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RPP 2006-2007
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada

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The Minister's Message

I am pleased to have this opportunity to provide Parliament with my first Report on Plans and Priorities as Minister of Public Safety.

The Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness is part of the Public Safety Portfolio.  The Portfolio also includes the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Correctional Service of Canada, the National Parole Board, and three review bodies.

Working collectively in an integrated fashion, the Department and the Portfolio Agencies are dedicated to protecting Canadian families and their communities, to securing our borders and to increasing our preparedness to address public emergencies.

To help meet these safety and security needs, in Budget 2006, the new Government provided $1.4 billion over two years.  This funding is being provided to the Portfolio for such initiatives as increasing the number of police officers; preventing youth crime with a focus on guns, gangs and drugs; arming border officers and eliminating "work-alone" posts; and, enhancing our capacity to deal with catastrophes and other emergencies.

An additional focus will be on Canada’s relationship with the United States.  A safe, reliable and secure border is critical to Canada’s continued economic and social prosperity.  To this end, I will continue to work closely with my colleagues from the United States and Mexico to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

I am confident that the Public Safety Portfolio will continue to fulfill its mandate of protecting Canadians from threats to their safety, while maintaining the rights and freedoms on which our open society depends.

The Honourable Stockwell Day, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety

Management Representation Statement

I submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.

This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide to the preparation of Part III of the Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities.

  • It adheres to the specific reporting requirements outlined in the TBS guidance;
  • It is based on the department’s approved Program Activity Architecture structure as reflected in the MRRS;
  • It presents consistent, comprehensive, balanced and reliable information;
  • It provides a basis of accountability for the results achieved with the resources and authorities entrusted to it; and
  • It reports finances based on approved planned spending numbers from the Treasury Board Secretariat.

Suzanne Hurtubise
Deputy Minister of Public Safety

Portfolio Overview

The Public Safety portfolio is responsible within the Government of Canada for public safety - policing and law enforcement, corrections and conditional release of federal offenders, emergency management, national security, crime prevention and the protection of Canada’s borders.

The Portfolio consists of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada and five agencies: the Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Correctional Service of Canada, the National Parole Board, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The Portfolio also includes three review bodies: the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, the Office of the Correctional Investigator and the RCMP External Review Committee.

The Portfolio’s organizations have just over 52,000 employees and a total annual budget of over $6.0 billion.  Each Portfolio agency, with the exception of CSIS, prepares an individual Report on Plans and Priorities.  Owing to national security concerns CSIS does not publicly report on its plans and priorities, although information on the reports of the other Portfolio Agencies can be found on each organization’s website.

The Department, Portfolio agencies and review bodies contribute individually and collectively to the public safety agenda outlined in the 2006-2007 RPP.

