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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Competition Bureau Seeks Comments on Draft Enforcement Guidelines: Illegal Trade Practices

Unreasonably Low Pricing Policies

(Paragraphs 50(1)(b) and 50(1)(c) of the Competition Act)

OTTAWA, March 8, 2002 - The Competition Bureau today released its draft Enforcement Guidelines on Illegal Trade Practices: Unreasonably Low Pricing Policies (Paragraphs 50(1)(b) and 50(1)(c) of the Competition Act) - (PDF: 85.7 KB) for public comment and consultation.

These draft guidelines are being issued to update the Bureau's approach to enforcing the unreasonably low pricing policies as they relate to Canadian businesses. It is intended that, following consultations, these guidelines will replace the Predatory Pricing Guidelines, first issued in 1992.

Comments from interested parties and stakeholders are requested by June 14, 2002. These can be submitted by e-mail, fax or regular mail. All submissions will be made available to the public and will be posted on our Web site, except where confidentiality is specifically requested.

The Bureau is committed to developing enforcement and educational tools through an open and transparent process.

For assistance, please contact:
Information Centre
Toll-free: 1-800-348-5358
Phone: (819) 997-4282

For media enquiries, please contact:
Maureen McGrath
Senior Communications Advisor
Communications Branch
(819) 953-8982

To submit commentary, send to:
Colette Morin-Wade
fax: (819) 997-3835

Competition Bureau
Place du Portage I
20th Floor, 50 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0C9


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