Office of Ethics Commissioner
Current Year: 2006-2007

Budgetary Main Estimates as presented in Part I - The Government Expense Plan

Subject Budget ($) Expenses** ($) (%) Available
Personnel 3,535,091.00 1,550,100.00 56
Transport and Communication 109,000.00 27,068.75 75
Information 20,000.00 2,728.78 86
Professional and Special Services 1,268,309.00 601,894.35 53
Rentals 37,000 24,070.37 35
Purchase, Repair and Maintenance 6,000 790.89 87
Utilities, Material and Supplies 41,000 9,033.21 78
TOTAL = 5,016,400.00 2,215,686.35 56

** to the end of September 2006