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Info-Guide - Exporters

Last Verified: 2006-08-29

This document is designed to guide you through different federal, provincial, municipal and private programs and services available to individuals who want to carry out an export project. This Info-Guide has been prepared by Info entrepreneurs from information provided by Canada Business to answer a growing demand for strategic information by business people. While most of your questions will be answered in this document, it is not intended to be exhaustive. Further information can be obtained by contacting Info entrepreneurs at 514 496-4636, Ressources Entreprises at 418 649-4636 or, across the province, at 1-800-322-4636.


1. Elements of a Successful Export Project
2. Training
3. Promoting your Firm Through Databases
4. Information and Strategic Advice on Export Markets
  4.1 Electronic Information Tools
  4.2 Federal Contacts
  4.3 Provincial Contacts
5. Financial Assistance  
  5.1 Federal
  5.2 Provincial
  5.3 Granting Agencies: Arts and Cultural Industries Programs
  5.4 Other Sources of Financing
6. Other Sources of Information
  6.1 Reference Tools
  6.2 Training and Diagnostic Tools
  6.3 Associations and Related Contacts
  6.4 Regulation Organizations


Company Diagnosis
It is essential to take stock of your company's situation in order to establish whether you are ready to export: Does your company have excellent products or services at competitive prices? Would you be able to step up your production if you could find additional markets? Do you feel you have exploited the entire Canadian market potential? Do you have the time to seek out and gain export markets? Do you have the cash flow needed to cover long periods of recovery if necessary? Do you consider exporting to be a long-term commitment? There are a number of decision-making tools on the market to help you assess your company's exporing abilities. The sections below provide details of government organizations that will be able to help you. See also section 6.2 of the present document.

Selecting a Market
After deciding on the product or service you want to export, you have to think about potential export markets and identify them. Research on the most promising countries should include the following: statistical data on trade; trade practices and customs; transportation and communication systems; economic situation; political environment; and solvency. A detailed market profile is the exporter's most valuable tool. It indicates who your potential customers are, what products or services they need or use, and the influence of local conditions on their purchasing decisions. See also section 4  of the present document.

Once you have targeted a potential market and completed your market study, a field trip is essential so that you can see what is really happening and check your information. A trade fair is an excellent way for a firm to promote its product on a given market and also gather a large amount of information about the competition. A trade fair is an effective way to sound out the terrain, make sales and meet contact persons. See also section 5  for financial assistance.

Export Business Plan
After collecting all the information you need for your export project, you will be able to prepare a long-term strategy for market penetration. The points to include in your international marketing strategy are: price, product, promotion and distribution. It is better to concentrate on one market at a time, and to begin with the one with the most promising market opportunity. On the Internet: (In French only)

Interactive Export Planner (IEP)
The Interactive Export Planner (IEP), developed by Team Canada Inc, is a computer software program that uses the capabilities of the Internet to assist you in preparing an export plan or an export-focused business plan for a new or existing business. The IEP is modeled after the Interactive Business Planner, a popular Web based tool found offered by the Canada Business Service Centres. For more information, see the document   Interactive Export Planner - IEP , or visit the Web site at:

It is advised that exporters who are unfamiliar with the specific formalities or requirements of an importing country to make use of a forwarding agent. As the exporter's representative, this agent: will make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that the goods are delivered to their destination; help the exporter prepare all the forms required (including special documents); will inform the exporter of shipping rates, insurance premiums, consular fees, etc.; and will arrange letters of credit. See also Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA). For more information visit the Web site at:


Forum for International Trade Training FITT Inc.
FITT  is a national, not-for-profit, professional organization offering international trade training programs and services, established country-wide standards and certification, and generally ensure continuing professional development in the practice of international trade. FITT programs are delivered across Canada through community colleges, universities, private organizations and online. The available programs are:

- FITTskills: consists of courses that focus on the practical aspects of international business, including logistics, trade finance, nation-by-nation marketing opportunities, market entry strategies and sound international management techniques.

- Going Global Workshop Series: is a series of introductory workshops designed to help you make that crucial exporting decision and get you off to a good start on your journey towards foreign markets.

- EntreprisesFITT: is international trade training, individually tailored to meet the unique requirements of a business or organization.

- FITTservices: Helps to develop a viable export plan for a specific market or market opportunity. Workshops are practical and concrete, linking theory to experience, with seasoned exporters and trade professionals as trainers.

The courses are available in a number of Québec cities. For more information, see the document Forum for International Trade Training - FITT Inc., call 1-800-561-FITT (3488) or visit the Web site at:

International Trade Canada (ITCan)  
International Trade Canada provide Export Counselling and Market Entry Support to small and medium companies.

ExportUSA consists of three programs:

- New Exporters to Border States Program (NEBS): This program provides company with vital practical orientation by introducing them to the essentials of exporting as well as by giving them first-hand exposure to markets located in U.S. border states.

- Exporters to the United States Program (EXTUS): This program serves Canadian company already exporting to the U.S. border states. EXTUS focuses on expanding the markets of successful Canadian exporters to other regions of the Unites States.

