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Info-Guide - Multimedia

Last Verified: 2006-04-18

The programs presented in this Info-Guide are aimed primarily at companies in the multimedia sector. There are, however, many other programs open to all that provide financial assistance for start-up and expansion (see Info-Guide - Business Start-Up and Expansion), innovation and R&D (see Info-Guide - Innovation, Research and Development), exporting (see Info-Guide - Exporters) and manpower (see Info-Guide - Employment and Training). This tool has been developed by Info entrepreneurs based on information provided by Canada Business in order to meet the growing demand from business people for strategic information. While most of your questions will be answered in this document, it is not intended to be exhaustive. Further information can be obtained by contacting Info entrepreneurs at 514 496-4636, Ressources Entreprises at 418 649-4636 or, across the province, at 1-800-322-4636.


1. Definition
2. Government Programs
  2.1 Other Arts and Multimedia Programs
3. Tax Measures
4. Specialized/Venture Capital Funds
5. Other Funding Sources
6. Helpful Addresses
  6.1 Professional Associations
  6.2 Technical Assistance
  6.3 Web Sites of Interest

1.   Definition

Multimedia was born of the convergence of many fields, including audiovisual, sound, publishing, the media, computer science and telecommunications. Multimedia is not a product in the true sense of the word, but rather the result of the digital integration of sound, text, data, images (still or animated) and video. It is not a technological field, but rather a hybrid product resulting from the fusion of technologies which had been, until then, largely independent. (The Quebec Multimedia Industry: the Emergence of a Power), PWGSC, April 1997, p. 7)

2.   Government Programs

Multimedia Experimentation Fund (MEF)
Financed by the Government of Canada and run by the Alliance numériQC this fund offers pre-startup support for entrepreneurs with multimedia projects. It provides a non-refundable contribution to finance a maximum of 50% of pre-startup costs (feasibility study, market study, business plan, prototype development, financing, etc.). The total amount of the contribution can not exceed $50 000. For further information, call 514 848-7177 ext. 370, consult the document Multimedia Experimentation Fund or visit the Web site at:  (In French only)

SMB Financial
Investissement Québec offers a financial product geared to new-economy businesses. The product consists of security that can be applied to a loan from a financial institution. Businesses in the new economy are characterized by the predominance of intangible assets, highly knowledge-based activities and a highly specialized labour force. This section covers biotechnology, the pharmaceutical industry, information technologies, aeronautics and aerospace, materials engineering and instrumentation. For further information, contact Investissement Québec at 1-866-870-0437 or visit the Web site at: SMB Financial

Aide aux projets – Accueil - Ministère de la Culture et des Communications
The goal of this program is to improve the quality and increase the offer of cultural and communication goods, activities, and services in the various sectors served by the ministry throughout Quebec  . It also aims to promote innovation, experimentation, and the renewal of creativity.  The program offers financial assistance covering up to 75% of the eligible expenses linked to the project. Some conditions apply. For further information, call at 514 873-2255, 418 380-2346 or 1-888-380-8882 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Canada New media Fund
Telefilm Canada has launched the guidelines for the Canada New Media Fund, which replaces the Multimedia Fund. Financial support for the new media industry has increased from $6 million to $9 million per year. For further information, contact Telefilm Canada at 514 283-6363 or 1-800-567-0890, consult the document  Telefilm Canada Funds and Programs or visit the Web site at: Canada New Media Fund

The Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education (CANARIE) is a partnership between the private sector and the federal government. Through its funding programs, CANARIE supports a variety of initiatives to develop innovative applications and technologies that relate to advanced broadband networks. CANARIE supports projects that conform to principles of open systems and interoperability. To be eligible for funding, projects must be led by a Canadian organization and be carried out in Canada. For more information, contact Industry Canada at 514 496-5363, consult the document  CANARIE or visit the Web site at: CANARIE

