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Competition Bureau of Canada

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What Determines the Profitability of a Retail Gasoline Outlet?

A Study for the Competition Bureau of Canada

LECG Canada

March  2006

PDF (249KB)

Table of Contents

About LECG

Executive Summary 


1 - Objectives and Limitations

2 - Definitions

2.1 Efficiencies 
2.3 Ancillary Services
2.4 Independents

3. Literature Review

4. The Data

5. Economic Analysis

5.1 Differences between Outlets A and B (independent retailers)
5.2 Differences between Outlets C and  D (vertically-integrated firms)
5.3 Implications
5.4 Time Series Analysis
5.5 Econometric Analysis

6. Profitability Analysis

6.1 Caveats

6.1.1 Information Used
6.1.2 Caution on Incomplete Information & Impact of Cost of Petroleum Purchases on Margins
6.1.3 Organization of Operations

6.2 Sample Outlets

6.2.1 Outlet A (independent retailer)
6.2.2 Outlet B (independent retailer)
6.2.3 Outlet C (vertically-integrated firm)
6.2.4 Outlet E (vertically-integrated firm)


6.3 Analysis

6.3.1 Organization of Profitability Analysis
6.3.2 Profitability Calculated from Outlet Specific Revenues and Costs
6.3.3 Profitability by Omitting Coupons and Discounts
6.3.4 Profitability by Omitting Coupons and Discounts and Labour Expenses
6.3.5 Petroleum Sales Volume and Grade Mix
6.3.6 Petroleum Sales Revenue and Revenue Grade Mix
6.3.7 Revenues by Sales Type
6.3.8 Gross Margin by Sales Type
6.3.9 Summary of Costs Attributable to Petroleum Revenue

7. Conclusions

8. References

9. Appendices

Appendix A. Information Request Sent to Participating Retailers

Appendix B. Curriculum Vitae of Authors

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