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Last Update:  2006.10.26
Last Verified:  2006.10.27

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39th Parliament (2006.04.03 - )
1st Session (2006.04.03 - )
  1. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     April 26, 2006
reference:     to examine and report on the present state and the future of agriculture and forestry in Canada
report:     tabled, June 21, 2006
"Agriculture and Agri-Food Policy in Canada: Putting Farmers First!: Interim Report"
FAIRBAIRN, Joyce (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     May 16, 2006
reference:     to undertake a review of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (S.C. 2000, c. 17) pursuant to section 72 of the said Act
report:     tabled, October 3, 2006
"Stemming the Flow of Illicit Money: A Priority for Canada—Parliamentary Review of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act : Interim Report"
GRAFSTEIN, Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) (Chair)

date:     May 2, 2006
reference:     to examine and report on consumer issues arising in the financial services sector, in particular:
• the impact of federal legislation and initiatives designed to protect consumers within the financial services sector;
• the role, corporate governance structure and effectiveness of agencies (including supervisory/regulatory and self-regulating), ombudspersons and others who play a role with respect to consumer protection and the supervision of the financial services sector;
• consumer credit rates and reporting agencies;
• and other related issues
report:     tabled, June 6, 2006
"Consumer Protection in the Financial Services Sector: The Unfinished Agenda"
GRAFSTEIN, Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) (Chair)

date:     May 2, 2006
reference:     to examine and report on issues dealing with the demographic change that will occur in Canada within the next two decades; the implications of that change for Canada's economy, labour market and retirement income system; and federal actions that could be taken to ensure that any implications of future demographic change are, to the extent possible, properly addressed
report:     tabled, June 13, 2006
"The Demographic Time Bomb: Mitigating the Effects of Demographic Change in Canada"
GRAFSTEIN, Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) (Chair)

date:     May 2, 2006
reference:     to examine and report upon the present state of the domestic and international financial system
report:     tabled, October 24, 2006
"Passports and PASS Cards, Identity and Citizenship: Implementing the WHTI"
Interim Report
GRAFSTEIN, Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) (Chair)
  3. Fisheries and Oceans, Standing

date:     May 16, 2006
reference:     to examine and report on issues relating to the federal government’s new and evolving policy framework for managing Canada’s fisheries and oceans
report:     tabled, June 22, 2006
"The Atlantic Snow Crab Fishery"
ROMPKEY, William H. (Chair)
  4. National Security and Defence, Standing

date:     April 27, 2006
reference:     to examine and report on the national security policy of Canada, in particular:
(a) the capability of the Department of National Defence to defend and protect the interests, people and territory of Canada and its ability to respond to and prevent a national emergency or attack, and the capability of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to carry out its mandate;
(b) the working relationships between the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering, and how they collect, coordinate, analyze and disseminate information and how these functions might be enhanced;
(c) the mechanisms to review the performance and activities of the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering; and
(d) the security of our borders and critical infrastructure.
report:     tabled, June 21, 2006
"The Government's No. 1 Job: Securing the Military Options It Needs to Protect Canadians : Interim Report"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
      tabled, October 4, 2006
"Managing Turmoil : The Need to Upgrade Canadian Foreign Aid and Military Strength to Deal with Massive Change"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
  5. Official Languages, Standing

date:     April 27, 2006
reference:     to study and to report from time to time on the application of the Official Languages Act and of the regulations and directives made under it, within those institutions subject to the Act; and
to study the reports and papers produced by the Minister of Official Languages, the President of the Treasury Board, the Minister of Canadian Heritage and the Commissioner of Official Languages as well as any other material concerning official languages generally
report:     tabled, October 5, 2006
"Understanding the Reality and Meeting the Challenges of Living in French in Nova Scotia—Fact-Finding Mission to the Acadian and Francophone Communities of Nova Scotia, from September 19 to 23, 2005"
CHAPUT, Maria (Chair)
  6. Senate Reform, Special

date:     June 21, 2006
reference:     to undertake a comprehensive review of the Senate Reform or any other related matter referred to it by the Senate
report:     tabled, October 26, 2006
"The subject-matter of Bill S-4, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Senate tenure)"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
      presented, October 26, 2006
"Report on the motion to amend the Constitution of Canada (western regional representation in the Senate)"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
  7. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     April 27, 2006
reference:     to examine and report on the current state of Canadian media industries, emerging trends and developments in these industries; the media's role, rights, and responsibilities in Canadian society; and current and appropriate future policies relating thereto
report:     tabled, June 21, 2006
"Final Report on the Canadian News Media: Volume 1 of 2"
BACON, Lise (Chair)
      tabled, June 21, 2006
"Final Report on the Canadian News Media: Volume 2 of 2"
BACON, Lise (Chair)
38th Parliament (2004.10.04 - 2005.11.29)
1st Session (2004.10.04 - 2005.11.29)
  1. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     October 19, 2004
reference:     to examine the issues related to the development and marketing of value-added agricultural, agri-food and forest products, on the domestic and international markets
report:     tabled, December 14, 2004
"Value-Added Agriculture in Canada"
FAIRBAIRN, Joyce (Chair)

date:     October 19, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on the present state and the future of agriculture and forestry in Canada
report:     tabled, May 19, 2005
"Cattle Slaughter Capacity in Canada: Interim Report"
FAIRBAIRN, Joyce (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     November 23, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on issues dealing with productivity, in particular
the rate of productivity in Canada and in relation to our major trading partners (especially the United States);
the extent to which the rate of productivity is limiting economic growth and the well-being of Canadians;
and federal and other measures that could be taken to enhance Canada's rate of productivity growth and competitiveness
report:     tabled, June 22, 2005
"Falling Behind: Answering the Wake-Up Call: What Can Be Done to Improve Canada’s Productivity Performance"
GRAFSTEIN, Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) (Chair)

date:     November 18, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on issues dealing with charitable giving in Canada, in particular:
a) the needs and opportunities of Canadians in relation to various aspects of Canadian life (such as health care, education, social and cultural programs and institutions, senior care, heritage preservation, scientific research and more) and the ability of Canadians to assist in these areas through charitable giving; b) current federal policy measures on charitable giving;
c) new or enhanced federal policy measures, with an emphasis on tax policy, which may make charitable giving more affordable for Canadians at all income levels;
d) the impact of current and proposed federal policy measures on charitable giving at the local, regional and national levels and across charities;
e) the impact of current and proposed federal policy measures on the federal treasuries; and
f) other related issues
report:     tabled, December 14, 2004
"The Public Good and Private Funds: The Federal Tax Treatment of Charitable Giving by Individuals and Corporations"
GRAFSTEIN, Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) (Chair)
  3. Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     October 19, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on emerging issues related to its mandate:
a) The current state and future direction of production, distribution, consumption, trade, security and sustainability of Canada’s energy resources;
b) Environmental challenges facing Canada including responses to global climate change, air pollution, biodiversity and ecological integrity;
c) Sustainable development and management of renewable and non-renewable natural resources including water, minerals, soils, flora and fauna;
d) Canada’s international treaty obligations affecting energy, the environment and natural resources and their influence on Canada’s economic and social development
report:     tabled, November 24, 2004
"The One-Tonne Challenge: Let’s Get On With It!: First Interim Report"
BANKS, Tommy (Thomas Benjamin) (Chair)
      tabled, June 14, 2005
"Sustainable Development: It's Time to Walk the Talk: Second Interim Report"
BANKS, Tommy (Thomas Benjamin) (Chair)
      tabled, November 22, 2005
"Fact-Finding Mission to Paris and Vienna: Third Interim Report"
BANKS, Tommy (Thomas Benjamin) (Chair)
      tabled, November 24, 2005
"Water in the West: Under Pressure: Fourth Interim Report"
BANKS, Tommy (Thomas Benjamin) (Chair)
  4. Fisheries and Oceans, Standing

date:     October 28, 2005
reference:     to examine and report on issues relating to the federal government's new and evolving policy framework for managing Canada's fisheries and oceans
report:     tabled, May 19, 2005
"Interim Report on Canada’s New and Evolving Policy Framework for Managing Fisheries and Oceans"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
  5. Human Rights, Standing

date:     November 3, 2004
reference:     to invite the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs to appear with his officials for the purpose of updating on actions taken concerning the recommendations contained in the Committee’s report entitled A Hard Bed to lie in: Matrimonial Real Property on Reserve, tabled in the Senate November 4, 2003
report:     tabled, December 14, 2004
"On-Reserve Matrimonial Real Property: Still Waiting"
ANDREYCHUK, Anita Raynell (Chair)

date:     November 3, 2004
reference:     to examine and monitor issues relating to human rights and, inter alia, to review the machinery of government dealing with Canada’s international and national human rights obligations
report:     presented, May 18, 2005
"Canadian Adherence to the American Convention on Human Rights: It Is Time to Proceed: Interim Report"
ANDREYCHUK, Anita Raynell (Chair)

date:     November 3, 2004
reference:     to examine and report upon Canada’s international obligations in regard to the rights and freedoms of children, in particular, to examine:
our obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; and
whether Canada’s legislation as it applies to children meets our obligations under this Convention
report:     tabled, November 3, 2005
"Who's in Charge Here? Effective implementation of Canada's international obligations with respect to the rights of children: interim report"
ANDREYCHUK, Anita Raynell (Chair)
  6. National Finance, Standing

date:     March 7, 2005
reference:     to examine and report upon the expenditures set out in the Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2006, with the exception of Parliamentary 10, in particular, to review the 2002 and 2005 audits of the Office of the Auditor General on foundations and examine progress by the federal government in this area
report:     tabled, May 19, 2005
Second interim report on the Main Estimates 2005-2006
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)

date:     October 20, 2004
reference:     to examine and report upon the expenditures set out in the Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2005, with the exception of Parliamentary 10, in particular, to review the planned expenditures of five Officers of Parliament
report:     tabled, May 19, 2005
"Officers of Parliament"
Third interim report on the Main Estimates 2005-2006
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)
  7. National Security and Defence, Standing

