Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Mandate, Role and Responsibilities

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer) and other Acts in consequence (Chapter 7 of the Statutes of Canada, 2004), and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons determine the parameters of the mandate of the Office of the Ethics Commissioner.

Contrary to some public perception, the Ethics Commissioner is not a federal Ombudsman. His functions and duties are limited to the legislative framework outlined above. With particular respect to the conduct of Members of the House of Commons, these functions and duties are assigned by the House itself, and are carried within the institution of the House of Commons. In summary, the mandate of the Office of the Ethics Commissioner, carried on behalf of Parliament, is to:

  1. administer the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons adopted by the House of Commons on April 29, 2004; as part of that responsibility, our Office maintains the registry of the public disclosure summaries of Members. In addition, the Office also administers the Prime Minister's Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders; within that responsibility, the Ethics Commissioner is also charged with the Public Registry for Public Office Holders, including Ministers, Ministers of state and Parliamentary secretaries;
  2. provide confidential opinions to Members of the House of Commons and advice to Public Office Holders, on any matter respecting their obligations under the Code to which they are subject; and
  3. conduct inquiries, on behalf of Parliament, at the request of Members of Parliament, of Members of the House of Commons, either as members or as Public Office Holders, on questions of compliance with either Code, as applicable.
  4. In discharging these duties, the Office may also undertake educational initiatives and information activities in order to inform its clients, and the public at large.

    To support its mandate, Parliament grants an annual budget to the Office; as well the Ethics Commissioner has the power to engage the staff to assist him in carrying his duties. This section of the website provides the Office's structure and organization chart, as well as its budget, both for the current year, and the years since May 2004.