New Practices in Learning Technologies - Office of Learning Technologies (OLT)
The Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) works with partners to expand innovative learning opportunities through technologies. Among its activities, OLT provides support for projects that contribute to a better understanding of learning technologies and how to use and adapt them for adult learners at home, at work and in their communities. The OLT currently has three funding programs under call for proposals: New Practices in Learning Technologies (NPLT); Community Learning Networks Initiative; Learning Technologies in the Workplace (LTW). The OLT Funding Guidelines and Application Form can be obtained for consultation on the following Web site at: For further information, contact the OLT at 819 953-0300

Industry Partnership Facility
The Industry Partnership Facility (IPF) can help SMEs working in the information and communication technologies sector by providing an environment that complements their needs. The IPF (incubator/accelerator) exists to foster and assist new ventures using NRC technologies or expertise. The IPF will provide facilities, services and professional expertise that promotes the establishment of a successful venture. Visit the Web site at: Industry Partnership Facilities

2.1   Other Arts and Multimedia Programs

Canada Council for the Arts
The Canada Council for the Arts offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations in dance, media arts, music, theatre, writing and publishing, interdisciplinary work and performance art, and the visual arts. For further information about these programs, call 1-800-263-5588 or visit the Web site at: Canada Council for the Arts - Grant Programs. For consult the application deadlines, visit the Web site: Grants Calendar - Application Deadlines

Canadian Heritage
The role of the Cultural Development sector is to develop a sustainable, competitive environment in Canada for the production and distribution of Canadian cultural content in all media. The sector is responsible for programs, policies and direction in the following areas: film/video, tv/radio, magazines, newspapers and books, music, copyright policies, trade and investment, foreign investment review, and multimedia. For further information, contact 514 283-2332, 1-877-222-2397, or visit the Web site at: Financial Support Programs

Quebec Arts and Letters Council (known as Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec - CALQ)
The mandate of the Council is to support, throughout the regions of Quebec, creation, experimentation and production in the areas of visual arts, arts and crafts, literature, theatre, music, dance, multidisciplinary arts, media arts and architectural research and to foster their impact in Quebec, Canada and abroad. It is also mandated to support the development of professional artists. For further information, call 514 864-3350 or 1-800-608-3350 in Montreal, 418 643-1707 or 1-800-897-1707 in Québec City or visit the Web site at: Conseil lettres et arts QC (In French Only)

3.  Tax measures

Refundable Tax Credit for the Production of Multimedia Titles
Companies with a place of business in Quebec may receive a refundable tax credit for the production of multimedia titles. The amount of assistance an eligible corporation may receive is determined according to the eligible labour expenditure of the corporation, to which a percentage is applied that varies depending on the category of multimedia titles the corporation produces. For further information, contact Investissement Québec at 1-866-870-0437 or visit the Web site at: Multimedia Titles

4.   Specialized/Venture capital funds

Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund (CIFVF)
The CIFVF, a national non-profit organization, provides financial assistance for independent producers to develop and produce films, videos and multimedia programming in English and French on a wide range of subjects in documentary, docudrama or animated form. The purpose of the productions must be to inform, educate or instruct. Private-sector commercials or non-profit undertakings are eligible. The CIFVF covers up to 49% of the direct costs of a multimedia project at three different stages: development, prototype or production. The maximum amount of assistance is $60 000. The CIFVF will not be the only source of funding. Applications must be submitted by specific deadlines. For further information, call 1-888-386-5555 or visit the Web site at: Canadian Independant Film and Video Fund

Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund
This fund, created by Bell Canada, supports projects in the field of new media and broadcasting. The money goes to producers and production companies that are already putting together programming for the broadcasting distribution sector with a multimedia component. Grants may not exceed 50% (maximum of $250 000 for the new media component and $100 000 for the broadcasting component). Many other terms and conditions apply under each component. For further information, call 514 845-4418 or visit the Web site:

