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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Every Canadian is a consumer.

A competitive marketplace provides consumers with competitive prices, product choice, and quality services. The Bureau plays an important role in ensuring businesses provide accurate information when marketing their products and services.

This section explains how the Bureau ensures Canadian consumers benefit from a competitive marketplace.

The Bureau investigates complaints of misrepresentation and conducts inspections of consumer goods. If you have encountered a product or service that has been misrepresented, please report it to the Bureau


Consumer news and warnings

August 23, 2006 > Information Notice
Going out of Business - Again!

August 04, 2006 > Warnings to consumers
Competition Bureau Issues Warning to Canadians on Gas Saving Devices

June 16, 2006 > Information Notice
Need to Pay to Claim a Prize? It could be a scam!

June 14, 2006 > News release
Competition Bureau investigation leads to refunds in misleading mail-outs

March 03, 2006 > Information Notice
Competition Bureau Participates in Worldwide Blitz on Hidden Traps Online

Featured consumer resources

Gas Prices
> Consumer Fact Sheet on Gasoline Prices
> Speech by the Commissioner of Competition on Gasoline Prices

On-Line Complaint/Enquiry Form

Stop Spam Here: The Competition Bureau is a member of Industry Canada's Task Force on Spam, which has officially launched Stop Spam Here, an important public education and end-user awareness campaign.

Anti-Phishing Awareness Campaign: The Competition Bureau, as chair of the Fraud Prevention Forum, joined Visa Canada and RCMP on Nov. 3, 2004, for the launch of a consumer awareness campaign to help inform Canadians about phishing scams.

The Consumer Connection Web site: The Consumer Connection Web site is published by Industry Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs and offers you practical information and tools to help you protect your interest and to spend wisely in the marketplace.


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