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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Written opinions

To promote compliance with, and foster transparency in the administration and enforcement of the Competition Act, the Bureau publishes written opinions, or summaries thereof, that add to the understanding of how the law is administered or where a new issue or sector of the economy is being examined. With the consent of the requesting parties, opinions are published in their entirety. Where consent is not obtained, the Bureau edits the opinion to remove company names and/or produce a summary of the opinion that protects identities and commercially sensitive information.

Effective April 1, 2003, Advisory opinions have been replaced with written opinions with the coming into force of section 124.1 of the Competition Act.

Fees and Service Standards
Notice: Our Fees and Service Standards documentation has been revised to reflect the amendments to the Competition Act. View the Information Notice.

The Competition Bureau has established fees and service standards for certain services and regulatory processes under the Competition Act. These apply to Written Opinion requests, Advance Ruling Certificate requests, Merger Notification Filings and photocopies.

Search by Year

Documents 1 - 1 of 1 matches for 2006.

August 30, 2006
Real Estate Industry - Suggested Fee Schedule

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