Sample Courses - Campusdirect
Canada School of Public Service / École de la fonction publique du Canada
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If you would like to try a sample course before joining Campusdirect, check out the following:

The Passage to E-Learning
This interactive course allows you to try e-learning and get familiar with its features and benefits. There's even a quick quiz to help you understand what style of learner you are. Click here to start The Passage to E-Learning.

How Government Works
This product presents an interesting overview of how the Canadian federal government works, its structure and its history. There's also a great section on government jargon and some of those acronyms you've always wondered about! Click here to start How Government Works.

If you like what you see, you can Become a Member and access more e-learning products. Members can also browse the Catalogue to find a great variety of resources.

If you are unsure about whether or not your computer and Internet connection are suitable for our products, click here to view the Technical Requirements.