Culture and Communications Investment Fund (known as Fonds d'investissment de la culture et des communications - FICC)
FICC is a venture capital corporation specializing in culture and communications.  It is a partnership between the Fonds de solidarité du Québec and the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC).  The financial contribution is in the form of acquisition of capital stock, a debenture and/or a loan.  Developing or growing commercial undertakings are eligible. For further information, call 514 394-0700 or visit the Web site at: Fonds d'investissements de la culture et des communications

Investissement Infosoft (GTI Capital)
This is the only private venture capital fund that makes multimedia its official priority. The financial contribution can range from $100 000 to $1 million (equity and debenture). The invested funds must be used primarily to start up or expand the business. Transactions have to focus on an international market with high growth potential. For further information, call 514 845-3800 or visit the Web site at: GTI Capital

TechnoCap is a private venture capital company that invests in technology and Internet firms (software, telecommunications, intranet, extranet, networks and electronics). The minimum investment in a project must be $500 000 in capital stock. New or expanding companies are eligible. For further information, call 514 205-5203.

5.   Other funding sources

Most major financial institutions offer loan or venture capital services designed specifically for new-economy businesses, including businesses in the multimedia sector.

Réseau Capital is an association of the main venture capital companies in Quebec: 514 334-9688 or 418 837-1040 in Québec city. Visit the Web site at: Réseau capital

Refer to Info-Guides;  Assistance for Business Start-Up and Expansion, Assistance for Exporters, Assistance for Innovation, Research and Development and Assistance for Employment and Training for other programs applicable to businesses in general.

6.   Helpful  addresses

6.1   Professional Associations

Alliance numériQC- Quebec's digital industry network
Alliance numériQC was formed from the merger of three associations active in Quebec's digital industry: the Quebec Association of Multimedia Producers (APMQ), the CESAM Multimedia Consortium and the Multimedia and Information Highway Forum (FIM). Membership in Alliance numériQC is open to individuals, businesses and organizations in the multimedia industry. For additional information, call 514 848-7177 or 1-866-848-7177. Consult the Web site at: Alliance numériQC (In French Only)

- Canadian Information Processing Society: 1-877-275-2477  Canadian Information Processing Society
Québec Chapter see also Fédération de l'informatique du Québec (FIQ).

-Association pour les applications pédagogiques de l'ordinateur au postsecondaire (APOP): 418 688-8310 ext. 4602 Association pour les applications pédagogiques de l'ordinateur au postsecondaire (In French Only)

-Association québécoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire (AQUOPS):  514 948-1234  Association québécoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire-secondaire (In French Only)

-Centre francophone d'informatisation des organisations (CEFRIO) : 514 840-1245 (Montreal); 418 523-3746 (Quebec City) Centre francophone d'informatisation des organisations (CEFRIO)

-Inter logiQ Network: 514 874-2667  inter logiQ Network

International Federation of Multimedia Associations (FIAM): 514 289-9966 International Federation Multimedia Association

Fédération de l'informatique du Québec (FIQ): 514 840-1240 Fédération de l'informatique du Québec (FIQ) (In French Only)

- Réseau d'informations scientifiques du Québec (RISQ) : 514 845-7181 Réseau d'informations scientifiques du Québec (RISQ)

- The Maison des hautes technologies de Montréal: 514 840-1291 Maison des hautes technologies (In French Only)

- Regroupement des producteurs multimédia (RPM): 514 813-3586  Regroupement des producteurs multimédia

The Multimedia World Watch (M2W): 514 289-9196  Multimedia World Watch

- VETIQ Voix des Entrepreneurs en T.I. de Québec 418 656-2436  Vetiq

6.2   Technical Assistance

TechnoCompétences (Comité sectoriel de main-d'oeuvre en technologies de l'information et des communications)
TechnoCompétences is an incorporated non-profit organization, financed by Emploi-Québec and industry partners. Its mission is to promote and support the development of human resources for the information and communication technologies industry, by identifying and developing leads and response measures to carry out action plans on the basis of defined problematics. For further information, call 514 840-1237 or visit the Web site at: TECHNOCompétences (In French Only).

