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Canada Business

Labour Standards Act

Department of Justice

Last Verified: 2004-09-27

Act: Labour Standards Act
Regulation: N/A

To Whom Does This Apply?

Employees and employers.


The Labour Standards Act is a statute.  It is the basic legal authority for employment standards in the Northwest Territories.  It is adopted or amended in the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories.  The Acts sets out the general rights and responsibilities, basic requirements and fundamental principles of labour standards in the Northwest Territories.

The regulations are created under the authority of the Act.  They are to be treated as part of the Act.  They are adopted or amended by the Executive Council of the Northwest Territories.  The regulations set out details of labour standards and specific rules.

The Labour Standards Act and regulations govern areas such as:

  • Hours of work
  • Minimum wages
  • Termination of employment
  • Annual vacations
  • General holidays
  • Pregnancy and parental leave
  • Inspections
  • The Labour Standards Board
  • Payroll records
  • Payment of wages
  • Offences and punishment

The Labour Standards Act and regulations set out minimum conditions of employment for employees.  Employers are not allowed to offer, and employees are not permitted to accept, benefits or conditions that are less than the Act requires.  Employers could, however, give their workers benefits that are better than those spelled out in the Act.

A public official called the Labour Standards Officer administers the Act.  This person works with Labour Services, Department of Justice, Government of the Northwest Territories.  Labour Standards Inspectors help the Labour Standards Officer by investigating complaints and inspecting payroll records.

The Act and regulations apply to most workers and employers in the Northwest Territories.  The major exceptions are:

  • Federal government employees
  • Territorial government employees
  • Workers in federally regulated industries such as airlines and banks
  • Trappers
  • and people who fish commercially

If you are employed in the Northwest Territories, as a domestic worker, call Labour Services to find out which laws apply to you.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

Last Modified: 2004-06-08