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On-line Client Centre - Help

On-line Client Centre - Help > Register with the On-line Client Centre

Register with the On-line Client Centre

Registering On-line

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Register with the On-line Client Centre using the Customer Registration page.

The Customer Registration Page will request the following information:

Client No.
In order to register with the On-line Client Centre, you must have a client number that was issued by Publishing and Depository Services (PDS). You can locate your client number by checking the top right hand corner of any Notice, Packing Slip, or Invoice you may have received from us in the past.

Customer Name
This field should be completed with the same name that appears on your customer account. Your name is also printed on any Notices, Packing Slips, or Invoices you may have received from us in the past.

Personal E-mail address
This is an e-mail address for the main contact on your account. You may choose a different e-mail address for your notifications. See 'email address for notices'.

The on-line Client Centre is a secure application. In order to protect your data you are required to set a password for your account. Please note that you are responsible for the use of this password. When you are entering a password be sure to follow the password parameters.

Confirm password
This is a standard confirmation field for the password submitted. It must match the password you entered in the password field exactly.

Security question and Security Answer
You must select a security question and provide an answer for it in the security answer field. It is required as a security measure so that you may retrieve your password using the On-line Password Reset page in the event that you forget it. The security question and answer will also assist Customer Service to accurately identify you as the correct customer when you contact them.

I would like to receive my notices by e-mail
This is an option being offered to PDS clients. It is also a feature that you can set for your account when you register for or use the On-line Client Centre. You may select yes or no.  If you select no, you will continue to receive notices by regular mail. If you select yes, you will receive notices by e-mail as PDF attachments.

Receiving notices by e-mail is cost and time effective. Through the On-line Client Centre, you can review your notices on-line.  Notices can include:

    • Availability Notice
    • Standing Order Service Notice 
    • Subscription Renewal Notice
    • Subscription Termination Notice
    • Prepayment Request Notice
    • Backorder Notice
    • Cancellation Notice
    • Price Quotation Notice

You can also choose to view the form and purchase items.  Alternatively, you can choose to print the notice that is attached to your e-mail and send it back by regular mail.

E-mail Address for Notices
This e-mail address is required if you have elected to receive notices via e-mail. You may choose to use your personal e-mail address or provide an alternate address for notices. This address will be used to send notices such as availability, standing order notices, etc.

Submit Button
Clicking this button will submit your registration.

Cancel Button
Clicking this button will cancel your registration and clear any information you have entered on the registration page.


Registering by contacting Customer Service

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Alternatively, you may be registered by contacting Customer Service.

If Customer Service registers you, you will have two actions to complete when you first login to the On-line Client Centre:

  • Accept the Terms and Conditions presented.

    The Terms and Conditions are presented because they provide valuable information about using the Client Centre. Customer Service cannot accept these on your behalf and a customer cannot use the Client Centre without accepting them. You must also accept the terms and conditions of you register on-line.
  • Change your password

    Although the system generates a random password you are encouraged to change your password for security purposes and so that you will be able to use a password that is meaningful to you.


How to Obtain a Client Number

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For General Public:

A client number is assigned the first time you order a publication from our catalogue. You are welcome to browse our catalogue and order products at any time.

For Depository Libraries:

As a member of the Depository Services Program (DSP), you have been assigned a client number starting with a letter (ex. FS123…).  If you are not a member of the DSP and would like information on the program, please visit the website at: or contact Customer Service.
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Last Updated: 2006-07-14 Important Notices