date:     October 20, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on the national security policy of Canada, in particular, to examine:
(a) the capability of the Department of National Defence to defend and protect the interests, people and territory of Canada and its ability to respond to and prevent a national emergency or attack, and the capability of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to carry out its mandate;
(b) the working relationships between the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering, and how they collect, coordinate, analyze and disseminate information and how these functions might be enhanced;
(c) the mechanisms to review the performance and activities of the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering; and
(d) the security of our borders and critical infrastructure.
report:     tabled, December 7, 2004
"Canadian Security Guide Book: An Update of Security Problems in Search of Solutions"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
      tabled, June 14, 2005
"Borderline Insecure: Canada’s Land Border Crossings are Key to Canada’s Security and Prosperity. Why the Lack of Urgency to Fix Them? What Will Happen If We Don’t?"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
      tabled, September 28, 2005
"Wounded - Canada’s Military and the Legacy of Neglect: Our Disappearing Options for Defending the Nation Abroad and at Home"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
  8. Official Languages, Standing

date:     November 3, 2004
reference:     to study and to report from time to time on the application of the Official Languages Act and of the regulations and directives made under it, within those institutions subject to the Act; and
to study the reports and papers produced by the Minister Responsible for Official Languages, the President of the Treasury Board, the Minister of Canadian Heritage and the Commissioner of Official Languages as well as any other material concerning official languages generally
report:     tabled, June 14, 2005
"French-Language Education in a Minority Setting: A Continuum from Early Childhood to the Postsecondary Level: Interim Report"
CORBIN, Eymard Georges (Chair)

date:     October 21, 2004
reference:     to study the operation of the Official Languages Act
report:     tabled, February 23, 2005
"Study of the Application of the Official Languages Act"
CORBIN, Eymard Georges (Chair)
  9. Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament, Standing

date:     November 2, 2004
reference:     to consider a draft report on a Conflict of Interest Code for Senators
report:     tabled, May 11, 2005
"3rd Report"
SMITH, David Paul (Chair)
  10. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     October 7, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on issues arising from, and developments since, the tabling of its final report on the state of the health care system in Canada in October 2002, in particular issues concerning mental health and mental illness
report:     tabled, November 23, 2004
"Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction: Interim Reports 1, 2 and 3"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, November 24, 2005
"A proposal to Establish a Canadian Mental Health Commission: Interim Report 4."
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, May 9, 2006
"Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Services in Canada: Final Report"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
(Report published during the 1st Session, 39th Parliament)
37th Parliament (2001.01.29 - 2004.05.23)
3rd Session (2004.02.02 - 2004.05.23)
  1. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     February 16, 2004
reference:     to hear from time to time witnesses, including both individuals and representatives from organizations, on the present state and the future of agriculture and forestry in Canada
report:     tabled, April 15, 2004
"The BSE Crisis - Lessons for the Future: Interim Report"
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)
  2. Fisheries and Oceans, Standing

date:     February 13, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on matters relating to quota allocations and benefits to Nunavut and Nunavik fishermen
report:     tabled, April 1st, 2004
"Nunavut Fisheries: Quota Allocations and Benefits"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
  3. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     February 10, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on the Canada — United States of America trade relationship and on the Canada — Mexico trade relationship, with special attention to:
(a) the Free Trade Agreement of 1988;
(b) the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1992;
(c) secure access for Canadian goods and services to the United States and to Mexico, and
(d) the development of effective dispute settlement mechanisms, all in the context of Canada's economic links with the countries of the Americas and the Doha Round of World Trade Organization trade negotiations
report:     tabled, March 29, 2004
"Mexico: Canada’s Other NAFTA Partner (Volume 3)"
STOLLERY, Peter Alan (Chair)
  4. Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration, Standing

date:     April 22, 2004
reference:     to consider security on the Hill
report:     tabled, April 22, 2004
BACON, Lise (Chair)
  5. National Security and Defence, Standing

date:     February 13, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on the need for a national security policy for Canada, in particular, to examine:
(a) the capability of the Department of National Defence to defend and protect the interests, people and territory of Canada and its ability to respond to or prevent a national emergency or attack and the capability of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to carry out its mandate;
(b) the working relationships between the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering, and how they collect, coordinate, analyze and disseminate information and how these functions might be enhanced;
(c) the mechanisms to review the performance and activities of the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering; and
(d) the security of our borders
report:     tabled, March 30, 2004
"National Emergencies: Canada’s Fragile Front Lines (Volumes 1-3)"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
  6. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     February 13, 2004
reference:     to examine and report on the state of Canadian media industries; emerging trends and developments in these industries; the media's role, rights, and responsibilities in Canadian society; and current and appropriate future policies relating thereto
report:     tabled, April 1st, 2004
"Interim Report on the Canadian News Media"
FRASER, Joan (Chair)
2nd Session (2002.09.30 - 2003.11.12)
  1. Aboriginal Peoples, Standing

date:     October 29, 2002
reference:     to examine and report upon issues affecting urban Aboriginal youth in Canada, in particular, to examine
access, provision and delivery of services;
policy and jurisdictional issues;
employment and education;
access to economic opportunities;
youth participation and empowerment;
and other related matters
report:     tabled, October 30, 2003
"Urban Aboriginal Youth: An Action Plan for Change: Final Report"
CHALIFOUX, Thelma J. (Chair)
  2. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     October 31, 2002
reference:     to examine the impact of climate change on Canada’s agriculture, forests and rural communities and the potential adaptation options focusing on primary production, practices, technologies, ecosystems and other related areas
report:     tabled, June 18, 2003
"Climate Change: We Are At Risk: Interim Report"
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)
      tabled, November 6, 2003
"Climate Change: We Are At Risk: Final Report"
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)
  3. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     November 6, 2002
reference:     to study the public interest implications for large bank mergers on:
access for Canadians throughout the country to convenient and quality financial services;
the availability of financing for individuals and businesses, particularly small and mid-sized businesses;
the Canadian economy and the ability of Canadian business to compete internationally;
communities and bank employees; and
any other related issues
report:     tabled, December 12, 2002
"Competition in the Public Interest: Large Bank Mergers in Canada"
KOLBER, Ernest Leo (Chair)

date:     October 29, 2002
reference:     to examine and report on the administration and operation of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
report:     tabled, November 7, 2003
"Debtors and Creditors Sharing the Burden: A Review of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act: Revised Report"
KROFT, Richard H. (Chair)

date:     October 23, 2002
reference:     to examine and report upon the present state of the domestic and international financial system
report:     tabled, June 19, 2003
"Navigating through "The Perfect Storm": Safeguards to Restore Investor Confidence: Interim Report"
KOLBER, Ernest Leo (Chair)
  4. Fisheries and Oceans, Standing

date:     November 6, 2002
reference:     to examine and report upon the matters relating to straddling stocks and to fish habitat
report:     tabled, March 27, 2003
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
      tabled, June 16, 2003
"Straddling Fish Stocks in the Northwest Atlantic"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
      tabled, November 6, 2003
"Fish Habitat: Interim Report"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)

report:     tabled, November 6, 2003
"Fish Habitat: Interim Report"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
  5. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     November 6, 2003
reference:     to examine the case of Dr. Wang Bingzhang
report:     tabled, November 7, 2003
"Case of Dr. Wang Bingzhang"
PATRY, Bernard (Chair)

date:     November 6, 2003
reference:     to examiner the issue of tension along the Eritrea-Ethiopian Border
report:     tabled, November 7, 2003
"Tension Along the Eritrea-Ethiopian Border"
PATRY, Bernard (Chair)

date:     November 21, 2002
reference:     to examine and report on the Canada – United States of America trade relationship and on the Canada – Mexico trade relationship, with special attention to:
a) the Free Trade Agreement of 1988;
b) the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1992;
c) secure access for Canadian goods and services to the United States and to Mexico, and
d) the development of effective dispute settlement mechanisms, all in the context of Canada’s economic links with the countries of the Americas and the Doha Round of World Trade Organization trade negotiations
report:     tabled, June 13, 2003
"Uncertain Access: The Consequences of U.S. Security and Trade Actions for Canadian Trade Policy (Volume 1): Interim Report"
STOLLERY, Peter Alan (Chair)
      tabled, November 6, 2003
"The Rising Dollar: Explanation and Economic Impacts (Volume 2): Interim Report"
STOLLERY, Peter Alan (Chair)
  6. Human Rights, Standing

date:     October 8, 2003
reference:     1. during its visit to the United Nations office in Geneva inquire into Canada's compliance with the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;
2. during its visit to the Human Rights Court of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, inquire into areas of application of the European Social Charter as a model in Canada
report:     tabled, November 4, 2003
"Fact-Finding Visit to Geneva, Switzerland and Strasbourg, France October 10 to 17, 2003"
MAHEU, Shirley (Chair)

date:     June 4, 2003
reference:     to examine and report upon key legal issues affecting the subject of on-reserve matrimonial real property on the breakdown of a marriage or common law relationship and the policy context in which they are situated, in particular, to examine:
- the interplay between provincial and federal laws in addressing the division of matrimonial property (both personal and real) on reserve and, in particular, enforcement of court decisions;
- the practice of land allotment on reserve, in particular with respect to custom land allotment;
- in a case of marriage or common-law relationships, the status of spouses and how real property is divided on the breakdown of the relationship; and
- possible solutions that would balance individual and community interest
report:     tabled, November 4, 2003
"A Hard Bed to Lie In: Matrimonial Real Property on Reserve: Interim Report"
MAHEU, Shirley (Chair)

date:     November 21, 2002
reference:     to examine and report upon Canada’s possible adherence to the American Convention on Human Rights
report:     tabled, May 28, 2003
"Enhancing Canada's Role in the OAS: Canadian Adherence to the American Convention on Human Rights"
MAHEU, Shirley (Chair)
  7. National Security and Defence, Standing

