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Competition Bureau of Canada

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Annual reports

The Annual Reports, for which the Commissioner is required under the Competition Act to submit annually to the Minister of Industry on "Proceedings Under the Act."

Previous reports are available upon request through the Information Centre

Search by Year


Documents 1 - 10 of 13 matches for 2006.

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Table of Contents

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Letter of Transmittal

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Message from the Commissioner

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Chapter 1

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Chapter 2

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Chapter 3

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Chapter 4

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Chapter 6

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Chapter 7

June 06, 2006
Annual Report 2004-2005: Appendix I

1 - 2    >>

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