritage, Vote 105--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Public transit passes

    >>Tax credit
    >>>Ways and Means No. 4, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-03)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 8, notice, tabled, 523 (8570-391-11)
    >>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transportation costs)(Bill C-233)

Public Works and Government Services Department

    >>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main
    >>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 58
    >>>>Report, 487
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Government office space;Privacy Act

PVCs see Polyvinyl chlorides (PVCs)


Quebec see Dawson College;Farm Income Protection Act;Lac Saint-Pierre

Quebec City, QC see World Police and Firefighters Games, Quebec City, 2005

Quebec Port Authority see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Queens Quay West Land Corporation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 381 (8560-391-607-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Questions on the Order Paper


Racism see Discrimination and racism

Radio-Canada see Société Radio-Canada

Rail transportation

    >>Branch lines, transfer and discontinuance see Canada Transportation Act and Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11)
    >>Crowsnest Pass, AB
    >>>>(Menzies), (391-0424), 513
    >>Gaspé Peninsula
    >>>>(Blais), (391-0148), 234, gr, 376 (8545-391-30-01); (391-0186), 263, gr, 386 (8545-391-30-02)
    >>Langley, BC
    >>>>(Warawa), (391-0369), 464; (391-0400), 496
    >>Noise complaints see Canada Transportation Act and Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11)
    >>Passenger service, use of facilities and equipment see Canada Transportation Act and Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11)
    >>Police see Canada Transportation Act and Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11)
    >>See also Grain hopper car fleet

Railway Safety Act

    >>Legislation see Canada Transportation Act and Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11)

RCMP see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Real property see Aboriginal matrimonial property law;Charitable donations--Publicly-listed securities;Fishing property;Indian bands/reserves--Matrimonial real property

Real estate see Six Nations land claims

Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-223)--Breitkreuz

    >>1st r, 41

Recreation see Exercise gyms;Green Gables Golf Course, Prince Edward Island;Sports and recreation programs;Terra Nova National Park;Trent-Severn Waterway;Trucks--Side guards

Referendum Act (amdt.--reform of the electoral system of Canada)(Bill C-329)--Martin, Pat

Referendums see Electoral reform;Proportional representation

Refugee Appeal Division

    >>Implementation see Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--coming into force of sections 110, 111 and 171)(Bill C-280)


    >>>(Batters), (391-0254), 339, gr, 385 (8545-391-3-07)
    >>>(Calkins), (391-0185), 263, gr, 376 (8545-391-3-06)
    >>>(Chow), (391-0192), 266, gr, 385 (8545-391-3-07)
    >>>(Deschamps), (391-0075), 149, gr, 251 (8545-391-3-02); (391-0243), 338, gr, 385 (8545-391-3-07)
    >>>(Dewar), (391-0076), 149, gr, 251 (8545-391-3-02); (391-0175), 259, gr, 376 (8545-391-3-06)
    >>>(Dhaliwal), (391-0245), 338, gr, 385 (8545-391-3-07)
    >>>(Folco), (391-0078), 157, gr, 251 (8545-391-3-02)
    >>>(Hawn), (391-0087), 164, gr, 262 (8545-391-3-03)
    >>>(Hiebert), (391-0103), 196, gr, 262 (8545-391-3-03)
    >>>(Siksay), (391-0283), 347, gr, 385 (8545-391-3-07)
    >>>(Simard), (391-0072), 140, gr, 262 (8545-391-3-03)
    >>>(Thompson, M.), (391-0167), 259, gr, 376 (8545-391-3-06)
    >>>(Yelich), (391-0130), 226, gr, 336 (8545-391-3-05)
    >>See also Vietnamese refugees

Regional development see Education, post-secondary--Designated regions;Investment tax credit--"Gaspé Peninsula"

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

    >>Income tax deduction see Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of RESP contributions)(Bill C-253)

Registrar of Lobbyists Office see Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Regulations see Air fares;Bridges and tunnels;Broadcasting Licence Fees;Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations;Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations;Payday lenders;Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS);Phthalates

Religion see Dalai Lama;Egypt--Christian minorities;Falun Gong;Hate propaganda--Sexual orientation;Islam;Sikhism

Remembrance Day (November 11)

    >>Canadian flag, flown at half mast on federal premises see Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-237)
    >>Legal holiday, establishing see Holidays Act (amdt.--Remembrance Day)(Bill C-354)

Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-237)--Stoffer

Repentigny constituency see House of Commons-Vacancies

Replacement workers

    >>Ban see Canada Labour Code (amdt.--replacement workers)(Bill C-236);Canada Labour Code (amdt.--replacement workers)(Bill C-257);Canada Labour Code (amdt.--replacement workers)(Bill C-295)

Report of the Events Relating to Maher Arar see Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar

Residential schools see Indian residential schools;Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada Office

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