- Reverse NEBS: is a program that serves Canadian companies not yet exporting to the United States.

For more information, see the documents; International Trade Canada (Regional Offices),   ExportUSA , call 514 283-6328 or visit the Web site at:

Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)
The MDEIE offers courses and practical seminars in exporting for small and medium-sized businesses in Québec. For more information, call 514 499-2550, 418 691-5824, or 1-866-463-6642  or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Quebec Association of Export Trading Houses (AMCEQ)
AMCEQ's mission is to strengthen ties between Quebec companies and export trading houses with a view to forming long-term partnerships. The association offers exporting services to inexperienced firms or exporters seeking new markets. The AMCEQ offers the course: "The Practice of International Trading". This course offers basic training to anyone aiming to become a professional international trader.  For more information, see the document Quebec Association of Export Trading Houses, call 514 866-7774, 1-800-363-0226 or visit the Web site at:

World Trade Centre (WTC) Montreal  - A Service of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal
WTC Montreal has forged exclusive partnerships with certain organizations such as sectoral associations, conducting market studies on their behalf and organizing trade missions to the most promising markets and the WTC offers you the opportunity to participate in numerous trade missions to help you conquer new markets abroad. The WTC Montréal offers an annual calendar of more than 30 training workshops in international trade divided into 5 theme-based modules. For more information, call 514 871-4002  or visit the Web site at:

PÔLE Québec Chaudière-Appalaches
This agency offers a network of experts and export related activities for companies in the region of Quebec City and offers training and competency development in the spheres of exporting and foreign marketing, helping businesses with their export projects and foreign trade missions. For more information, call 418 681-9700, or visit the Web site at:

Some CEGEPS in Québec provide basic training in international trade, leading to a Diploma in Collegial Studies. For more information, contact the educational institutions. To consult the phone book of the Quebec cégep network, visit the Web site at:


Canadian Company Capabilities (CCC) - Industry Canada
An online database that profiles over 50 000 Canadian companies. Providing comprehensive information on contacts, products, services, trade experiences and technology, CCC includes hundreds of specialized manufacturing, service and product-specific business directories. For more information, see the document Canadian Company Capabilities, call 1-800-328-6189, or visit the Web site at:

SourceCAN - Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)
SourceCAN  is a resource meant to educate, prepare and place Canadian businesses within the global marketplace.  Is a harmonized business portal which provides your organization with business opportunities and the tools needed to conduct business on the web. For more information, see the document SourceCAN, call 1-866-850-2383 or visit the Web site at:

The Virtual Trade Commissioner (VTC) - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (ITCan)
The Virtual Trade Commissioner (VTC) is a personal gateway to the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. More than 30,000 qualified Canadian goods and services exporters already take advantage of this intergovernmental database that give companies access to market studies and notices about business opportunities. Registration is Free. For more information, see the document   The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service - TCS, call 1-800-551-4946, or visit the Web site at:

 iCRIQ - Centre de recherche Industrielle du Québec (CRIQ) gives you free access to the most accurate data bank of Quebec manufacturers and wholesalers-distributors. The purpose is to make structured information available to industrial and commercial establishments in order to promote business development in Quebec. For more information, call 418 652-2214, 1-888-594-7170 or visit the Web site at:


Team Canada Inc
Team Canada Inc (TCI) is a network of federal departments and agencies working with the provinces and territories and with other partners to help Canadian companies succeed in world markets. Functioning as a "virtual" network, it provides the export community with a single point of access to the broad range of government export service providers. For more information, see the document Team Canada Inc, call 1-888-811-1119 or visit the Web site at:

Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation  (MDEIE)
The regional directorates are the Ministry’s gateway for entrepreneurs interested in exporting. The regional advisors of the MDEIE are present in every region of Quebec. For further information, call 1-866-463-6642 or visit the Web site at:   

4.1   Electronic Information Tools

Ministère du Développement économique de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)
The Web site of the MDEIE offers market studies, analysis and directories of resources and programs related to international trade as well as links to the programs and services of the Department and other support organizations. For more information, call 514 499-2550, 418 691-5950, 1-866-463-6642 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

IFInet - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
IFInet is a  Web site providing information for exporters and investors on the international development business market. International development and humanitarian assistance provided by Multilateral Development Banks, Bilateral Development Agencies, and United Nations Agencies creates opportunities for Canadian equipment and service providers to work on development projects in developing and transition economies. For more information, call 613 995-7251, consult the document IFInet - IFI Procurement and Capital Projects Opportunities or visit the Web site at:

International Business Opportunities Centre (IBOC)
The IBOC provides a matching service, connecting foreign buyers with Canadian companies. The Centre recently launched an electronic leads system, e-Leads®, through which international business leads can be delivered from foreign buyers to the desktops of Canadian companies. For more information, call 613 996-2635, consult the document International Business Opportunities Centre - IBOC or visit the Web site at:

