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New Online Products Added In September 2005

We have added 10 new courses from JED: six in English and four in French. These learning products will be useful to anyone hoping to improve their writing, second language, interpersonal, and organizational skills in the workplace.

  • Expressions I for Advanced French Second Language Learners JED005E
    (The topic is: Communications Skills or Language Skills)
  • Expressions II for Advanced French Second Language Learners JED006E
    (The topic is: Communications Skills or Language Skills)
  • Building Blocks to Better Writing JED008E
    (The topic is: Communications Skills or Language Skills)
  • Writing Well:  Strategic Streamlining JED009E
    (The topic is: Communications Skills or Language Skills)
  • Bien écrire: la ponctuation  JED011F
    (The topic is: Communications Skills or Language Skills)
  • Expressions anglaises : Apprentissage de l'anglais langue seconde JED012F
    (The topic is: Communications Skills or Language Skills)
  • EMail:  Writing for Results JED010E
    (The topic is: Communications Skills)
  • Interpersonal Strategies for the Workplace JED007E
    (The topic is: Interpersonal Skills)
  • Les relations interpersonnelles en milieu de travail  JED007
    (The topic is: Interpersonal Skills)
  • Savoir gérer ses priorités JED004
    (The topic is: Planning and Organizational Skills orTime Management)

New Online Products Added In August 2005

We have added 12 new courses on Microsoft Outlook 2003: eight in English and four in French. These learning activities will help you get up to speed if you are switching to Outlook from another email or scheduling program or if you are starting fresh.

  • Sending and Receiving Messages in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Envoi et réception de messages dans Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Configuring Rules, Alerts, and Junk Mail Settings in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Formatting and Managing Messages in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Mise en forme et gestion des messages dans Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Scheduling Events, Appointments, and Meetings in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Planification d'événements, de rendez-vous et de réunions dans Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Using Task Lists, Contact Lists, and Notes in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Utilisation des listes de tâches, de contacts et des notes dans Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Sharing Folders, Schedules, and Contacts and Using SharePoint Data in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Customizing Email, Views, Navigation, and Email Accounts in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)
  • Tracking, Categorizing, Searching, and Printing in Outlook 2003
    (The topic is: Computer Skills)

New Online Products Added In July 2005

We have added nine new online language training products. These products, which enable users to acquire, develop or maintain competencies in their second language, are being offered for free to Campus direct members until the fall.

You may already be familiar with some of the existing products such as GIFT- French Grammar at Your Own Pace and the Second Language Evaluation Preparatory Exercises (SLE) . SLE comes in timed and self-paced versions and imitates the official tests. Other existing products, such as Telephone Gambits , and Gambits 1, 2 and 3, have been updated and converted into electronic form.

  • Gambits 1
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • Gambits 2
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • Gambits 3
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • Telephone Gambits
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • GIFT French Grammar at Your Own Pace
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • Sounds of French and English
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • Sons du français et de l'anglais
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • Second Language Evaluation Preparatory Exercises (SLE)
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)
  • Exercices préparatoires à l'évaluation de la langue seconde (ELS)
    (The topic is: Communications Skills  or  Language Skills)

New Online Products Added In May 2005

We have added two online modules of the Public Service Modernization Act (PSMA) Learning Strategy. The courses are aimed at employees at all levels of the public service and act as a complement to the Canada School of Public Service's classroom course PSMA Accountabilities and Responsibilities (P101).

We have also added a helpful course on English grammar, Tense Buster , as well as Diversity Leadership in Action , which is intended to help managers at all levels lead diversity with confidence and bring their departmental employment equity and diversity strategies to life.

  • Explore the Canada Site
    (The topic is: About the Public Service)
  • Essentials of Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA) / Financial Administration Act (FAA)
    (The topic is: Accountability and Responsibility or About the Public Service or Policies and Regulations)
  • Essentials of Public Service Employment Act (PSEA)
    (The topic is: Accountability and Responsibility or About the Public Service or Policies and Regulations)
  • Tense Buster
    (The topic is: Language Skills)
  • Diversity Leadership in Action
    (The topic is: About the Public Service or Leadership Skills and Development)

New Online Products Added In April 2005

Active Leadership in Values and Ethics is an online implementation tool designed to help you incorporate values and ethics in your day-to-day management practices. It is a stand-alone, self-contained course  that will assist you in promoting dialogue on values and ethics within your organization.

  • Active Leadership in Values and Ethics
    (About the Public Service or Communications Skills or Leadership Skills and Development)