date:     October 30, 2002
reference:     to examine and report on the need for national security policy for Canada, in particular, to examine:
(a) the capability of the Department of National Defence to defend and protect the interests, people and territory of Canada and its ability to respond to or prevent a national emergency or attack;
(b) the working relationships between the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering, and how they collect, coordinate, analyze and disseminate information and how these functions might be enhanced;
(c) the mechanisms to review the performance and activities of the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering; and
(d) the security of our borders.
report:     tabled, November 12, 2002
"For an Extra 130 Bucks: Update on Canada's Military Financial Crisis: A View from the Bottom Up: Interim Report"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
      tabled, January 21, 2003
"The Myth of Security at Canada's Airports: Interim Report"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
      tabled, October 28, 2003
"Canada's Coastlines: The Longest Under-Defended Borders in the World (Volumes 1 and 2): Interim Report"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
  8. Official Languages, Standing

date:     February 5, 2003
reference:     to study the report entitled: "Environmental Scan: Access to Justice in Both Official Languages" (revised on July 25, 2002), which had been commissioned by Justice Canada … with a view to clarifying access to language rights and their exercise under the Divorce Act, the Bankruptcy Act, the Criminal Code, the Contraventions Act and other related acts where applicable
report:     tabled, May 25, 2003
LOSIER-COOL, Rose-Marie (Chair)

date:     December 5, 2002
reference:     to study and report upon the operation of the Official Languages Act, and of regulations and directives made thereunder, within those institutions subject to the Act, as well as upon the reports of the Commissioner of Official Languages, the President of the Treasury Board and the Minister of Canadian Heritage
report:     tabled, October 1st, 2003
"Official Languages: 2002-2003 Perspective: Study of the Action Plan for Official Languages and the Annual Reports of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, Treasury Board and the Department of Canadian Heritage: Interim Report"
LOSIER-COOL, Rose-Marie (Chair)
  9. Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament, Standing

date:     February 4, 2003
reference:     to examine the documents entitled: “Proposals to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Ethics Commissioner) and other Acts as a consequence” and “Proposals to amend the Rules of the Senate and the Standing Orders of the House of Commons to implement the 1997 Milliken-Oliver Report”, tabled in the Senate on October 23, 2002;
to take into consideration at the same time the code of conduct in use in the United Kingdom Parliament at Westminster, and consider rules that might embody standards appropriate for appointed members of a House of Parliament who can only be removed for cause;
to also take into consideration the present Rules of the Senate, the Parliament of Canada Act, the Criminal Code of Canada, the Canadian Constitution, and the Common Law to determine after a full compilation and review of these provisions whether they do of themselves adequately serve to assure high ethical standards in the actions of Senators in performing their duties, and
to make recommendations, if required, for the adoption and implementation of a code of conduct for Senators, and concerning such resources as may be needed to administer it, including consequential changes to statute law that may be appropriate
report:     tabled, April 10, 2003
"Government Ethics Initiative: Interim Report"
MILNE, Lorna Ann (Chair)
  10. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     June 19, 2003
reference:     to examine and report on the infrastructure and governance of the public health system in Canada, as well as on Canada’s ability to respond to public health emergencies arising from outbreaks of infectious disease and, in particular, to examine and report on:
- the state and governance of the public health infrastructure in Canada;
- the roles and responsibilities of, and the coordination among, the various levels of government responsible for public health;
- the monitoring, surveillance and scientific testing capacity of existing agencies;
- the globalization of public health;
- the adequacy of funding and resources for public health infrastructure in Canada;
- the performance of public health infrastructure in selected countries;
- the feasibility of establishing a national public health legislation or agency as a means for better coordination and integration and improved emergency responsiveness;
- the Naylor Advisory Group Report and recommendations
report:     tabled, November 5, 2003
"Reforming Health Protection and Promotion in Canada: Time to Act"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)

date:     October 23, 2002
reference:     to examine and report on the document entitled: "Santé en français : pour un meilleur accès à des services de santé en français"
report:     tabled, December 12, 2002
"Report on the document entitled: Santé en français : pour un meilleur accès à des services de santé en français"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)

date:     October 8, 2002
reference:     to examine and report upon the state of the health care system in Canada, and, in particular, to examine:
(a) the fundamental principles on which Canada's publicly funded health care system is based;
(b) the historical development of Canada's health care system;
(c) health care systems in foreign jurisdictions;
(d) the pressures on and constraints of Canada's health care system;
(e) the role of the federal government in Canada's health care system
report:     tabled, October 25, 2002
"The Health of Canadians: The Federal Role: Final Report: Volume Six: Recommendations for Reform"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
  11. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     October 30, 2002
reference:     to examine and report on issues facing the intercity busing industry
report:     tabled, December 11, 2002
"Intercity Bus Service in Canada"
FRASER, Joan (Chair)
  12. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     September 18, 2003
reference:     to study:
a) the services and benefits provided to veterans of war and peacekeeping missions in recognition of their services to Canada, in particular examining,
- access to priority beds for veterans in community hospitals;
- availability of alternative housing and enhanced home are;
- standardization of services throughout Canada;
- monitoring and accreditation of long term care facilities;
(b) the commemorative activities undertaken by the Department of Veterans Affairs to keep alive for all Canadians the memory of the veterans achievements and sacrifices; and
(c) the need for an updated Veterans Charter to outline the right to preventative care, family support, treatment and re-establishment benefits
report:     tabled, November 4, 2003
"Commemorative Activities"
MEIGHEN, Michael Arthur (Chair)
  13. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(National Security and Defence, Standing)

date:     November 25, 2002
reference:     to examine the proposal of the Valiants Group for the erection of statues in downtown Ottawa to salute the heroic wartime sacrifice of certain valiant men and women who fought victoriously for the independence of Canada during the 17th, 18th 19th and 20 centuries, and helped mightily to establish Canada’s nationhood
report:     tabled, December 12, 2002
"Valiants Project"
MEIGHEN, Michael Arthur (Chair)

date:     November 20, 2002
reference:     to examine and report on the health care provided to veterans of war and of peacekeeping missions;
the implementation of the recommendations made in its previous reports on such matters;
and the terms of service, post-discharge benefits and health care of members of the regular and reserve forces as well as members of the RCMP and of civilians who have served in close support of uniformed peacekeepers;
and all other related matters
report:     tabled, April 10, 2003
"Fixing the Canadian Forces' Method of Dealing with Death or Dismemberment: Interim Report"
MEIGHEN, Michael Arthur (Chair)
      tabled, June 19, 2003
"Occupational Stress Injuries: The Need for Understanding: Final Report"
MEIGHEN, Michael Arthur (Chair)
1st Session (2001.01.29 - 2002.09.16)
  1. Aboriginal Economic Development in relation to Northern National Parks, Subcommittee
(Aboriginal Peoples, Standing)

date:     March 12, 2001
reference:     to examine and report upon the opportunities to expand economic development, including tourism and employment, associated with National Parks in Northern Canada, within the parameters of existing comprehensive land claim and associated agreements with Aboriginal Peoples and in accordance with the principles of the National Parks Act
report:     tabled, September 27, 2001
"Northern Parks - A New Way"
CHRISTENSEN, Ione Jean (Chair)
  2. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     March 20, 2001
reference:     to examine international trade in agricultural and agri-food products, and short-term and long-term measures for the health of the agricultural and the agri-food industry in all regions of Canada
report:     tabled, December 4, 2001
"Looking South: U.S. Agriculture and Agri-Food Policy in the New Century: Interim Report"
GUSTAFSON, Leonard Joe (Chair)
      tabled, June 13, 2002
"Canadian Farmers at Risk: Interim Report"
GUSTAFSON, Leonard Joe (Chair)
  3. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     March 20, 2001
reference:     to examine and report upon the present state of the domestic and international financial system
report:     presented, July 8, 2002
"Our Shared Border: Facilitating the Movement of Goods and People in a Security Environment: Interim Report"
KOLBER, Ernest Leo (Chair)
      presented, September 6, 2002
"An Environment for Prosperity: Facilitating the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Canada: Interim Report"
KOLBER, Ernest Leo (Chair)
  4. Bill C-36, Special

date:     November 29, 2001
reference:     to examine Bill C-36, an Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Official Secrets Act, the Canada Evidence Act, the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act and other Acts, and to enact measures respecting the registration of charities, in order to combat terrorism
report:     presented, December 10, 2001
"2nd Report"
FAIRBAIRN, Joyce (Chair)
  5. Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     March 1st, 2001
reference:     to examine such issues as may arise from time to time relating to energy, the environment and natural resources, including the continuation and completion of the study on Nuclear Reactor Safety
report:     tabled, June 11, 2001
"Canada's Nuclear Reactors: How Much Safety Is Enough?: Interim Report"
TAYLOR, Nicholas W. (Nick) (Chair)
      tabled, June 6, 2002
"The International Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Safety"
TAYLOR, Nicholas W. (Nick) (Chair)
  6. Fisheries, Standing

date:     March 13, 2001
reference:     to examine and report upon the matters relating to the fishing industry
report:     tabled, June 29, 2001
"Aquaculture in Canada's Atlantic and Pacific Regions: Interim Report"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
      tabled, February 19, 2002
"Selected Themes on Canada's Freshwater and Northern Fisheries: Interim Report"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
  7. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     March 1st, 2001
reference:     to examine and report on emerging political, social, economic and security developments in Russia and Ukraine; Canada' s policy and interests in the region; and other related matters
report:     tabled, June 19, 2002
"Canada, Russia and Ukraine: Building a New Relationship"
STOLLERY, Peter Alan (Chair)
  8. Forestry, Subcommittee
(Agriculture and Forestry, Standing)