Export Alert! - Standards Council of Canada
Automated e-mail notification service that helps exporters keep abreast of regulatory changes in global markets. This pilot service, the only alert service of its kind in Canada, is provided free of charge. For more information, see the document  Export Alert! - RegWatch - Standards Alert! , or call 613 238-3222, or visit the Web site at:

CANADEXPORT - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
ITCan is a bi-monthly newsletter that keeps exporters informed on business and investment opportunities, programs and services available to Canadian exporters, trade shows and missions, business publications, success stories and winning strategies. For more information, see the document  CanadExport , call 613 992-7114 or visit the Web site at:

EXPORTSOURCE - Team Canada Inc
On-line service for delivers information and tools designed to assist Canadian businesses in exporting abroad or expanding into new markets. For more information, see the document ExportSource, or call 1-888-811-1119, or visit the Web site at:

STRATEGIS.GC.CA - Industry Canada
Business information Web site. This tool will help Canadian businesses find partners, make critical decisions about new markets, form alliances, find and develop new technologies or processes, and determine the risk of new ventures. For more information, see the document Strategis, call 1-800-328-6189 or visit the Web site at:

Trade Data and Statistics - Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada maintains records related to sales, inventories and operating data for retail and wholesale businesses and the number and value of new motor vehicles sold in Canada. Statistics Canada also maintains detailed monthly trade data by commodity or industry and records related to exports and imports on a customs basis. For more information, see the document Trade Data and Statistics, or call 1-800-263-1136, or visit the Web site at:

4.2   Federal contacts

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service -  International trade Canada (ITCan)
The Trade Commissioner Service helps companies that have researched and selected their target markets and can demonstrate their commitment to succeed in the global marketplace. They provide a full range of country-specific reports to help Canadian exporters identify foreign business opportunities and learn more about target markets. For more information, see the document The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service - TCS or the other documents of interest:  Trade Fairs and Missions , Team Canada Trade Missions, Tariffs and Market Access Information for Canadian Exporters, call 1-800-551-4946, or visit the Web site at:

International Trade Canada (ITCan)
ITCs provide a "one-stop" trade service to Canadian firms that are export ready or currently involved in international business. ITC staff can provide you with export planning advice, market studies, export counselling, information about export development programs, trade fairs and missions. For more information, see the document International Trade Canada (Regional Offices), call 1-800-267-8376 or visit the Web site at:    

Trade Team Quebec - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
Quebec Region works in partnership with organizations from the private and public sectors (Regional Commercial Network in Quebec) to offer harmonized or integrated services to businesses, in order to address their needs as a part of their growth in the international marketplace. To provide companies with quality services in order to help them  succeed in the international marketplace. For more information, see the document  Trade Team Quebec or visit the Web site at:

Markets and Trade - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAC)
AAC offers a range of services to Québec firms specializing in the agri-food sector (certification, market studies, agri-food product import and export statistics, etc.). In Québec, you can also contact the Québec Agri-Food Export Club. In other countries, bio-food attachés in Canadian embassies and consulates can provide guidance for the preparation of your business plan. For more information, see the document   Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, call 613 759-1000 or visit the Web site at:

Export Development Canada (EDC)
Operating in international markets provides great opportunity, but it also carries significant credit risks. That's why EDC has assembled a team of specialists to work with smaller exporters. Small exporters interested in export receivables insurance and export financing support. EDC provides services to any exporter, of any size, operating in any sector of the economy (including services). EDC generally looks for at least 50% Canadian content. For more information, see the document Export Development Canada, call 1-866-283-2957 or visit the Web site at:
International Prime Contractor Service - Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)
The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) provides Canadian exporters with a range of contracting services which enhances their access to market opportunities and significantly increases their ability to land export sales on the best possible terms and conditions. For more information, see the document International Prime Contractor Service, call 514 283-8791, 1-800-748-8191 or visit the Web site at:

Housing Markets, Domestic & International - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
The CMHC established its Canadian Housing Export Centre to assist Canada's housing industry export their products, services and systems in foreign markets. CHEC is the housing industry's partner, providing both strategic advice and practical support to companies that are exporting or getting ready to export. CHEC focuses its efforts on increasing the export of Canada's housing systems in established foreign countries that include the United States, Japan, Germany  Chile, Poland, Island, Mexico and the United Kingdom. For more information, see the document CMHC International, or call 514 283-2222 or 418 649-8080, 1-888-772-0772, or visit the Web site at:

Trade and Investment  - Canadian Heritage
The Branch develops policies and programs to help Canadian cultural industries export their products and services abroad. The Branch ensures that Canada's cultural policy objectives are supported in international trade and investment negotiations and disputes. For more information, see the document  Canadian Heritage , call 514 283-2332, 1-877-222-2397 or 418 648-5054, or visit the Web site at:

Canadian Technology Network (CTN) - National Research Council Canada (NRC)
The CTN offers technological and business advisory services to small and medium-sized companies in all sectors. The CTN provides a wide variety of information which makes it easy for you to link up with other technology related organizations. For more information, see the document  Canadian Technology Network ,  call 514 496-4636, 1-888-286-0001 or visit the Web site at:

