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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Subject matters related to amendments to the Competition Act

  • Summary of the consultations on efficiencies (2004-2005) (HTML) - (PDF: 71KB)
  • Section 45 - External Working Group (HTML)
  • Market Studies - A Review by the Competition Bureau (HTML) - (PDF: 49.2 KB)

  • International Comparative Analysis of Private Rights of Access (HTML) - (PDF: 501 KB)

  • Study of the Historical Cost of Proceedings Before the Competition Tribunal (HTML) - (PDF: 119 KB)

  • The VanDuzer Report: Anticompetitive Pricing Practices and the Competition Act: Theory, Law, and Practice ( HTML) - Report (PDF: 355 KB) -
    Appendices (PDF: 70 KB)

  • Whistleblowing Study (HTML)

  • Consultative Panel Report - Amending the Competition Act (HTML)

  • Government Announces Measures to Address Impact of Higher Energy Costs (HTML)

  • The Government of Canada has introduced amendments to Bill C-19, legislation to amend the Competition Act (HTML)



November 03, 2005 – Bulletins
Information Bulletin on Section 11 of the Competition Act

October 27, 2005 – Speeches
Bill C-19, An Act to amend the Competition Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts


November 18, 2004 – Speeches
Bill C-19, An Act to amend the Competition Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

November 02, 2004 – News releases
Minister of Industry tables amendments to strengthen the Competition Act

November 02, 2004 – Backgrounders
Proposed changes to the Competition Act

June 09, 2004 – Public comments
Responses to Consultations

May 12, 2004 – Speeches
Bill C-249

April 13, 2004 – Information notices
Consultations Report Published on Proposed Changes to the Competition Act

April 02, 2004 – Reports
The Competition Bureau's Work in Media Industries: Background for the Senate Committee on Transport and Communications

March 31, 2004 – Speeches
Bill C-249 An Act to amend the Competition Act

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