  • The Department provides strategic policy advice in such areas as border security, policing, and national law enforcement.  It also delivers a broad range of national emergency preparedness, critical infrastructure protection and community safety programs.  Additionally, the Department supports the Minister in all aspects of his mandate, providing national public safety leadership and strategic direction to the agencies while promoting the agencies’ accountability to the Minister.  Also situated within the Department is the Office of the Inspector General of CSIS, which does internal audits of CSIS’s compliance with the law, Ministerial direction and operational policy.
  • The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) manages the nation’s borders by administering and enforcing domestic laws that govern trade and travel, as well as international agreements and conventions.  CBSA brings together all the major players involved in facilitating legitimate cross-border traffic and supporting economic development while stopping people and goods that pose a potential threat to Canada.  CBSA processes commercial goods, travelers and conveyances, conducts secondary inspections of food and agricultural products imported by travelers at airports and marine facilities, conducts intelligence, engages in enforcement activities, supports free trade negotiations and conducts compliance audit reviews and dumping and subsidy investigations.
  • The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) investigates and reports on activities that may reasonably be suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada.  CSIS also provides security assessments, on request, to all federal departments and agencies.
  • The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) contributes to the protection of society by actively encouraging offenders to become law-abiding citizens while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and humane control.  CSC is responsible for managing offenders in federal correctional institutions and under community supervision, sentenced to two years or more. 
  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) enforces Canadian federal laws, prevents crime and maintains peace, order and security. This includes the following responsibilities: to prevent, detect and investigate offences against federal statutes; to maintain law and order and prevent, detect and investigate crime in provinces, territories and municipalities where the Force has a policing contract; to provide investigative and protective services to other federal departments and agencies; and to provide Canadian and international law enforcement agencies with specialized police training and research, forensic laboratory services, identification services and informatics technology.
  • The National Parole Board (NPB) is an independent, quasi-judicial, decision-making body that has exclusive jurisdiction and absolute discretion to grant, deny, cancel, terminate or revoke parole.  The Board’s mission is to contribute to the protection of society by facilitating the timely reintegration of offenders into society as law-abiding citizens.  The Board also makes conditional release decisions for offenders in provincial institutions for provinces without their own parole board.
  • The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP (CPC) receives and reviews public complaints regarding the conduct of members of the RCMP in an open, independent and objective manner.  The Commission informs the public of its mandate and services, reviews and investigates complaints about the conduct of RCMP members, holds public hearings, prepares reports, including findings and recommendations, and conducts research and policy development to improve the public complaints process.
  • The RCMP External Review Committee (RCMP ERC) is an independent and impartial agency that aims to promote fair and equitable labour relations within the RCMP, in accordance with applicable principles of law.  To this end the Committee conducts an independent review of appeals in disciplinary and discharge and demotion matters, as well as certain categories of grievances, in accordance with the RCMP
  • The Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI) is mandated by legislation to act as the Ombudsman for federal corrections.  Its main function is to conduct independent, thorough and timely investigations, regarding decisions, recommendations, acts or omissions of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), that affect offenders either individually or as a group. It may initiate an investigation upon receipt of a complaint by or on behalf of an offender, at the request of the Minister of Public Safety, or on its own initiative.

Portfolio Resource Summary
2006-2007 to 2008-2009


(Millions of dollars)


Net Planned Spending

 Net Planned Spending

 Net Planned Spending

Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Canada




Royal Canadian Mounted Police


$  2,387.7 

 $  2,446.8

Correctional Services Canada




Canadian Border Services Agency




Canadian Security and Intelligence Service




National Parole Board




Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP




Office of Correctional Investigator




RCMP External Review Committee


$  0.9

$  0.9





Note: CSIS does not use planned spending numbers for its financial resources.  These numbers were taken from Main Estimates.

Portfolio of Public Safety

Portfolio of Public Safety

PSEPC Departmental Organizational Structure

PSEPC Departmental Organizational Structure

Summary Information

The Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada provides policy advice and support to the Minister of Public Safety on issues related to public safety, including national security, and emergency management, policing and law enforcement, interoperability and information sharing, corrections and conditional release, Aboriginal policing and crime prevention.  The Department also plays a key role in encouraging cohesion, integration and information-sharing across the Portfolio to help ensure that the Minister is provided with timely and comprehensive advice, that the Portfolio’s strategic policy and legislative framework remains current and effective, and that public safety threats are thoroughly assessed and addressed in a way that reflects Canadian values and maintains the integrity of the criminal justice and national security systems.  This leadership role is integral to the provision of sound policy advice supporting decision-making.
The Department advises, supports and assists the Minister in his responsibilities as they relate to:

  • exercising his function as the lead cabinet minister for public safety;
  • co-ordinating the activities and providing effective direction to the Portfolio agencies;
  • developing policies, programs and procedures to protect Canada’s national security and capacity to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human-induced disasters;
  • providing advice in relation to emerging developments in national security matters and their impact on Canada’s diverse and pluralistic society through the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security
  • exercising his national leadership role in policing, law enforcement, and strategies to combat priority aspects of criminal activity, such as organized crime and drugs;
  • leading the integration and interoperability of public safety and security agencies to facilitate information sharing across Canadian jurisdictions and organizations.
  • implementing the First Nations Policing Policy through the negotiation, administration, maintenance and monitoring of tripartite policing agreements with provincial, territorial and First Nations governments; and,
  • administering the National Crime Prevention Strategy in order to focus on the root causes of crime and enable communities to develop local solutions to crime and victimization.