date:     March 20, 2001
reference:     to receive, examine and report on the papers and evidence received and the work accomplished by the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry during its consideration of the present and future state of forestry during the second session of the Thirty-sixth Parliament
report:     tabled, June 29, 2001
"Report on Forestry"
GUSTAFSON, Leonard Joe (Chair)
  9. Human Rights, Standing

date:     May 10, 2001
reference:     to examine issues relating to human rights, and, inter alia, to review the machinery of government dealing with Canada's international and national human rights obligations
report:     tabled, December 13, 2001
"Promises to Keep: Implementing Canada's Human Rights Obligations"
ANDREYCHUK, Anita Raynell (Chair)
  10. Illegal Drugs, Special

date:     March 15, 2001
reference:     to examine:
the approach taken by Canada to cannabis, its preparations, derivatives and similar synthetic preparations, in context;
the effectiveness of this approach, the means used to implement it and the monitoring of its application;
the related official policies adopted by other countries;
Canada's international role and obligations under United Nations agreements and conventions on narcotics, in connection with cannabis, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other related treaties; and
the social and health impacts of cannabis and the possible consequences of different policies
report:     tabled, September 3, 2002
"Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy"
Volume I: General Orientation
NOLIN, Pierre Claude (Chair)
      tabled, September 3, 2002
"Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy"
Volume II: Policies and Practices in Canada
NOLIN, Pierre Claude (Chair)
      tabled, September 3, 2002
"Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy"
Volume III: Public Policy Options
NOLIN, Pierre Claude (Chair)
      tabled, September 3, 2002
"Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy"
Volume IV: Appendices
NOLIN, Pierre Claude (Chair)
  11. National Finance, Standing

date:     June 6, 2002
reference:     to examine and report upon the administrative contract now in existence at the Goose Bay, Labrador airfield, as well as the Request for Proposals to renew the contract, to ascertain the effectiveness of this method of base operations in Canada in providing services for both military and non-military training activities
report:     tabled, July 9, 2002
"Managing and Marketing the Goose Bay, Labrador Airfield"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)

date:     June 13, 2001
reference:     to examine and report on the role of the government in the financing of deferred maintenance costs in Canada's post-secondary institutions
report:     tabled, October 30, 2001
"The Role of the Government in the Financing of Deferred Maintenance Costs in Canada's Post-Secondary Institutions"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)

date:     June 12, 2001
reference:     to examine and report on the effectiveness of and possible improvements to the present equalization policy in ensuring that provincial governments have sufficient revenues to provide reasonably comparable levels of public service at reasonably comparable levels of taxation
report:     tabled, March 21, 2002
"The Effectiveness of and Possible Improvements to the Present Equalization Policy"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)
  12. National Security and Defence, Standing

date:     April 16, 2002
reference:     to examine and report on the need for a national security policy for Canada, in particular, to examine:
(a) the capability of the Department of National Defence to defend and protect the interests, people and territory of Canada and its ability to respond to or prevent a national emergency or attack;
(b) the working relationships between the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering, and how they collect, coordinate, analyze and disseminate information and how these functions might be enhanced;
(c) the mechanisms to review the performance and activities of the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering; and
(d) the security of our borders
report:     presented, August 30, 2002
"Defence of North America: A Canadian Responsibility"
KENNY, Colin (Chair)

date:     May 31, 2001
reference:     to conduct an introductory survey of the major security and defence issues facing Canada with a view to preparing a detailed work plan for future comprehensive studies
report:     tabled, February 28, 2002
"Canadian Security and Military Preparedness"
Final report
KENNY, Colin (Chair)
  13. Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament, Standing

date:     March 15, 2001
reference:     to examine the structure of committees in the Senate, taking into consideration – inter alia – the following:
- available human resources
- the schedule of committees
- the mandate of each committee
- the total number of committees
- the number of Senators on each committee
report:     presented, March 20, 2002
"Modernizing the Senate Within: Updating the Senate Committee Structure"
AUSTIN, Jacob (Jack) (Chair)
  14. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     March 1st, 2001
reference:     to examine and report upon the state of the health care system in Canada, and, in particular, to examine:
(a) the fundamental principles on which Canada's publicly funded health care system is based;
(b) the historical development of Canada's health care system;
(c) health care systems in foreign jurisdictions;
(d) the pressures on and constraints of Canada's health care system;
(e) the role of the federal government in Canada's health care system
report:     tabled, March 28, 2001
"The Health of Canadians: The Federal Role: Interim Report"
Volume One: The Story So Far
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, September 17, 2001
"The Health of Canadians: The Federal Role: Interim Report"
Volume Four: Issues and Options
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, January 29, 2002
"The Health of Canadians: The Federal Role: Interim Report"
Volume Two: Current Trends and Future Challenges
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, January 29, 2002
"The Health of Canadians: The Federal Role: Interim Report"
Volume Three: Health Care Systems in Other Countries
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, April 18, 2002
"The Health of Canadians: The Federal Role: Interim Report"
Volume Five: Principles and Recommendations for Reform - Part I
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
  15. Subject Matter of Bill C-36, Special

date:     October 17, 2001
reference:     to examine the subject matter of Bill C-36, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Official Secrets Act, the Canada Evidence Act, the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act and other Acts, and to enact measures respecting the registration of charities, in order to combat terrorism and explore the protection of human rights and civil liberties in the application of this Act, in advance of the said Bill coming before the Senate
report:     tabled, November 1st, 2001
"1st Report"
FAIRBAIRN, Joyce (Chair)
  16. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(National Defence and Veterans Affairs, Standing)

date:     December 5, 2001
reference:     to undertake a study on long-term care for veterans throughout Canada
report:     tabled, June 12, 2002
"Long-Term Care for Veterans: The West Coast Crisis: Interim Report"
BEAUMIER, Colleen (Chair)
36th Parliament (1997.09.22 - 2000.10.22)
2nd Session (1999.10.12 - 2000.10.22)
  1. Aboriginal Peoples, Standing

date:     November 24, 1999
reference:     to examine and report upon the recommendations of the Royal Commission Report on Aboriginal Peoples respecting Aboriginal governance and, in particular, seek the comments of Aboriginal peoples and of other interested parties on:
1. the new structural relationship required between Aboriginal peoples and the federal, provincial and municipal levels of government and between the various Aboriginal communities themselves;
2. the mechanisms of implementing such new structural relationships and;
3. the models of Aboriginal self-government required to respond to the needs of Aboriginal peoples and to complement these new structural relationships
report:     tabled, February 15, 2000
"Forging New Relationships: Aboriginal Governance in Canada"
WATT, Charlie (Chair)
  2. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     November 24, 1999
reference:     to examine the present state and the future of agriculture in Canada
report:     tabled, June 29, 2000
"Repairing the Farm Safety Net to Meet the Crisis: Simple Successful and Sustainable: Interim Report"
GUSTAFSON, Leonard Joe (Chair)
  3. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     November 23, 1999
reference:     to examine and report upon the present state of the domestic and international financial system
report:     tabled, March 28, 2000
"Export Development Act: Interim Report"
KOLBER, Ernest Leo (Chair)
      tabled, May 3, 2000
"The Taxation of Capital Gains: Interim Report"
KOLBER, Ernest Leo (Chair)
  4. Bill C-20, Special

date:     May 16, 2000
reference:     to consider, after second reading, Bill C-20, An Act to give effect to the requirement for clarity as set out in the opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Secession Reference
report:     presented, June 19, 2000
"1st Report"
FRASER, Joan (Chair)
  5. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     October 14, 1999
reference:     to examine and report on the consequences for Canada of the emerging European Monetary Union and on other related trade and investment matters
report:     tabled, November 17, 1999
"Europe Revisited: Consequences of Increased European Integration for Canada"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)

date:     October 14, 1999
reference:     to examine and report upon the ramifications to Canada:
1. of the changed mandate of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Canada's role in NATO since the demise of the Warsaw Pact, the end of the Cold War and the recent addition to membership in NATO of Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic; and
2. of peacekeeping, with particular reference to Canada's ability to participate in it under the auspices of any international body of which Canada is a member
report:     tabled, April 5, 2000
"The New NATO and the Evolution of Peacekeeping: Implications for Canada"
STOLLERY, Peter Alan (Chair)
  6. National Finance, Standing

date:     April 7, 2000
reference:     that the papers and evidence received by the Subcommittee on Canada's Emergency and Disaster Preparedness in the First Session of the Thirty-sixth Parliament be referred to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance for the completion of the study
report:     tabled, June 22, 2000
"Report on the Committee's Examination of Canada's Emergency and Disaster Preparedness"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)
  7. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     October 14, 1999
reference:     to review, pursuant to subsection 47(5) of the Canada Transportation Act, the order authorizing certain major air carriers and persons to negotiate and enter into any conditional agreement
report:     presented, December 9, 1999
"Airline Industry Restructuring in Canada"
BACON, Lise (Chair)
  8. Transportation Safety, Subcommittee
(Transport and Communications, Standing)

date:     March 21, 2000
reference:     to examine and make recommendations upon the state of transportation safety and security in Canada and to complete a comparative review of technical issues and legal and regulatory structures with a view to ensuring that transportation safety and security in Canada are of such high quality as to meet the needs of Canada and Canadians in the twenty-first century
report:     tabled, June 28, 2000
"Report on Air Safety and Security"
FORRESTALL, Michael (Chair)
  9. Update "Of Life and Death", Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     November 25, 1999
reference:     to examine and report upon developments since the tabling in June 1995 of the final report of the Special Senate Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, entitled: "Of Life and Death" and, in particular, to examine:
1. the progress on the implementation of the unanimous recommendations made in the report;
2. developments in Canada respecting the issues dealt with in the report;
3. developments in foreign jurisdictions respecting the issues dealt with in the report
report:     tabled, June 6, 2000
"Quality End-of-Life Care: The Right of Every Canadian"
CARSTAIRS, Sharon (Chair)
1st Session (1997.09.22 - 1999.09.18)
  1. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     May 14, 1998
reference:     to examine and report on the Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBST) and its effect on the human and animal health safety aspects
report:     tabled, March 11, 1999
"rBST and the Drug Approval Process: Interim Report"
GUSTAFSON, Leonard Joe (Chair)

