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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Commissioner of Competition Welcomes Report on the Public Consultation on Legislative Changes to the Competition Act and the Competition Tribunal Act

OTTAWA, December 21, 2000 - The Commissioner of Competition today welcomed the report of the Public Policy Forum, entitled "Public Consultations on Legislative Changes to the Competition Act and the Competition Tribunal Act."

The Public Policy Forum began public consultations on April 17, 2000 to seek the views of interested stakeholders and experts from business, consumer, competition law and academic communities on the Competition Bureau's discussion paper entitled "Amending the Competition Act: A Discussion Paper on Meeting the Challenges of the Global Economy", as well as on four Private Members bills proposing amendments to these Acts.

The Private Members' bills dealt with deceptive mail representations, improved dispute resolution processes, including private access to the Competition Tribunal, international cooperation between antitrust agencies, cease and desist powers, modernized conspiracy provisions as well as an updating of the abuse of dominance provisions.

"I am pleased that our stakeholders and the public have had an opportunity to discuss potential and innovative changes to competition law," said Konrad von Finckenstein. "For Canada to play an active part in the global marketplace, it is key that the Competition Act be responsive by keeping pace with the challenges of a rapidly changing global economy".

The Commissioner will review the report and refer recommendations to the Minister of Industry. To access the Report and for further details on the results of the consultation process, visit the Public Policy Forum web site.

For more information, please contact:

Julie Hébert
Senior Communication Advisor
Communications Directorate
(819) 953-4257

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