4.3    Provincial contacts

Ministère des Relations internationales du Québec (MRI)
The MRI is responsible for conducting research, studies and analyses on foreign countries and their geographic and economic situations, formulating territorial and sectoral strategies and promoting Québec. For more information, call 514 873-6708, 418 649-2300, or visit the Web site at:

Market Development Guidance Process - Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)
The MDEIE provides a range of organized and progressive services to facilitate access to foreign markets for Quebec firms. The MDEIE market development guidance process comprises the following four steps: introduction; preparation; market knowledge and access; and economic network outside Quebec. For more information, see the document Market Development Guidance Process, call 1-866-463-6642 or visit the Web site at:

Secrétariat aux affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes (SAIC)
The SAIC is a network of three offices (Moncton, Toronto, Ottawa) whose mandate is to support Québec businesses in their Canadian market expansion initiatives. For more information, call 418 643-4011 or visit the Web site at: 

Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ)
The CRIQ offers you a wide range of services to help you face the technical constraints required when marketing you products: Technological innovation (R&D), Industrial information, Standards assessment (information on standards and regulations applicable to a product in a given market), Research on suppliers and equipments, Qualification/certification Testing, consultation services and product evaluation, Testing facilities, unique in Quebec, are recognized internationally. For further information, call 418 652-2250, or 1-800-667-2386, ext. 2250 or visit the Web site at:


5.1   Federal

IDEA-SME Program - Canada Economic Development (CED)
This program provides financial support to small and medium-sized businesses under the following components: E-Business, Innovation and productivity, Export market development, Entrepreneurship and business climate and Testing and experimentation to enhance natural resources. Financial assistance is based on a cost-sharing approach and is repayable.  Assistance provided shall not normally exceed 50% of approved costs. Other conditions may apply. For more information, see the document IDEA-SME Program, call 514 283-2500, 418 648-4826, (see Related Reading for consult the Business Services Offered for your region) or visit the Web site at:

Foreign Buyer Financing - Export Development Canada (EDC)
Capital goods exporters need every edge when selling to foreign buyers. EDC can make it as easy as possible for your buyer to do business with you. EDC offers a range of financial services that helps you meet your buyer's need for longer repayment terms without risking your bottom line. For more information, see the document Financing Services for Smaller Capital Goods Exporters or call 1-866-283-2957 or visit the Web site at:

NORTHSTAR Trade Finance Inc.
Supports small and medium sized Canadian exporters by offering financing to creditworthy foreign buyers of eligible Canadian goods and services. NORTHSTAR complements Export Development Canada (EDC's) export financing services by financing export sales of between $100 000 and $5 million, with repayment terms of one to five years.  The assistance is for any Canadian exporter, regardless of its location in Canada, can use NORTHSTAR's facilities, provided it meets NORTHSTAR's requirements for export performance and has a credit worthy foreign buyer insurable by EDC. Other conditions may apply. For more information, see the document NORTHSTAR Trade Finance Inc., call 514 874-3366, 1-800-663-9288 or visit the Web site at:

Duty Deferral Program - Duty Drawback Program - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
This program allows Canadian firms, in specific circumstances, to receive repayment of duties other than GST paid on imported goods that will be re-exported with or without further processing by a Canadian manufacturer. For more information, see the document Duty Deferral Program - Duty Drawbacks, call 1-800-959-2036 or visit the Web site at:

5.2   Provincial

Assistance program for businesses – Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (MDEIE)
This program offered by the Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (MDEIE) is a project for developping the business. It is elaborated jointly and the financial assistance is granted for certain acitivities. The program also supports projects submitted by a group of businesses. Three types of projects are eligible:

Business development projects

Market development
Innovation and adaptation to change

These projects must be part of a structured approach and in line with the business’s development strategy. For businesses, the assistance is awarded in the form on a non-refundable contribution of up to 40 % of eligible expenses. For specialized collaborative networks, an assistance of up to 50 % of eligible expenses may be awarded. Other conditions may apply.

For further information, visit the Web site at:

Projects specific to businesses

Technology Showcase : Demonstration of a new product or process
This program is designed to help SMEs to market new technological innovation developed in Québec and for which demonstration in real time operation is necessary. The showcase can be demonstrated in Québec or in a foreign country. The assistance is a subsidy of up to 40 % of eligible expenses to a maximum of $ 350 000. Other conditions may apply. For further information call 418 691-8022 , 1-866-463-6642 or visit the Web site at:

Feasibility study of an investment project
This program is aim to support companies or groups of companies who wish to carry out an industrial project in Quebec. The MDEIE's non-refundable contribution of up to 40% of eligible expenses, without exceeding $ 50 000 covers technical or economic parameters, addition of equipment or machines, construction of new facilities. For further information, contact the MDEIE at 418 691-8022, or 1-866-463-6642, or visit the Web site at:

Projects involving more than three businesses

For specilized collaborative networks, projects eligible must be related to knowledge sharing, the adoption of better business practices; the implementation of a technology or a new production technique; the development of a new market, a new product or industrial strategies, and the promotion of fashion and industrial design. Other conditions may apply.