date:     November 18, 1997
reference:     to examine the present state and the future of agriculture in Canada
report:     tabled, August 4, 1999
"The Way Ahead: Canadian Agriculture's Priorities in the Millennium Round"
GUSTAFSON, Leonard Joe (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     February 12, 1998
reference:     to examine and report upon the governance provisions set out in the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (previously Bill C-2)
report:     tabled, March 31, 1998
"The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board: Getting it Right"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)

date:     October 22, 1997
reference:     to examine and report upon the present state of the financial system in Canada
report:     tabled, October 28, 1997
"Joint and Several Liability and Professional Defendants: Options Discussion Paper"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, March 17, 1998
"Joint and Several Liability and Professional Defendants"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, September 22, 1998
"Modified Proportionate Liability: Interim Report"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, October 1st, 1998
"Comparative Study of Financial Regulatory Regimes: Interim Report"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, November 19, 1998
"The Governance practices of Institutional Investors"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, December 2, 1998
"A Blueprint for Change: Response to the Report of the Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector (Volumes I, II and III): Interim Report"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, September 14, 1999
"A Study of Common Currency: Canada and the United States: Views and Evidence Heard: Interim Report"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
  3. Boreal Forest, Subcommittee
(Agriculture and Forestry, Standing)

date:     November 18, 1997
reference:     to examine the present state and the future of forestry in Canada
report:     tabled, June 28, 1999
"Competing Realities: The Boreal Forest at Risk"
TAYLOR, Nicholas W. (Nick) (Chair)
  4. Cape Breton Development Corporation, Special

date:     October 22, 1997
reference:     be revived to examine and report upon the Annual Report, Corporate Plan and progress reports of the Cape Breton Development Corporation and related matters
report:     tabled, December 15, 1997
"Final Report"
BRYDEN, John G. (Chair)
  5. Communications, Subcommittee
(Transport and Communications, Standing)

date:     October 29, 1997
reference:     to examine and report upon Canada's international competitive position in communications generally, including a review of the economic, social and cultural importance of communications for Canada
report:     tabled, May 28, 1999
"Wired to Win: Canada's Positioning within the World's Technological Revolution"
POULIN (CHARETTE), Marie-Paule (Chair)
  6. Fisheries, Standing

date:     November 19, 1997
reference:     to examine and report upon the questions of privatization and quota licensing in Canada's fisheries
report:     tabled, December 8, 1998
"Privatization and Quota Licensing in Canada's Fisheries"
COMEAU, Gerald J. (Chair)
  7. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     October 28, 1997
reference:     to examine and report on the growing importance of the Asia Pacific region for Canada
report:     tabled, December 1st, 1998
"Crisis in Asia: Implications for the Region, Canada and the World"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)

date:     October 3, 1996
reference:     to examine and report on the growing importance of the Asia Pacific region for Canada, with emphasis on the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference to be held in Vancouver in the fall of 1997, Canada's Year of Asia Pacific
report:     tabled, October 23, 1997
"The Importance of the Asia Pacific Region for Canada: Interim Report"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)
  8. National Finance, Standing

date:     October 9, 1997
reference:     to examine and report upon the expenditures set out in the Estimates for the fiscal year ending the 31st March, 1998, with the exception of Parliament Vote 10 and Privy Council Vote 25
report:     tabled, February 18, 1999
"Retention and Compensation Issues in the Public Service"
STRATTON, Terrance Richard (Chair)
  9. Post-Secondary Education, Special

date:     October 8, 1997
reference:     to examine and report upon the state of post-secondary education in Canada ... and to identify areas of greater cooperation between all levels of government, the private sector and the educational institutions
report:     tabled, December 16, 1997
"A Senate Report on Post-Secondary Education in Canada"
BONNELL, Mark Lorne (Chair)
  10. Security and Intelligence, Special

date:     March 26, 1998
reference:     to hear evidence on and consider matters relating to the threat posed to Canada by terrorism and the counter-terrorism activities of the Government of Canada; to examine and report on the current international threat environment with particular reference to terrorism as it relates to Canada ...
report:     tabled, January 14, 1999
KELLY, William McDonough (Chair)
  11. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     June 18, 1998
reference:     to examine and report upon the dimensions of social cohesion in Canada in the context of globalization and other economic and structural forces that influence trust and reciprocity among Canadians
report:     tabled, June 17, 1999
"Final Report on Social Cohesion"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)

date:     November 5, 1997
reference:     to monitor the implementation and application of Chapter 1, An Act to amend the Divorce Act, the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and the Canada Shipping Act, and the associated Federal Child Support Guidelines
report:     tabled, June 18, 1998
"The Federal Child Support Guidelines: Interim Report"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)
  12. Transportation Safety and Security, Special

date:     June 18, 1998
reference:     to examine and report upon the state of transportation safety and security in Canada and to complete a comparative review of technical issues and legal and regulatory structures with a view to ensuring that transportation safety and security in Canada are of such high quality as to meet the needs of Canada and Canadians in the twenty-first century
report:     tabled, January 28, 1999
"Interim Report"
FORRESTALL, Michael (Chair)
  13. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     November 25, 1997
reference:     to examine and report upon all matters relating to the future of the Canadian War Museum, including, but not restricted to, its structure, budget, name, and independence
report:     tabled, May 13, 1998
"Guarding History: A Study into the Future, Funding and Independence of the Canadian War Museum: Interim Report"
PHILLIPS, Orville Howard (Chair)

date:     November 5, 1997
reference:     to examine and report on the state of health care in Canada concerning veterans of war and Canadian Service persons; that the study concern itself with the availability, quality and standards of health care available to those veterans and Service persons
report:     tabled, April 2, 1998
"The State of Health Care for War Veterans and Service Men and Women - First Report: Long-Term Care, Standards of Care and Federal-Provincial Relations"
PHILLIPS, Orville Howard (Chair)
      tabled, February 25, 1999
"Raising the Bar: Creating a New Standard in Veterans Health Care: The State of Health Care for War Veterans and Service Men and Women"
PHILLIPS, Orville Howard (Chair)
35th Parliament (1994.01.17 - 1997.04.27)
2nd Session (1996.02.27 - 1997.04.27)
  1. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     March 21, 1996
reference:     to examine and report upon the present state of the financial system in Canada
report:     tabled, April 1st, 1996
"Crown Financial Institutions"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, August 29, 1996
"Corporate Governance: Interim Report"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, October 31, 1996
"1997 Financial Institution Reform: Lowering the Barriers to Foreign Banks"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, December 18, 1996
"Joint and Several Liability of Professional Defendants: Interim Report"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, April 23, 1997
"Summary of Concerns Regarding the Harmonized Sales Tax"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
  2. Cape Breton Development Corporation, Special

date:     February 11, 1997
reference:     be revived to examine and report upon the Annual Report, Corporate Plan and progress reports of the Cape Breton Development Corporation and related matters
report:     dated, April, 1997
"Final Report"
ROMPKEY, William H. (Chair)

date:     April 25, 1996
reference:     to examine and report upon the Annual Report and Corporate Plan of the Cape Breton Development Corporation and related matters
report:     presented, June 12, 1996
ROMPKEY, William H. (Chair)
  3. Communications, Subcommittee
(Transport and Communications, Standing)

date:     May 1st, 1996
reference:     to examine and report upon Canada's international competitive position in communications generally, including a review of the economic, social and cultural importance of communications for Canada
report:     tabled, April 22, 1997
"Wired to Win: Canada's International Competitive Position in Communications: Interim Report"
POULIN (CHARETTE), Marie-Paule (Chair)
  4. Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     March 27, 1996
reference:     to monitor all matters related to the implementation and application of the Act to accelerate the use of alternative fuels for motor vehicles (previously S-7)
report:     June 13, 1996
"Progress on the Implementation of Bill S-7"
GHITTER, Ronald D. (Chair)
  5. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     October 3, 1996
reference:     to examine and report on the growing importance of the Asia Pacific region for Canada, with emphasis on the upcoming Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference to be held in Vancouver in the fall of 1997, Canada's year of Asia Pacific
report:     June 1st, 1997
"The Importance of the Asia Pacific Region for Canada: An Interim Report"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)

date:     February 28, 1996
reference:     to examine and report on the consequences of the economic integration of the European Union for the national governance of the member states, and on the consequences of the emergence of the European Union for economic, political, and defence relations between Canada and Europe
report:     tabled, July 18, 1996
"European Integration: The Implications for Canada"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)
  6. Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Standing

date:     June 13, 1996
reference:     to consider the resolution to amend the Constitution of Canada, Term 17 of the Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada
report:     tabled, July 17, 1996
"Amendment to the Constitution of Canada, Term 17 of the Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada"
CARSTAIRS, Sharon (Chair)
  7. Post-Secondary Education in Canada, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     June 19, 1996
reference:     that the Inquiry on the serious state of post-secondary education in Canada be referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, and; that, while respecting provincial constitutional responsibilities, the Committee be authorized to examine and report upon the state of post-secondary education in Canada ... and to identify areas of greater cooperation between all levels of government, the private sector and the educational institutions
report:     tabled, April 24, 1997
"Interim Report"
BONNELL, Mark Lorne (Chair)
  8. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     December 10, 1996
reference:     to examine and report upon implementation by the Department of Veterans Affairs of measures to expedite the adjudication of pensions
report:     tabled, April 22, 1997
"Steadying the Course"
PHILLIPS, Orville Howard (Chair)
1st Session (1994.01.17 - 1996.02.02)
  1. Aboriginal Peoples, Standing