Centre d'entreprises et d'innovation de Montréal (CEIM)
The Centre d'entreprises et d'innovation de Montréal (CEIM) is a non-profit organization operating mainly in the greater Montreal area and is devoted to the creation and development of new businesses. In existence for over ten years, CEIM is broadening its activities in the new technology sector and multimedia. CEIM relies on a team of advisors specialized and experienced in the field of business startup and structuring. When necessary, CEIM calls upon outside specialists. Furthermore, it is located right in the heart of the Cité du multimédia in Montreal. For further information, call 514 866-0575 ext. 200, consult the document  Centre d'Entreprises et d'Innovation de Montréal (CEIM) or visit the Web site at:

Creation of Chaire de gestion stratégique des technologies de l'information - HEC
The École des Hautes Études Commerciales has announced the creation of a Chair in Strategic Management of Information Technology, intended to contribute to the development and dissemination of knowledge on companies' ability to choose, set up and implement information technology (IT) so that it will have a real impact on organizational performance. Suzanne Rivard, recognized IT expert and a professor at HEC, will hold the Chair. For futher information, call 514 340-6493 or visit the Web site at: Chair in Strategic Management of Information Technology(In French Only).

6.3   Internet Sites of Interest


Québec multimédi@ 
This Web site from the Quebec Department of Culture and Communications (MCC) is a data bank available to all corporations wanting to pool their expertise to take on the world. The site is an interactive system for retrieving and identifying international partners and is intended to facilitate link-ups and alliances among multimedia businesses.

Cité Multimédia
Web site providing information on the Multimedia City, intended for employees and current or potential employers: list of companies, employee and employer services, etc.

Guide to the multimedia and new media industries
Alliance numériQC, in co-operation with Lien Multimédia, is proud to offer its Guide de l'industrie multimédia et nouveaux médias, a Web-based directory of Québec's digital industries. The guide lists over 1,500 businesses and is absolutely free.  (In French Only)

Répertoire d'entreprises en multimédia
This directory of Québec multimedia firms was prepared by Emploi-Québec and can be found at:
Répertoire d'entreprises (In French Only)

A Guide to Federal Programs for the Film and Video Sector
The guide provides an introduction to the various federal programs available to the independent film and video industry in Canada. It outlines the mandates of each key funding body supported by the federal government and briefly describes the eligibility criteria for their programs. Consult our Web site at: for updates. Guide to Federal Programs for the Film and Video Sector

Cyber Security Resource Centre
A Cyber Security Resource Centre has been created by the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA). The Centre is designed to enhance homeland security by characterizing threats to Canada's information infrastructure. The Centre will issue monthly and annual reports covering the threats, incidents and resources available to improve cyber threat management. For further information, please visit the CATA Web site at:


Survey on the electronic services and multimedia sectors in Québec, from the Institut de la statistique du Québec: Publications de l'ISQ: rapports d'enquête (In French Only)

Alliance numériQc - Studies and references: This organization offers competitive intelligence actvities aimed at the industry in general. On the Internet (look under "plan du site" and "Veille et information de marché" - in French: Alliance numériQC

Centre d'étude sur l'emploi et la technologie (CETECH)
CETECH, which answers to Emploi-Québec, is a study and research centre on employment and technology mandated to develop expertise about knowledge and information on the labour market. The CETECH projects involve highly skilled occupations and high-tech sectors touching on relations of all types between employment and technology, particularly for multimedia and computer science sectors. Centre d’étude sur l’emploi et la technologie

Industry Canada's most comprehensive business information Web site. The site offers business and sectoral information, international opportunities and government assistance programs. A special section is available on the multimedia sector (financing, management, studies.Information and Communications Technologies

Electronic publications

Techno-Sciences: Canoë Techno & Sciences

Le Lien multimédia: Le Lien MULTIMÉDIA
French information bulletin focusing on the Internet on multimedia and new medias.

Discover many other documents, tools and interesting links pertaining to the "Multimedia cluster" in the Tool Box, What You Must Know and Links of Interest sections of our Website.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

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