Programme UBIFRANCE/QUÉBEC - Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)
The Program is an economic co-operation agreement with France. It is targeted at small and medium-sized firms in France and Québec who wish to enter into industrial agreements with an already identified trans-Atlantic partner leading to the purchase or sale of know-how, manufacturing under license, use of a process or establishment of mixed enterprises or subsidiaries. For more information, call 514 499-2185 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

SMB Financial
Investissement Québec finances or guarantees loans for innovative projects generating economic spin-off benefits for Québec. It also supports businesses that are starting up. Under this program, the SDI offers regular and guaranteed loans (the guarantee varies depending on the project) to cover all expenses including working capital (up to 80 % of eligible expenses or R&D credit). The minimum loan is $50 000. Manufacturing, recycling and information technology firms, exporters of products or services, research laboratories, call centres and certain tourism projects are eligible for the program. For further information, please call 1-866-870-0437 or visit the Web site at: SMB Financial

International Solutions
National Bank and Investissement Québec have teamed up to offer a comprehensive solution to export companies that want to improve their productivity and, by extension, their competitiveness abroad. you can finance up to 100% of equipment, machinery, technology and all other expenses related to your productivity project. For further information, contact the International Business Development Manager in your region, on the Web site:,1010,divId-4_langId-1_navCode-3136,00.html 

5.3   Granting Agencies: Arts and Cultural Industries Programs

Arts and Cultural Industries Program - Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)
This Program offers grants (not exceeding 30% of the total budget) to individuals, institutions or organizations that create, interpret, promote or market Canadian cultural products for the international market in the following discipline: performing arts, visual and media arts, literature and publishing, film and multi-media. Other conditions may apply. For further information, consult the documents,  International Cultural Relations Program - Performing Arts , International Cultural Relations Program - Visual Arts and Media Arts;
International Cultural Relations Program - Literature and Publishing; International Cultural Relations Program - Film and Television ; International Cultural Industries - Market Support Division ; 
or call 1-800-267-8376, or visit the Web site at:

Audience and Market Development - Canada Council for the Arts
The Audience and Market Development Program provides travel assistance to increase, enhance and broaden programming options for presenters and curators of professional Canadian artists and to assist professional artist and their managers to develop and reach new audiences and markets in Canada and internationally. For more information, call 1-800-263-5588 or visit the Web site at:

Development Information Program (DIP) - Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
The Development Information Program (DIP) financially supports the development of mass media and educational initiatives aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of international development and cooperation issues among Canadians. DIP has three main components: the Mass Media Initiative, the Global Classroom Initiative and the Journalism and Development Initiative. For more information, see the document Development Information Program (DIP),or call 1-800-230-6349, or visit the Web site at:

Canada Music Fund - Canadian Heritage
This fund seeks to strengthen the infrastructure of the Canadian sound recording industry by offering assistance for the production, distribution and marketing of Canadian music on the regional, national and international scenes. This program is also administered by FACTOR for the English-language sector of the music industry, and Musicaction for the French-language sector. For more information, see the documents:  Canada Music Fund ,   MUSICACTION ,  FACTOR Loan Programs for Recording, or call MUSICACTION at 514 861-8444, 1-800-861-5561; FACTOR at 416 351-1361, or visit the Web sites at: and

Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) - Canadian Heritage
The main objective of this program is to ensure choice of and access to Canadian books that reflect Canada's cultural diversity and linguistic duality in Canada and abroad. The "International Marketing Assistance" component provides financial assistance to publishers attempting to expand export markets for their Canadian books. For more information, see the document Book Publishing Industry Development Program - BPIDP, call 1-877-823-0702 or visit the Web site at:

Trade routes - Canadian Heritage
This service helps arts and cultural organizations and entrepreneurs to strategically increase their export capacity and sell in international markets. Support is available across all cultural sectors: performing arts; visual arts; film/video; broadcasting/television; music and sound recording; publishing; design; crafts; heritage restoration and preservation; and new media.  For more information, see the document  Trade Routes - Arts and Cultural Sector , or call 1-866-999-7233, or visit the Web site at:

Telefilm Canada
Telefilm Canada participates in the activities of Canadian companies involved in distributing and exporting Canadian audiovisual works. For more information, consult the document Telefilm Canada Funds and Programs, call 514 283-6363, 1-800-567-0890 or visit the Web site at:

Programme d'aide à l'exportation et au rayonnement culturel - Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)
The purpose of this program is to support the establishment and development of cultural businesses in film, television production, recording, entertainment, books and specialized publishing, arts and media. It has four components: Enterprise, Project, Collective Presence on the Markets and trade Fairs and Other Export Activities and International relationals. For more information, call 514 841-2200, 1-800-363-0401 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Québec Entertainment Investment (FIDEC)
FIDEC is a limited partnership created to help established cultural enterprises strengthen their international position within cultural sectors, specifically in areas such as the film industry, television production, blockbuster shows and the development of artists' careers. The company also gives Quebec producers and distributors the means to develop and execute projects by offering various forms of financing: gap financing, investment by project, acquisition of rights, and investment in equity, quasi-equity or debt.  For more information, call 514 940-2200, 1-877-613-3312 or visit the Web site at:

5.4   Other Sources of Financing

Banks have always engaged in foreign trade financing. The International Section of banks will provide two essential services to the exporter - the lending of money and the collection of money. The principal participation of a banker in international trade will rely on transactions and negotiations related to letters of credit. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Factoring companies purchase an exporter's account receivable with immediate payments. Once the factoring company buys the account receivable, it assumes most or all the risk of non-payment by the importer. Factoring is a financial service popular in many parts of the world, but still not common in Canada. Some Canadian banks now have factoring companies as subsidiaries. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Foreign receivables factoring service - Export Development Canada (EDC)
Small business exporters have a new opportunity to increase their working capital by purchasing a foreign receivables factoring service from several financial institutions and insured by EDC. Under the service, small businesses will benefit from an increase in liquidity making them better placed to compete internationally. Exporters can now sell their accounts receivable to the financial institution that provide the service. That financial institution pays the exporter immediately and then handles the collection from the foreign buyer. EDC in turn ensures the financial institution for losses. On the Internet: For more information, call 1-866-283-2957, or visit the Web site at:

Pre-Shipment Financing - Export Development Canada (EDC)
The program is designed to help smaller exporters compete for larger contracts with EDC guaranteeing up to 75 per cent of a loan value for the financing of pre-shipment costs necessary to complete an export or a series of export contracts. For further information, call 1-866-283-2957 or visit the Web site at:
Venture capital (VC) is funds invested or available for investment in companies  with strong profit potential and high risk of loss. Labour-sponsored funds are founded by unions and operate much like private VC firms except that they are subject to government regulation. For more information, visit the Web site at:

The Specialised Funds (capital used for financing) are also potential sources of financing. Some example of specialised funds:

Culture and Communications Investment Fund (known as Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications - FICC)
FICC is a venture capital corporation specializing in culture and communications. The financial contribution is in the form of acquisition of capital stock, a debenture and/or a loan.  Developing or growing commercial undertakings are eligible. Other conditions may apply. For more information, call 514 394-0700 or visit the Web site at:

Export Development Fund (FODEX) - Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.)
FODEX is a venture capital fund which has for mission to finance the exports of Québec based companies and to help them realize international projects. For more information, call 514 383-0782 or visit the Web site at:


6.1   Reference tools

"Répertoire des services offerts à l'exportation" - Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)
Directory of all resources available for firms in the area of international trade. For more information, visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Temporary Entry to the United States and Mexico: A Guide for Canadian Business Persons - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
General information on the criteria and procedures that apply to Canadian citizens travelling to the U.S. on business. For more information, visit the Web site at:

"Guide for Canadian Small Businesses" - Canada Revenue Agency
This guide explains the most common tax situations and is primarily aimed at small businesses. For more information, see the document Guide for Canadian Small Businesses or visit the Web site at:

Guides for Inter-Border Commerce - Québec Government
The following guides are available for sale online at Les Publications gouvernementales:

- Export Connection: This guide helps Quebec businesses launch into exporting. It explains the steps to follow to become an exporter: diagnosis, planning, procedure, resources, etc. ($14.95)
- A Guide to International Transport : Geared to Quebec exporters, this guide contains general information on various transport options (road, maritime, air or intermodal) and provides related information on such topics as insurance, documentation, storage and packaging requirements. ($16.95)

For more information, visit the Web site at:

Trade in Services
This site is designed to provide Canadians with information concerning international negotiations in the area of trade services and to facilitate consultation and feedback with respect to Canadian objectives for these negotiations.  It contains information on the GATS - the global agreement to open services markets; information about other negotiations and discussions concerning trade in services; a guide to existing international agreements which involve services; an assortment of tools to assist services exporters; as well as means to contact us with your views. For more information, visit the Web site at:

International Project Development Roadmap (IPDR) - Industry Canada
This guide provides a step-by-step approach or "roadmap" to ensure the rational and well-orchestrated development of international infrastructure and other capital projects.  For more information, see the document International Project Development Roadmap - IPDR or visit the Web site at:

The Cross-Cultural Marketing Edge - Industry Canada
This guide designed to help you develop a better understanding of how cross cultural differences can impact the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and your relationships with your clients.  For more information, visit the Web site at:

Monthly Trade Bulletin - Team Canada Inc
This Bulletin provide a convenient, up-to-date summary of recent developments in aggregate trade and priority sector's trade. For more information, visit the Web site at:

International Market Research Centre - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
Produces a full range of sectoral market studies to help Canadian exporters identify foreign market opportunities. For more information, see the document International Market Research or visit the Web site at:

Online Services : EDC Direct - Export Development Canada (EDC)
EDC offers online services to help Canadian exporters minimize risk and maximize opportunity wherever they do business.  The services are:

  • EXPORT Check: For you conduct a buyer credit check.
  • EXPORT Protect:  Allows you to insure a single transaction.
  • EXPORT Market Insight: Provides foreign market intelligence, allowing you to monitor political and economic developments in more than 200 markets.    
  • EXPORT Able?: An online questionnaire to see how ready you are to export.