date:     January 20, 1994
reference:     to examine and report upon treatment of aboriginal veterans following the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War
report:     tabled, March 29, 1995
"The Aboriginal Soldier After the Wars"
ANDREYCHUK, Anita Raynell (Chair)
  2. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     June 7, 1994
reference:     to examine the future of agriculture in Canada and report upon the following:
(a) evaluate present agri-food objectives and modify them for the year 2000 and beyond using, among others, the criteria of fairness, sustainability and sustainable development, competitiveness and efficiency;
(b) examine the agri-food sector’s role in rural life and in the Canadian
(c) involve producers, processors, consumers and other interested parties in developing a long-term national strategy for agriculture; and
(d) identify the components that together constitute an overall farm policy that will take the agri-food sector into the next century
report:     tabled, December 13, 1994
"New Realities and Rough Choices: From Agriculture to Agri-food: Interim Report"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
      tabled, July 26, 1995
"Agricultural Trade: Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry’s Fact-Finding Missions to Washington and Winnipeg"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)

date:     March 17, 1994
reference:     to study farm safety and farm-related health issues
report:     tabled, June 30, 1995
"Farm Machinery: Lost Lives, Lost Limbs: Interim Report"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
  3. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     February 24, 1994
reference:     to examine and report upon the present state of the financial system in Canada in the wake of the major legislative and regulatory reform which took place two years ago
report:     tabled, November 22, 1994
"Regulation and Consumer Protection in the Federally-Regulated Financial Services Industry: Striking a Balance"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
      tabled, August 3, 1995
"Interim Report on the 1992 Financial Institutions Legislation"
KIRBY, Michael J.L. (Chair)
  4. Bill C-110, An Act respecting constitutional amendments, Special

date:     December 15, 1995
reference:     to consider, after second reading, Bill C-110, An Act respecting constitutional amendments
report:     presented, February 1st, 1996
KINSELLA, Noël A. (Chair)
  5. Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     April 27, 1994
reference:     to examine the issue of jobs and the environment, and in so doing, provide a forum where issues, in which there seems to be a conflict between the creation of jobs and the preservation of the environment, could be discussed with a view to moving them closer to the point of mutually advantageous integration
report:     tabled, July 5, 1995
"Pull Up! Pull Up!: An Interim Report on the Safety Implications of Automated Weather Observation Systems (AWOS)"
CARNEY, Patricia (Chair)

date:     April 27, 1994
reference:     to undertake a study of the policy options available to the government to complete the network of pristine areas that represent Canada’s natural regions and of the creation of a National Protected Areas Strategy and to make recommendations thereon
report:     tabled, February 2, 1996
"Protecting Places and People: Conserving Canada’s Natural Heritage"
CARNEY, Patricia (Chair)
  6. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Special

date:     February 23, 1994
reference:     to examine and report upon the legal, social and ethical issues relating to euthanasia and assisted suicide
report:     tabled, June 6, 1995
"Of Life and Death: Final Report"
NEIMAN, Joan Bissett (Chair)
  7. Fisheries, Standing

date:     April 28, 1994
reference:     to examine and report upon the Annual Report of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the fiscal year ending 31st March, 1991, tabled in the Senate on 23rd March, 1993 (Sessional Paper No. 343-906) and other matters relating to the fishing industry
report:     tabled, December 6, 1995
"The Atlantic Groundfish Fishery: It’s Future"
ROSSITER, Eileen (Chair)
  8. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     April 27, 1994
reference:     to monitor and report on the implementation and application in both countries of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, and on the implementation and application in Canada, Mexico, and the United States of the North American Free Trade Agreement, as well as any other related trade development
report:     tabled, August 3, 1995
"Free Trade in the Americas: Interim Report"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)
  9. Pearson Airport Agreements, Special

date:     May 4, 1995
reference:     to examine and report upon all matters concerning the policies and negotiations leading up to, and including, the agreements respecting the redevelopment and operation of Terminals 1 and 2 at Lester B. Pearson International Airport and the circumstances relating to the cancellation thereof
report:     tabled, December 13, 1995
"Final Report"
MACDONALD, Finlay (Chair)
  10. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     November 21, 1995
reference:     to examine the Report of the Special Commission on the Restructuring of the Reserves, tabled in the Senate on 7th November 1995
report:     tabled, December 14, 1995
"13th Report"
BONNELL, Mark Lorne (Chair)
  11. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     May 2, 1995
reference:     to study the Governor in Council Orders issuing directions to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission with respect to Direct-to-Home Satellite Distribution Undertakings and pay-per-view television programming through Direct-to-Home Satellite Distribution Undertakings
report:     tabled, June 21, 1995
"Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications on the Governor in Council Direction Orders to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission: final report"
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)

date:     March 21, 1994
reference:     to examine the mandate of the staffed lightstations to determine whether their role should be expanded to accommodate the increase in the number of marine users, in light of the expansion in the number in recreational users, keeping marine safety in mind, and the current restructuring of Canadian Coast Guard
report:     tabled, November 22, 1994
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)

date:     March 15, 1994
reference:     to examine and report upon the mandate and funding of Radio Canada International
report:     tabled, June 21, 1994
"5th Report"
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)
  12. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     April 26, 1994
reference:     to examine and report upon the future direction of the Department of Veterans Affairs
report:     tabled, October 27, 1994
"Keeping Faith: Into the Future"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
34th Parliament (1988.12.12 - 1993.09.08)
3rd Session (1991.05.13 - 1993.09.08)
  1. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     September 22, 1992
reference:     to undertake a special study on farm safety and farm related health issues
report:     tabled, June 21, 1993
"Farm Stress: Its Economic Dimension, its Human Consequences: Interim Report"
BERNTSON, Eric Arthur (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     December 17, 1991
reference:     to conduct a special study on draft regulations pertaining to the new legislation reforming Canadian financial institutions
report:     presented, May 5, 1992
"Interim Report on Draft Regulations re Financial Institutions"
POITRAS, Jean-Marie (Chair)
      tabled, June 23, 1992
"Conversion of Mutual Insurance Companies in Canada"
POITRAS, Jean-Marie (Chair)
      presented, March 25, 1993
"Interim Report on Privacy"
POITRAS, Jean-Marie (Chair)
      tabled, June 21, 1993
"Regulations on the Use of Personal Information Supplied to the Financial Institutions by its Customers: Final Report"
DOODY, C. William (Chair)
      tabled, June 21, 1993
"Monitoring and Protection of Clients of Financial Institutions"
DOODY, C. William (Chair)
  3. Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     February 28, 1992
reference:     to undertake a study of the policy options available to the government to achieve the objective of containing emissions associated with energy production and use in Canada with a view to improving the environment and to make recommendations thereon. Among these options are regulation; the use of economic instruments such as emission charges and taxes, subsidies and tradable emissions permits; measures to enhance energy efficiency and conservation; and the promotion of energy alternatives
report:     tabled, January 28, 1993
"The Energy Emissions Crisis: A Viable Alternative"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)

date:     December 10, 1991
reference:     to examine and report upon the Synfuels Project
report:     tabled, June 15, 1992
"Scotia Synfuels: A Project for the 1990s"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
  4. Fisheries, Standing

date:     May 19, 1992
reference:     to examine and report upon the current conditions and future prospects of Canada’s Atlantic commercial inshore fisheries and any related matters
report:     tabled, June 23, 1993
"Final Report"
ROSSITER, Eileen (Chair)
  5. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     June 8, 1993
reference:     to examine and report upon the continued imprisonment in Brazil of two young Canadians, Christine Lamont, of Langley, B.C., and David Spencer, of Moncton, N.B.
report:     presented, June 17, 1993
"Interim Report"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)

date:     November 21, 1991
reference:     to hear evidence and to examine and report on negotiations for a North American free trade agreement among Canada, the United States and Mexico and any other related trade developments
report:     tabled, February 2, 1993
"Macroeconomic Impact of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement: Interim Report"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)
  6. Security and National Defence, Subcommittee
(Foreign Affairs, Standing)

date:     February 18, 1992
reference:     to hear evidence and to examine and report on matters relating to national security and defence and the future roles of Canada’s armed forces
report:     tabled, February 25, 1993
"Meeting New Challenges: Canada’s Response to a New Generation of Peacekeeping"
BALFOUR, James (Chair)
  7. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     December 11, 1991
reference:     to examine and report upon the concept, development and promotion of Canadian citizenship
report:     tabled, June 23, 1992
"Interim Report"
KINSELLA, Noël A. (Chair)
      tabled, May 6, 1993
"Canadian Citizenship: Sharing the Responsibility": Final Report"
KINSELLA, Noël A. (Chair)
  8. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     December 11, 1991
reference:     to inquire into and report upon the decision of Canadian National Railways to sell the main railway line between Truro and Sydney, Nova Scotia
report:     presented, June 23, 1992
"12th Report"
OLIVER, Donald H. (Chair)
  9. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     November 21, 1991
reference:     to examine and report upon the Veterans Health Care Regulations (SOR/90-594, August 28, 1990) and on all matters concerning veterans affairs which may arise from time to time
report:     tabled, January 25, 1993
"The Valour and the Horror"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
2nd Session (1989.04.03 - 1991.05.12)
  1. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     November 9, 1989
reference:     to undertake an urgent study, up-dating its special study on farm finance of 1987-88, to consider the degree to which existing government policy and programs are responding to the continuing difficulties of Canadian farmers
report:     presented, December 20, 1989
"Study on Farm Income and Farm Debt in Canada: The Current Situation"
BAROOTES, Efstathios William (Staff) (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     October 4, 1989
reference:     to study the future of Canadian financial institutions in a globally-competitive and evolving environment and, in particular, the ownership of such institutions
report:     tabled, May 9, 1990
"Canada 1992: Toward a National Market in Financial Services"
BUCKWOLD, Sidney Labe (Chair)
  3. Bill C-21, An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act and the Employment and Immigration Department and Commission Act, Special