Strategic Outcome

Enhancing public safety, security and emergency preparedness of Canadians in an open society

Consistent with the government’s priority of protecting Canadian families and communities by strengthening the criminal justice system, the Department’s Strategic Outcome is reflected in our key role of providing effective leadership across both the Department and Portfolio agencies.

Principles that will guide the Department in achieving this strategic outcome include:

  • Departmental activities will be focused on achieving and sustaining our long-term outcome.  Success will be dependent on effective long-term planning and priority-setting. For the coming year, the Department will be pursuing strategic priorities that are critical to addressing immediate concerns in our ability to protect Canadian families and their communities.  
  • Portfolio-wide cohesion and integrated information-sharing are essential to the safety and security of Canada and Canadians and are critical if the Portfolio is to be successful in achieving its priorities.  The Department will continue to strengthen its governance and collective planning mechanisms.
  • Management priorities will focus on enhancing the Department’s planning and reporting framework, establishing an integrated risk management framework and integrated human resource planning.

Strategic Priorities for the coming year will focus on:

  • Protecting the security of Canada and Canadians
  • Fighting serious and organized crime
  • Enhancing community safety and security

Resource Summary

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada

Financial Resources ($000's):








$ 498,113

$ 323,844

$ 286,164




Human Resources:









999 FTE

968 FTE

872 FTE

The reason for the significant drop in year-to-year funding is a consequence of the way that funds are allocated to the Department for the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements contribution program.  Financial resources for this program are allocated to the Department on an annual basis only; consequently, there is the appearance of a ‘drop’ in overall funding when financial resources to the Department are provided for several fiscal periods at a time.

Departmental Priorities to Support Strategic Outcome

Enhance the Public Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness of Canadians in an Open Society

Strategic Priority

Strategic Priority Type

Program Activity

Planned Spending ($000’s)




Protecting the security of Canada and Canadians


Emergency Management and National Security




Fighting serious and organized crime


Policing and Law Enforcement




Enhancing community safety and security


Community Safety and Partnerships




* See footnote under “Resource Summary” table on page 11.

Operating Environment

The operating environment of the Portfolio and Department is a complex one, as the issues impacting public safety and security are varied and ever changing. 
As one of the primary roles of government is to protect its citizens, the Government of Canada is pursuing an ever-more integrated approach to national security and emergency preparedness. Circumstances demand a comprehensive approach to identifying and assessing potential threats, and to instituting a comprehensive approach to responding to incidents.

At the local level, violence committed by street gangs in our urban centres, particularly with respect to the use of illegal firearms, is of significant concern.  The continued increase in indoor marijuana growing operations and clandestine crystal methamphetamine labs, particularly within residential neighbourhoods challenges law enforcement in many Canadian communities.

The reach and sophistication of organized gangs and criminal networks has expanded to take advantage of the globalization of legitimate trade, and some of these networks have become increasingly advanced in their ability to use technology to commit crimes and launder the proceeds of their crimes.
The implementation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) between Canada, the United States and Mexico, is a key component of our approach to border security.  Canada's continued economic and social prosperity is impacted by the national security measures we adopt, both individually and collectively.  Furthermore, these measures must respect new obligations and duties towards the safety and security of international partners.  It is essential that immediate border security priorities in the areas of emergency preparedness, law enforcement cooperation and border security be achieved.

The past several years have seen an increase in emergencies caused by terrorism, the environment or humans.  Events, such as the June 2006 arrests of seventeen individuals in the Greater Toronto Area on terrorism-related offences, the 2004 SARS outbreak in Toronto, and the continuing global spread of Avian influenza, all remind us that there are persistent and credible threats to the safety and health of Canadians.  These threats reinforce the importance of working with all jurisdictions to enhance national response capabilities.  Public safety is a shared responsibility that must involve all members of civil society, both domestically and internationally. This includes the private citizen, the voluntary and private sectors, and all levels of government.  Reaching out and engaging these stakeholders presents challenges of capacity, education, and communication.