For more information, see the document, Export Development Canada Online Services, or visit the Web site at:

Piece Together the Export Puzzle - Export Development Canada (EDC)
This handy resource directs you to helpful Web sites where you can find information on the starting your export business, financing your exports, exploring market opportunities and moving the goods. For more information, visit the Web site at: 

TradeMap Canada - Team Canada Inc
TradeMap Canada is an innovative tool created by the International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO) in Geneva. It provides online access to the world's largest trade database and presents indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets, and the role of competitors from both the product and country perspective. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Directory of Canada's Trade Offices Abroad - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
Access of the directory of our offices abroad. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Agri-Food Trade Service - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The Agri-Food Trade Service provides centralized access to market information, trade counselling and export support activities, which will take the exporter from initial enquiry to foreign market. For more information, consult the document Agri-Food Trade Service (ATS) or visit the Web site at:

Border Information Service (BIS) - Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA)
The Service is a computerized, 24-hour telephone service that automatically answers all incoming calls and provides general customs information. For more information, consult the document  Border Information Service - BIS, call 1-800-959-2036 or visit the Web site at:

Trade Shows and Events - ExportSource
List of Sectoral Trade Eventsand Provincial Trade Events. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Exporting Goods From Canada : A Handy Customs Guide for Exporters - Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA)
This publication outlines the requirements that you as an exporter or agent must fulfil to meet your obligations to report exports under the Customs Act. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Exporting for Small Business in Canada - Banque Royale
This guide offers tips on how to get started and secure financing. For more information, visit the Web site at:

10 Minute Guide to Managing Foreign Exchange Risk - Banque Royale
This guide explains the factors that influence exchange rate movements and how to protect yourself against the associated risks. For more information, visit the Web site at:

ImportSource - Team Canada Inc
Its purpose is to help small- and medium-sized Canadian companies understand the process of importing commercial goods and services. It is intended for importers, and contains information and links from various government departments and agencies as well as private sector organizations. For more information, consult the document ImportSource or visit the Web site at:

Exporting to the United States - A Guide for Canadian Businesses
No matter whether you're an aspiring, new or established exporter to the United States, this guide will provide you with practical information that will make your export business to the U.S. easier to start, maintain and expand. Visit the Web site at:

Export Diagnostic
The Export Diagnostic is an online tool to help businesses assess their export readiness and identify priorities as they prepare to enter foreign markets. For businesses that are currently exporting, the tool may assist in fine-tuning export strategies. For further information, see the document Export Diagnostic or visit the Web site at:

6.2   Training and diagnostic tools

Export Your Services...Take a World View! - Team Canada Inc.
Information source on exporting which is designed primarily for service exporters. It features updated, streamlined and improved information to assist small and medium size service firms which are interested in exporting, to do so successfully. For  more information, see the document  Export Your Services...Take a World View, or visit the Web site at:

Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting - Team Canada Inc
The guide is designed to give an understanding of the realities of exporting and to provide with solid, straightforward information on how to assess the export capabilities. It also steers you through the process of planning and executing the first exporting venture. For more information, see the document Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting, call 1-888-811-1119 or visit the Web site at:  

Roadmap to Exporting - Team Canada Inc
The Roadmap is a tool to help exporters locate the best sources of export assistance. The Roadmap is specifically designed to assist all stages of exporting from the potential exporter to the preparing and experienced exporter. For more information, call 1-888-811-1119, or visit the Web site at:

Introduction to Export Finance: Guide for Canadian Exporters - Team Canada Inc
All you need to know about export financing in an interactive question-answer format: general information, export financing, and financing for specific markets. For more information, visit the Web site at: 

E-learning - Export Development Canada (EDC)
Free 90-day access to a variety of online learning modules geared to the needs of small businesses. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Online Solutions Advisor - Export Development Canada (EDC)
Online Solutions Advisor gives you fast and convenient 24 hour access to learn more about which EDC solutions may help you. You can obtain a diagnostic summary of the potential EDC solutions available to service your exporting needs. For more information, visit the Web site at:

6.3   Associations and Related Contacts

Association for the Export of Canadian Books (AECB)
Industry association that assists Canadian book publishers develop and increase their sales in international markets by providing market intelligence as well financial, promotional and logical support. For more information, call 613 562-2324, or visit the Web site at:

Bureau d'exportation des métiers d'arts du Québec (BEMAQ) - Conseil des métiers d'arts du Québec  
BEMAQ suggests export activities to its members and acts as an intermediary between exhibitors and trade fair organizers.  For more information, call 514 861-2787, 418 694-0260, or visit the Web site at: French only)
Customs brokers
Preparation of documents needed for customs formalities, information on export and import restrictions, letters of credit, tariff rates and product classification, insurances and all aspects of shipping.