date:     November 9, 1989
reference:     to consider, after second reading, the Bill C-21, An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act and the Employment and Immigration Department and Commission Act
report:     presented, February 14, 1990
HÉBERT, Jacques (Chair)
  4. Energy and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     June 21, 1989
reference:     to review the extent to which Petro-Canada has met its original purpose, and to evaluate this purpose with respect to Petro-Canada’s evolving role in the Canadian energy scene
report:     tabled, June 12, 1990
"Petro Canada"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
  5. Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     June 21, 1989
reference:     to review the document entitled: "Energy and Canadians into the 21st Century: a report on the energy options process", tabled in the Senate on 16th August 1988 (Sessional Paper No. 332-1008) and in particular to examine the energy policy observations and recommendations contained therein
report:     presented, March 25, 1991
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
  6. Fisheries, Standing

date:     June 13, 1989
reference:     to examine all aspects of the marketing of fish in Canada, and all implications thereof
report:     tabled, December 20, 1989
"Report on the East Coast Fisheries: Interim Report III"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
      tabled, March 26, 1991
"Canadian Lobster: A Marketing Challenge"
ROBERTSON, Brenda Mary (Chair)
  7. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     April 5, 1989
reference:     to monitor and report on the implementation and application in both countries of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act as well as on any other related trade developments
report:     tabled, March 28, 1990
"Monitoring the Implementation of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)
      tabled, November 22, 1990
"Monitoring the Implementation of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement"
STEWART, John Benjamin (Chair)
  8. National Defence, Special

date:     April 5, 1989
reference:     to consider the following matter relating to national defence, namely, Canada’s land forces including mobile command, and such other matters as may from time to time be referred to it by the Senate
report:     tabled, October 31, 1989
"Canada’s Land Forces: Final Report"
HICKS, Henry Davies (Chair)
  9. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     June 28, 1989
reference:     to undertake a preliminary study of problems encountered in short-term care hospitals and institutions under the National Health Program in Canada
report:     presented, June 13, 1990
"Accessibility to Hospital Services: Is There a Crisis?"
MARSDEN, Lorna (Chair)

date:     June 21, 1989
reference:     to examine and report upon the relationship between childhood poverty and certain significant and costly social problems that manifest themselves in adult life and on measures that might better alleviate such problems
report:     tabled, December 19, 1989
"Child Poverty and Adult Social Problems: Interim Report"
MARSDEN, Lorna (Chair)
      tabled, January 31, 1991
"Children in Poverty: Toward a Better Future"
MARSDEN, Lorna (Chair)
  10. Terrorism and Public Safety, Special

date:     May 9, 1989
reference:     to review the recommendations contained in the Report of the Special Committee of the Senate on Terrorism and Public Safety, entitled: "Terrorism", tabled in the Senate on 10th August, 1987
report:     tabled, June 28, 1989
"Terrorism: Final Report"
KELLY, William McDonough (Chair)
  11. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     June 28, 1989
reference:     to study the inquiry of the Honourable Senator Marshall calling the attention of the Senate to the effects of the announcement by Air Canada on February 1, 1989, to withdraw service from the town of Stephenville in the province of Newfoundland, effective June 17, 1989
report:     presented, December 19, 1989
"Report on the Stephenville Inquiry: Final Report"
MACDONALD, Finlay (Chair)
  12. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     January 23, 1991
reference:     to examine and report upon the Veterans Health Care Regulations (SOR/90-594, August 28, 1990) and on all other matters concerning veterans affairs which may arise from time to time
report:     tabled, January 31, 1991
"It’s Almost Too Late"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
33rd Parliament (1984.11.05 - 1988.10.01)
2nd Session (1986.09.30 - 1988.10.01)
  1. Agriculture and Forestry, Standing

date:     May 6, 1987
reference:     to examine and report upon farm finance to assess the gravity of the current problems facing the Canadian agricultural industry, to consider the degree to which existing government policy and programs have been successful in meeting their objectives, and to make recommendations on how to better meet the needs of the Canadian agricultural industry
report:     tabled, April 28, 1988
"Financing the Family Farm to the Year 2000"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)

date:     March 19, 1987
reference:     to study the Canadian regulatory process for pesticides
report:     presented, September 7, 1988
"The Canadian Regulatory Process for Pesticides"
HAYS, Daniel Philip (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     May 26, 1987
reference:     to study and report upon tax reform in Canada, or any matter relating thereto
report:     tabled, December 1st, 1987
"Tax Reform in Canada: Interim Report"
SINCLAIR, Ian David (Chair)
  3. Child Care, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     May 5, 1987
reference:     to examine and report upon the Final Report of the Special Committee of the House of Commons on Child Care, entitled: "Sharing the Responsibility"
report:     tabled, July 12, 1988
SPIVAK, Mira (Chair)
  4. Energy and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     May 12, 1987
reference:     to study and report upon the proposed sale of Dome Petroleum Limited with particular reference to the impact of the sale on Canada, or any matter relating thereto
report:     presented, June 23, 1987
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)

date:     April 1st, 1987
reference:     to examine the production and use of natural gas in Canada, with particular reference to natural gas deregulation, or any matter relating thereto
report:     tabled, September 7, 1988
"Natural Gas Deregulation and Marketing"
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)
  5. Fisheries, Standing

date:     October 28, 1986
reference:     to examine all aspects of the marketing of fish in Canada, and all implications thereof
report:     tabled, October 2, 1986
"The Marketing of Fish in Canada: An Interim Report on the Freshwater Fisheries"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
      tabled, December 9, 1987
"The Marketing of Fish in Canada: An Interim Report on the West Coast Fisheries (Interim Report II)"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
  6. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     November 5, 1987
reference:     to examine and report upon elements of a Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States tabled in the Senate, on October 6, 1987 (Sessional Paper No. 332-589), and texts subsequently agreed to
report:     tabled, May 4, 1988
"Constitutional Jurisdiction Pertaining to certain Aspects of the Free Trade Agreement: Interim Report"
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)

date:     March 17, 1987
reference:     to examine the desirability and advantages of the Turks and Caicos Islands becoming a part of Canada;
the support for such action among Turks and Caicos Islanders and Canadians; and
whether any of the following steps might be usefully taken prior to a formal union or association:
(1) adoption of a common currency;
(2) designation of Canada's Governor General as the Queen's representative for the Islands;
(3) a closer economic association between the two countries;
(4) any change in procedures to our mutual advantage that would assist the entry of Canadians to the Islands, and of Islanders to Canada; and
(5) provision of efficient direct air service between the two countries
report:     presented, December 2, 1987
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)

date:     November 4, 1986
reference:     to examine and report on Canada’s participation in the international financial system and institutions and in particular the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group and the regional development banks, including the debt repayment problems of developing countries
report:     tabled, May 13, 1987
"Canada, the International Financial Institutions and the Debt Problems of Developing Countries"
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)
  7. National Finance, Standing

date:     October 9, 1986
reference:     to examine and report upon the activities of the Government of Canada in its financial support of post-secondary education and vocational training
report:     tabled, March 25, 1987
"Federal Policy on Post-Secondary Education"
LEBLANC, Fernand-E. (Chair)
  8. Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing

date:     June 30, 1987
reference:     to examine and report upon the activities of the National Film Board with respect to the production and distribution of the film "The Kid Who Couldn't Miss"
report:     tabled, July 5, 1988
"The Kid Who Couldn’t Miss"
TREMBLAY, Arthur Julien (Chair)

date:     November 6, 1986
reference:     to study the Consultation Paper on Child and Elderly Benefits, issued by the Department of National Health and Welfare, tabled in the Senate on 5th February, 1985, and to report thereon
report:     tabled, June 30, 1987
"Child Benefits: Proposal for a Guaranteed Family Supplement Scheme"
TREMBLAY, Arthur Julien (Chair)
  9. Terrorism and Public Safety, Special

date:     October 8, 1986
reference:     to hear evidence and consider matters relating to terrorism as a real or potential threat to Canada and to Canadians;
to examine and make recommendations on the subject-matter and effectiveness of existing statutes, agreements and administrative arrangements pertaining to the combatting of terrorist activity;
to examine and make recommendations on the role of the media in reporting terrorist threats and incidents
report:     tabled, August 10, 1987
KELLY, William McDonough (Chair)
  10. Training and Employment, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     October 30, 1986
reference:     to study and report upon the Consultation Paper on Training, issued by the Department of Employment and Immigration, tabled in the Senate on 11th December, 1984, and the document entitled "Employment Opportunities: Preparing Canadians for a Better Future", tabled at the First Ministers’ Conference held in Regina, Saskatchewan, on 14th and 15th February, 1985
report:     tabled, December 1st, 1987
"In Training, Only Work Works: Train Canadians and Create Jobs without Increasing the Deficit, Inflation or Tax Rates"
GIGANTÈS, Philippe Deane (Chair)
1st Session (1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)
  1. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Standing

date:     March 26, 1985
reference:     to examine the impact of the recommendations contained in its Report on soil and water conservation in Canada, entitled: "Soil at risk: Canada’s eroding future", tabled in the Senate on 6th November, 1984, and to inquire into any matter related thereto
report:     tabled, February 13, 1986
"Herbicide Pricing"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     June 25, 1985
reference:     to inquire into matters relating to the regulation of Canadian financial institutions and the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
report:     tabled, December 11, 1985
"Deposit Insurance: Interim Report"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)
      tabled, May 1st, 1986
"Towards a More Competitive Financial Environment: Final Report"
MURRAY, Lowell (Chair)
  3. Child Benefits, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     February 13, 1985
reference:     to examine and report upon the Consultation Paper on Child and Elderly Benefits, issued by the Department of National Health and Welfare, tabled in the Senate on 5th February, 1985
report:     tabled, December 18, 1985
"Analysis of Child and Family Benefits in Canada: A Working Document: Interim Report"
MARSDEN, Lorna (Chair)
  4. Energy and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     December 18, 1984
reference:     to review all aspects of the National Energy Program, including its effects on energy development in Canada
report:     tabled, September 17, 1985
"Canadian Energy Policy: An Interim Report"
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)
      tabled, June 25, 1986
"Oil Marketing: 1986: Final Report"
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)
  5. Fisheries, Standing