The Portfolio operates within an environment that includes close public scrutiny.  It is committed to ensuring that in protecting Canadians and Canadian assets from harm through policies, national security measures and preparedness programs, its agencies respect the rule of law and act in a manner that reflects the values contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  Accountability measures are evolving to ensure continuing public trust and confidence in the manner in which the Portfolio responds to the public safety needs of Canadians.  Parliamentary committees and review bodies also play an important role in guiding the Portfolio's activities.

Report on Plans and Priorities

The Department’s strategic priorities are consistent and coherent with the priorities established for the Portfolio of Public Safety and Government priorities.  These strategic priorities contribute toward the achievement of the Department’s strategic outcome - to enhance the public safety, security and emergency preparedness of Canadians in an open society.

For the planning period, the achievement of this strategic outcome is supported by three strategic priorities:

  • Protecting the Security of Canada and Canadians
  • Fighting Serious and Organized Crime
  • Enhancing community safety and security

Collectively, the plans and initiatives articulated in this report provide a foundation to help ensure safe and secure communities.  Key, for the Department, are the policy development and Portfolio leadership activities required to advance these priorities internally in the Department and across the Portfolio.

Strategic Priorities

Protecting the Security of Canada and Canadians

There is no role more fundamental to government than the protection of its citizens. Public safety is essential to socio-economic stability; to our macro-economic interests; and to meeting our global responsibilities. It is imperative that governments plan and take action to protect citizens and their communities.

The current threat environment facing the country is complex. Extreme natural disasters, such as the Pakistan earthquake and South Asian Tsunami, and hurricanes like Katrina, can have catastrophic consequences, destroying communities and countless lives. Terrorist attacks continue on western targets, as evidenced in London, Bali and Madrid.  Health experts from around the world warn that influenza pandemic continues to be a grave possibility.

Government has a responsibility to assess and work to manage these risks, and to remain vigilant, prepared and ready to respond to hazards.  The Department will continue to move forward with the following initiatives:

Strategic Priority

Expected Result

 Key Initiatives


Protecting the Security of Canada and Canadians

Policies and programs that ensure appropriate and measured responses to protect the security of Canada and Canadians.

  • Updated Emergency Management legislation.
  • Development of the National Emergency Response System.
  • Ensuring a strong national security framework.




Portfolio Partners: RCMP, CBSA, CSIS

Fighting Serious and Organized Crime

The environment within which federal policing and public safety organizations operate has changed significantly in recent years.  Organized criminal activity is increasingly complex, sophisticated and global in nature.  Most federal investigations of serious and organized crime activities cross international borders, creating significant jurisdictional, cost and information-sharing burdens.  The Internet is facilitating new forms of criminal activity (cyber-crime), such as identity theft and fraud, child pornography and sexual luring of minors.

Addressing these issues, the Department plans to undertake policy development and coordination activities to pursue the following initiatives:

Strategic Priority

Expected Result



Fighting Serious and Organized Crime

Policies and programs developed and implemented across the portfolio contributing to safe communities both urban and rural.

  • National Agenda to combat organized crime.
  • Strategy to combat gun violence.
  • Increasing RCMP Policing Capacity.
  • Developing correctional policy to better address challenges of reintegrating offenders.


Portfolio Partners: RCMP, CBSA, CSC

Enhancing community safety and security

The work of public safety and security agencies rests on the support and confidence of all Canadians and is intimately tied to issues of accountability, transparency and public trust.  That trust cannot be assumed or taken for granted, especially when dealing with newcomers to Canada in the context of increasing pluralism and diversity of Canadian society.  A more coordinated, strategic and focused citizen engagement and public awareness strategy to ensure and sustain public confidence is required.

Addressing these issues, the Department plans to undertake policy and co-ordination activities to pursue the following initiatives:

Strategic Priority

Expected Result



Enhancing safety and security

Public confidence that the Government of Canada’s public safety and security regime is responsive, robust and decisive in a national crisis and accommodating in a time of peace

  • Address over-representation of Aboriginal Canadians in the criminal justice system.
  • Disseminating knowledge on crime prevention and corrections.
  • Supporting provincial and municipal efforts to address gang-related problems.
  • Directing a portion of crime prevention funds to children and youth at high risk of coming into conflict with the law, in areas of high youth crime.