Québec-Canada  Agri-Food Export Group
This organization was founded by The Québec Food Processors Association (A.M.P.A.Q.). The Export Club is an excellent source of information, training and activities designed to develop its members' export markets. For more information, call 450 461-6266 ou 1-800-563-9769, or 418 861-8577, 1-877-861-8577, or visit the Web site at: 

Foreign chambers of commerce
Foreign chambers of commerce established in Québec promote trade relations between Canada and their respective countries. Their members are commercial or industrial firms, associations and individuals interested in trade and investment. The type and scope of services vary depending on their resources.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
The FCM has established an international business development program for Canadian companies specializing in municipal services. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
An independent, non-profit organization, the Foundation is Canada's think-tank on Asia. It has the mandate to develop awareness and understanding among the peoples of Canada and Asia Pacific, provide information and analysis, build networks and promote trade and investment. For more information, see the document  Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada , or visit the Web site at:

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, known as the Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada was formed through the merger of the Canadian Manufacturers Association (CMA) and the Canadian Exporters Association (CEA). The mission  is to continuously improve the competitiveness of Canadian industry and to expand export business. There is a initiative call Manufacturing 2020: Building Our Vision For The Future. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Network of Export Commissioners (RECOMEX)
RECOMEX assist exporting or potentially exporting SMEs on their territory in capturing new markets. For more information, see the document Network of Export Commissioners (RECOMEX), call 450 978-5902 or visit the Web site at:

International forwarding agents - Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association
Services available include planning the most economic route for shipment of goods, preparing documents relating to shipment of and payment for goods, insurance and customs formalities. Look in the Yellow Pages under Freight Forwarding. For more information, call 1-866-282-4332, or visit the Web site at:

Regroupement des professionnels de l'exportation (REPEX)
The Regroupement des professionnels à l'exportation brings together international business development experts to promote networking between them. It also seeks to increase the visibility and enhance the competencies of its members. For more information, call 514 387-9009 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Trade Team Canada Sectors - Industry Canada
Trade Team  Sectors  bring government and industry together to coordinate national trade development planning and activities in key industries. For more information, visit the Web site at:

6.4   Regulation Organizations

International Trade Canada (ITCan)
The Department supports business development by offering services to exporters, developing policies and attracting investment to Canada. For more information, see the documents Export Permits, or Import Permits, or call 1-800-267-8376, or visit the Web site at:

Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Centre - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
Some federal departments prohibit the export of certain products. Other products are controlled, i.e., the company must obtain a permit, certificate, tickets and authorization from a department before the CBSA will clear the goods. For more information, call 1-800-959-2036 or visit the Web site at:

Export and Import Controls - Canada Border Services Agency
Some federal departments prohibit the export of certain products. Other products are controlled, i.e., he company must obtain a permit, certificate, tickets and authorization from a department before the CBSA will clear the goods. For more information, consult the document Requirements for Imports and Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods - Other Federal Government Departments or visit the Web site at:

The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
The AMPS is a civil penalty regime that secures compliance with Customs legislation through the application of monetary penalties. AMPS applies to contraventions of the Customs Act and the Customs Tariff and the regulations thereunder, as well as contraventions of the terms and conditions of licensing agreements and undertakings. For more information, visit the Web site at:

Canadian Automated Export Declaration (CAED) - Statistics Canada
This system allows exporters and agents to transport goods electronically to the federal government of Canada. Exporters must declare merchandise shipped directly to a country other than the U.S. For more information, call 1-800-263-1136 or visit the Web site at:

Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ)
This centre is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. It develops standards, offers product and service certification programs and system registration services. For more information, call 418 652-2238 or 1-800-386-5114, or visit the Web site at:

Canadian Commercial Arbitration Centre (CCAC)
This non-profit organization works to promote arbitration and mediation as methods for resolving business disputes. For more information, call 418 649-1374, 1-877-909-3794 or visit the Web site at:          

ATA Carnet - Canadian Chamber of Commerce
The International Affairs Division offers different services and activities to help Canadian firms expand their markets everywhere in the world. ATA Carnets are also issued by the Chamber. In order to facilitate world trade, the World Customs Organization (WCO) adopted the "Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods". ATA is an acronym of the French and English words "Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission". The Convention oversees three main categories of goods traded internationally: commercial samples, goods for presentation or use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions or similar events and professional equipment. For more information, see the document ATA Carnet , or call 514 866-4334, or visit the Web site at:
Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
The Council  provides tools to small and medium entreprises to help them find out about standards they need to follow in countries around the world. For more information, see the document Standards - What every business needs to know, call 1-800-386-5114, or visit the Web site at:

Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Program
Customs - Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) - Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Canada and the United States (U.S.) have agreed to align, to the maximum extent possible, their customs commercial programs along their shared border. This agreement marks the creation of the FAST, which is the result of a shared objective to enhance the security and safety of Canadians and Americans, while enhancing the economic prosperity of both countries. For more information, consult the document FAST Program for Canada -- U.S. Border , call 1-800-959-2036 or visit the Web site at:

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