date:     June 12, 1986
reference:     to examine and report upon all aspects of the marketing of fish in Canada, and all implications thereof
report:     tabled, October 2, 1986
"The Marketing of Fish in Canada: An Interim Report on the Freshwater Fisheries"
MARSHALL, Jack (Chair)
(Report published during the 2nd Session, 33rd Parliament)
  6. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     December 18, 1984
reference:     to examine and report upon Canadian relations with countries of the Middle East and North Africa
report:     tabled, June 26, 1985
"Canada’s Relations with the Countries of the Middle East and North Africa"
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)
  7. National Defence, Special

date:     November 27, 1984
reference:     to consider matters relating to national defence
report:     tabled, January 23, 1985
"Canada’s Territorial Air Defence"
LAFOND, Paul C. (Chair)
      tabled, February 20, 1986
"Military Air Transport"
LAFOND, Paul C. (Chair)
  8. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     February 14, 1985
reference:     to examine the subject-matter of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations made by Order in Council P.C. 1985-147, dated January 17, 1985, or any matter relating thereto
report:     tabled, February 19, 1986
"1st Report"
LANGLOIS, J. G. Léopold (Chair)
  9. Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee
(Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Standing)

date:     October 8, 1985
reference:     to examine and report upon the activities of the National Film Board with respect to the production and distribution of the film "The Kid Who Couldn't Miss"
report:     tabled, April 15, 1986
"Production and Distribution of the National Film Board Production 'The Kid Who Couldn't Miss'"
TREMBLAY, Arthur Julien (Chair)
  10. Youth, Special

date:     December 11, 1984
reference:     to examine, consider and make recommendations on the problems and issues facing Canadian youth between 15 and 24 years of age
report:     tabled, February 19, 1986
"Youth: A Plan of Action"
HÉBERT, Jacques (Chair)
32nd Parliament (1980.04.14 - 1984.07.09)
2nd Session (1983.12.07 - 1984.07.09)
  1. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Standing

date:     February 7, 1984
reference:     to examine the subject-matter of soil and water conservation throughout Canada
report:     tabled, November 6, 1984;
presented, June 1st, 1984
"Soil at Risk: Canada's Eroding Future"
SPARROW, Herbert Orval (Chair)
(Report published during the 1st Session, 33rd Parliament)
  2. Energy and Natural Resources, Standing

date:     February 2, 1984
reference:     to review the recommendations contained in the Fifth Report of the Special Committee of the Senate on the Northern Pipeline, entitled: "Marching to the beat of the same drum: transportation of petroleum and natural gas north of 60o", tabled in the Senate on 30th March, 1983, and to enquire into any matter related thereto
report:     tabled, June 20, 1984
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)
  3. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     January 19, 1984
reference:     to examine and report upon Canadian relations with countries of the Middle East and North Africa
report:     a report on a visit to the Middle East by an ad hoc subcommittee was presented to the committee on March 7, 1984
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)
  4. National Finance, Standing

date:     March 13, 1984
reference:     to complete its examination of the role of the federal government in generating economic development through technological change, begun under its examination of the Main Estimates 1982-83 (an examination begun by the Committee's Subcommittee on Estimates)
report:     tabled, November 6, 1984;
presented, August 1st, 1984
"Federal Government Support for Technological Advancement: An Overview"
DOODY, C. William (Chair)
(Report published during the 1st Session, 33rd Parliament)
  5. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     January 19, 1984
reference:     to inquire into and report upon the national rail passenger service provided to Canadians by VIA Rail Canada Inc.
report:     tabled, June 26, 1984;
presented, June 20, 1984
"Rail Passenger Services in Canada - Are We On the Right Track?: Interim Report"
LANGLOIS, J. G. Léopold (Chair)
1st Session (1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)
  1. Agriculture, Standing

date:     May 28, 1980
reference:     to examine and report upon any aspect of the Canadian livestock industry
report:     tabled, June 22, 1982
"Industry in Turmoil: Report on the Long Term Stabilization of the Beef Industry in Canada"
SPARROW, Herbert Orval (Chair)
  2. Banking, Trade and Commerce, Standing

date:     November 30, 1982
reference:     to examine and consider proposed budget tax changes and measures, such proposals as made by the Minister of Finance on June 28, 1982; and a statement made by him on October 27, 1982; and any matters relating thereto
report:     tabled, March 22, 1983;
presented, March 16, 1983
"Second Report on the Advance Study of Budget Resolutions Respecting Income Tax and other Matters relating thereto"
MCILRAITH, George James (Acting Chair)

date:     March 24, 1982
reference:     to examine and consider proposed budget tax changes and measures, such proposals as made by the Minister of Finance on November 12, 1981 and on December 18, 1981 and any other matters relating thereto
report:     presented, December 1st, 1982
"The Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on the Advance Study of Budget Resolutions Respecting Income Tax and Other Matters Relating Thereto"
MCILRAITH, George James (Chair)
  3. Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Special

date:     June 29, 1983
reference:     to examine and consider the subject-matter of the Bill C-157, intituled: "An Act to establish the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, to enact An Act respecting enforcement in relation to certain security and related offences and to amend certain Acts in consequence thereof or in relation thereto", in advance of the said Bill coming before the Senate
report:     tabled, November 3, 1983
"Delicate Balance: A Security Intelligence Service in a Democratic Society"
PITFIELD, Peter Michael (Chair)
  4. Childhood Experiences as Causes of Criminal Behaviour, Subcommittee

date:     May 5, 1980
reference:     to inquire into and report upon such experiences in prenatal life and early childhood as may cause personality disorders on criminal behaviour in later life and to consider and recommend such remedial and preventative measures relating thereto as may be reasonably expected to lead to a reduction of crime and violence in society
report:     tabled, October 16, 1980
"Child at Risk: A Report"
BONNELL, Mark Lorne (Chair)
  5. Foreign Affairs, Standing

date:     May 1st, 1980
reference:     to examine and report upon Canadian relations with the United States
report:     presented, March 24, 1982
"Canada-United States Relations, volume III: Canada's Trade Relations with the United States"
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)
  6. Health, Welfare and Science, Standing

date:     March 19, 1981
reference:     to examine and consider the Annual Report of the Department of Veterans Affairs for the fiscal year ended 31st March, 1980
report:     tabled, October 20, 1981
"They Served, We Care"
(Please note: one report but two mandates)
BONNELL, Mark Lorne (Chair)

date:     November 6, 1980
reference:     to examine and report upon the subject-matter of the Statute Law (Military and Civilian War Pensions, Compensation and Allowances) Amendment Act, 1980, Chapter 19, Statutes of Canada, 1980, and any regulations that may be made thereunder
report:     tabled, October 20, 1981
"They Served, We Care"
(Please note: one report but two mandates)
BONNELL, Mark Lorne (Chair)
  7. Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Standing

date:     June 19, 1980
reference:     to consider and report upon constitutional provisions regarding individual and collective rights and upon the future role and composition of the Canadian Senate and alternative constitutional arrangements compatible with true federalism
report:     tabled, November 26, 1980
"Certain Aspects of the Canadian Constitution"
GOLDENBERG, Carl H. (Chair)
  8. National Defence, Subcommittee

date:     May 14, 1980
reference:     to consider matters relating to national defence
report:     tabled, February 10, 1982;
dated, January 1st, 1982
"Manpower in Canada's Armed Forces"
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)
      tabled, June 15, 1983;
dated, May 1st, 1983
"Canada's Maritime Defence"
VAN ROGGEN, George Clifford (Chair)
  9. National Finance, Standing

date:     April 29, 1980
reference:     to examine and report upon the expenditures proposed by the Estimates laid before Parliament for the fiscal year ending 31st March, 1981 (as per the official mandate). The committee also focused on an examination of government policy and regional disparities (Main Estimates 1980-81)
report:     tabled, October 25, 1982
"Government Policy and Regional Development"
EVERETT, Douglas Donald (Chair)
  10. Northern Pipeline, Special

date:     July 8, 1981
reference:     to examine, consider and report on the transportation of petroleum and natural gas in Canada, north of the 60th parallel of latitude and any matter related thereto (offshore transportation). (Recommended in 4th report)
report:     tabled, March 30, 1983
"Marching to the Beat of the Same Drum: Transportation of Petroleum and Natural Gas North of 60°"
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)

date:     March 17, 1981
reference:     to consider and report upon the subject-matter of the Bill C-60, intituled: "An Act to amend the National Energy Board Act"
report:     presented, April 1st, 1981
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)

date:     July 10, 1980
reference:     to examine and report upon the enhanced recovery technology of petroleum and natural gas and matters related thereto
report:     tabled, April 2, 1981
"Enhanced Oil Recovery in Canada"
HASTINGS, Earl Adams (Chair)
  11. Retirement Age Policies, Special

date:     April 15, 1980
reference:     to examine and report upon the existing retirement age policies affecting workers in both public and private sectors, ensuing social and economic considerations
report:     tabled, April 15, 1980
"Retirement Without Tears"
CROLL, David Arnold (Chair)
  12. Transport and Communications, Standing

date:     October 28, 1981
reference:     to inquire into and report upon the national rail passenger service provided to Canadians by VIA Rail Canada Inc.
report:     presented, July 6, 1982
"Interim Report on Passenger Rail Service Provided by VIA Rail Canada Inc."
SMITH, George Isaac (Chair)

date:     February 26, 1981
reference:     to receive a presentation from representatives of the National Farmers' Union with respect to certain issues relating to the Crowsnest Pass and to report thereon
report:     presented, March 5, 1981
SMITH, George Isaac (Chair)

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