Portfolio Partners:  RCMP, CBSA, CSIS, CSC, NPB

Management Priorities

The Department places a high priority on management excellence and continuously strives to implement and improve its management practices.  Much has been accomplished to provide leadership across the Department and Portfolio to manage policy development and implementation in a challenging and complex horizontal environment.  In 2006-2007, the Department will focus its attention on the following areas of management practice in the coming year:

  • Effective and efficient Portfolio leadership through the provision of strategic direction and policy advice and strategic communications.
  • Improved accountability and stewardship through:
    • Integration of human resource planning with departmental business planning;
    • Development of a strategic planning and performance measurement capacity; and,
    • Development of an integrated risk management framework.

These areas of management practice are challenging and cannot be brought about in isolation.  A measured approach to development and implementation in achieving an effective balance among the risks and resources available is necessary to ensure a solid foundation of accountability in the future.  Below, is a description of the management priority and the plans and expected results of the actions to be taken.

Effective and Efficient Portfolio Leadership

Integral to its mandate, the Department plays a vital role in effective policy co-ordination and communication across the Portfolio.  This is key to developing well-founded advice and making evidence-based information available to decision-makers.  Over the coming year, two specific areas have been targeted: 1) provision of a unified strategic direction and policy advice; and, 2) strategic communications.

Strategic Direction and Policy Advice

The Department will expand the development of horizontal policy advice on public safety issues.  The Department will bring together issues of emergency management, national security, community safety, policing, law enforcement, corrections, criminal justice and the protection of human rights, to develop policy advice with a horizontal perspective.  In seeking to do this, the Department will increase its engagement with civil society, academia and non-governmental organizations.  The Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security will also enhance its current dialogue with the Government and senior officials by playing a key role in fostering communication between the Government and our diverse communities on security-related issues.

Expected result

Increased scope and depth in the policy development process, linking public safety strategies more closely to broad federal direction and to key strategic partners, leading to better-informed decision-making.


Over the planning period for this report the Department will:

  • Increase capacity for thorough policy consideration and development;
  • Develop a research capacity for public safety issues;
  • Create a network of public, pan-governmental representatives, academics and NGOs on public safety issues: and,
  • Engage Canadians in greater dialogue around issues of public safety and security, in particular through the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security.

Improving Accountability and Stewardship Through Integrated Human Resource Planning

The Department is committed to developing an integrated Human Resource (HR) and Business Planning Process that is aligned with the Department's strategic outcomes.  This integrated Human Resources Strategy will combine resourcing needs as identified in the business plans with a departmental workforce analysis, to identify present and future needs.  To address these needs, effective recruitment and retention strategies, succession planning strategies, and learning and diversity plans will all be applied to promote a genuinely strategic approach to integrated HR and Business Planning in the organization.

Expected Result

Effective alignment of the Department’s human resources with business planning to ensure that informed decisions are made and resources are appropriately targeted and optimized to achieve agreed outcomes.


Over the course of the upcoming planning cycle, the Human Resources Directorate will focus on five specific activities to accomplish its goals:

  • Conduct a complete workforce analysis of the Department;
  • Implement the new Treasury Board Learning, Training and Development Policy throughout the Department;
  • Implement and deliver the training on sub-delegation for managers under the new Public Service Employment Act;
  • Develop and implement a departmental employment equity plan; and,
  • Develop of departmental policies to further support the Public Service Modernization Act implementation.

Improving Accountability and Stewardship Through
Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement

Effective strategic planning and performance measurement is key to demonstrating the sound stewardship and accountability for the resources provided to the Department to fulfill its mandate.  The Department will develop and implement an approach to planning and performance measurement that takes into consideration the risks and challenges of a complex environment and the governance arrangements necessary to ensure accountability for its actions.  In the coming year, efforts will focus on ensuring the strategic priorities for the Department are effectively communicated, monitored and reported on.  It should be noted that the Portfolio agencies are responsible and accountable for reporting against their own established priorities.  The Department will not duplicate these efforts, but rather work with the Portfolio agencies to provide a strategic overview and alignment across the Department and Portfolio.

