Publications and Media Relations
Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics

Mandate and Powers

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics ("the Committee") studies and reports on matters referred to it by the House of Commons, or on topics the Committee itself chooses to examine. It is a permanent committee established by the Standing Orders of the House. Legislation, departmental activities and spending, and other matters related to the general subject matter of the Committee may be referred to it from time to time. On 14 December 2004, the House of Commons concurred in the 20th report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, which established the Committee's mandate.


Under Standing Order 108(1), standing committees can examine any matters referred to them by the House of Commons or as required in legislation. They can report to the House, send for persons or records, and may delegate their powers to subcommittees. They can sit whether the House is sitting or adjourned, and may sit jointly with other standing committees.

The Committee studies matters related to reports of the Information Commissioner of Canada, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, and the Ethics Commissioner, with respect to the last-mentioned official's responsibilities under the Parliament of Canada Act relating to public office holders; and reports tabled pursuant to the Lobbyists Registration Act. The Committee's mandate is set out in section 108(3)(h) of the Standing Orders.

Meeting 48 - November 24, 2005
Report of the Office of the Ethics Commissioner - ''Issues and Challenges 2005''

Meeting 44 - November 3, 2005
Report of the Ethics Commissioner on activities in relation to Public Office Holders 2004-2005

Meeting 34 - June 28, 2005
Motion of non-confidence in the Ethics Commissioner

Meeting 33 - June 23, 2005
Report of the Ethics Commissioner on the Sgro Inquiry

Meeting 29 - June 9, 2005
Letter of the Ethics Commissioner tabled in the House of Commons by Judy Sgro on May 10, 2005

Meeting 27 - June 2, 2005
The non-publication of the report of the Ethics Commissioner on the Sgro inquiry

Meeting 25 - May 10, 2005
Main Estimates 2005-2006

Meeting 10 - February 10, 2005
Funding mechanism

Meeting 7 - December 8, 2004