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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

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Competition Bureau Releases Report on Consultations with International Competition Authorities

OTTAWA, April 29, 2005 – The Competition Bureau today published a report following consultations with international competition authorities. The consultations provided the Bureau with valuable insight on the issue of efficiencies from many of the world’s leading competition authorities. This report is one of three components of the ongoing efficiency consultation process.

The national consultation process on the role of efficiencies under the Competition Act, was launched in September 2004, with the publication of a consultation paper, "Treatment of Efficiencies in the Competition Act." In this component of the efficiency consultations, stakeholders, experts and several competition authorities submitted comments to the Bureau on the paper’s proposals.

The third component of the consultation process is an Advisory Panel of business experts which will consider the economic and business developments in Canada since the efficiencies defence was incorporated into Canadian competition law almost twenty years ago. The report of the Panel will be published in June, 2005.

The Competition Bureau is an independent law enforcement agency that promotes and maintains fair competition so that all Canadians can benefit from competitive prices, product choice and quality service. It oversees the application of the Competition Act, the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, the Textile Labelling Act and the Precious Metals Marking Act.


For media enquiries, please contact:
Tim Weil
Director of Strategic Communications
Communications Branch
(819) 953-9271


For general enquiries, please contact:
Information Centre
Competition Bureau
(819) 997-4282

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