Expected Result

More effective planning and reporting tools to support increased transparency and accountability with regard to the use of resources allocated to the Department’s key activities.


A Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement Framework will be developed in consultation with Portfolio agencies to establish a consistent and comprehensive approach to the establishment, monitoring and reporting of performance against strategic priorities. 
Efforts to establish this framework will include:

  • Establishing and communicating common priorities and performance measures;
  • Meeting the requirements of the Treasury Board‘s Management Resources and Results Structure Policy; and,
  • Assessing the Program Activity Architecture (see note below) against which the Department receives its funding to ensure planned resource allocations are linked to the key activities and outcomes expected.

Note: The Program Activity Architecture serves as a basis for the funding allocations of Parliament and improving accountability for the results and the resources required to achieve them by linking resource decisions to the key activities undertaken by the Department.

Improving Accountability and Stewardship Through
An Information Management /
Information Technology Strategic Plan

While the business activities of most federal departments require direct involvement with the public – both individuals and organizations - in order to pursue their mandate, PSEPC is an information brokering Department.  The department not only delivers programs but fulfils a policy advice and monitoring role.  It relies heavily on reliable, credible, timely, accessible and secure information.  To do this effectively, it is essential that optimal IM/IT procedures and processes be established. To meet this requirement, the Department will develop and implement an IM/IT Strategic Plan that is consistent with TBS policy requirements.

Expected Result:

Effective management and resourcing of IM/IT-enabled projects through a governance structure that includes program and regional representation and sets priorities for IM/IT investments.  The department will develop and implement key Government of Canada policies, such as the Management of Government Information (MGI) and Management of IT Security (MITS).


An IM/IT Advisory Committee (DG-level) has been established that will provide the governance framework for IM/IT strategic decision-making within PSEPC. The Committee will address the following priorities within the upcoming planning cycle:

  • Streamline IT procurement and lifecycle management within PSEPC;
  • Update the IS Security Policy and work towards compliance with the MITS standard; and,
  • Implement the revised TBS Management of Government Information (MGI) policy. 

Improving Accountability and Stewardship Through
Integrated Risk Management

Risk management is an essential ingredient of public sector operations and corporate governance.  As such, it should be integrated into all strategic and business planning, policy development, program management and decision-making, and monitoring and reporting activities.  While risks cannot be prevented or avoided completely, they can be mitigated through the implementation of a well-developed integrated risk management strategy.

Expected Result

Risks are identified, analyzed, prioritized and communicated to ensure that informed decisions are made and resources are appropriately targeted and optimized to manage risks and achieve desired outcomes.


Over the three-year planning period, an Integrated Risk Management Framework will be developed setting out a consistent and comprehensive approach to risk management that is integrated with departmental planning, decision-making, monitoring and reporting activities.  It will:

  • Establish, department-wide, a common risk language;
  • Ensure that all significant decisions are supported by systematic, integrated and continuous risk assessments which are annually documented in a Corporate Risk Profile that is communicated throughout the Department to foster an open dialogue on risks; and
  • Promote an environment in which employees can be innovative while applying due diligence in protecting the public interest and maintaining the public trust.

The Integrated Risk Management Framework will support accountability to stakeholders by demonstrating that the levels of risk are understood and that resources to mitigate risks are allocated to areas where risks are greatest.

Contributing to Canada’s Performance

The Public Safety Portfolio contributes to government-wide priorities, as expressed in the Government of Canada’s annual Canada’s Performance report.  The Department’s strategic focus on protecting Canadian families and communities is directly linked to the government-wide outcome of promoting safe and secure communities, an essential element in supporting Canada’s social foundations.  As well, the Department also contributes to the Canada’s Place in the World chapter through security-related commitments made in the Department’s strategic outcome of protecting Canada and Canadians.


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