What is E-Learning? - Campusdirect
Canada School of Public Service / École de la fonction publique du Canada
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What is E-Learning?

Why Use E-Learning? ¦
Who is a Good Candidate for E-Learning? ¦
Try a Sample Course

E-learning comes in many forms, but it is really about using your computer to access information, courses and tools to develop your skills and knowledge on all types of subjects.

Campusdirect e-learning products have been selected and designed by the public service, for the public service. You can take self-paced courses, or join a workshop led by a facilitator and work with others while you learn, or download reference documents and other tools to help you in your work. It's easy, efficient and effective.

Why Use E-Learning?

E-learning provides you with convenient, just-in-time (and just-in-case!) access to learning programs and professional development materials.

One of e-learning's greatest strengths is that it allows you to use the learning materials repeatedly over time, even after you first take a course or use a tool. That fits well in today's public service environment because we are required to learn new skills constantly, but there is rarely enough time available after a training program to master a new skill or fully retain new knowledge.

And that's where e-learning can be truly beneficial: you can review the materials over the long term and refresh your knowledge and skills whenever (and wherever) you need to.

Campusdirect's e-learning products have been carefully selected by learning specialists in the federal government, and many courses have been custom designed for topics unique to the public service. For example, courses on the Public Service Modernization Act (PSMA).

If you would like to try e-learning, access one of our sample courses before becoming a member, click here.

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Who is a Good Candidate for E-Learning?

There has been a lot of research and discussion in recent years about different types of learning styles. Many people have even conducted self-assessments to determine what their learning styles are.

At first, e-learning was considered to be suitable for only certain types of learners and learning styles. These days, e-learning is so varied in its design and presentation that almost any type of learner (e.g., auditory, tactile, visual) can learn effectively through e-learning.

To find out if you are a suitable candidate for e-learning, ask yourself the following two questions:

  • Do you feel comfortable using a Web browser?
  • Do you have regular access to the Internet – with a medium-speed connection?

If you answered yes to both, then you are likely to be very comfortable using e-learning courses and tools.

We also recommend that you check the Campusdirect Technical Requirements before you begin. Review these with your organization's technical support group if you are unsure about the details, or Contact Us.

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Try a Sample Course

We encourage you to try some courses, and then talk to your manager and/or learning and development colleagues and tell them what you think about Campusdirect e-learning products.

If you would like to try some free courses, there are two options for you:

  1. You can try our sample courses and learn about e-learning now, before becoming a Campusdirect member.


  2. You can become a member in Campusdirect and access these and a variety of other free products courses, as well as order products from the Catalogue.

Becoming a Campusdirect member is easy, all you need is a valid government email account. Click here to Become a Member.

We would also appreciate your thoughts on our programs, so please click here to Contact Us and send in any feedback you have, or ask us questions on Campusdirect and e-learning.