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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Consultations Report Published on Proposed Changes to the Competition Act

OTTAWA, April 13, 2004 – The Public Policy Forum (PPF) has published a report [PDF] concerning recent consultations on proposed changes to the Competition Act. The report provides an analysis of written submissions and roundtable discussions which followed the release of a Government discussion paper [PDF] in June 2003. Proposed changes include:

  • strengthening the civil provisions of the Competition Act with administrative monetary penalties, restitution, and civil cause of action;
  • reforming the conspiracy provisions;
  • reforming the pricing provisions; and
  • allowing for inquiries into the functioning of markets in Canada.

The Competition Bureau hired the PPF, an independent non-profit organization, to conduct national consultations based on the discussion paper. Over one hundred written submissions were received and roundtable discussions were held across Canada. Participants included representatives from small, medium and large enterprises, consumer and business associations, the federal, provincial and territorial governments, lawyers and economists.

The Commissioner of Competition will review the report and continue the dialogue with stakeholders prior to making recommendations to the Minister of Industry.

National Consultations on the Competition Act

For media enquiries, please contact:
Tim Weil
Director of Strategic Communications
Communications Branch
(819) 953-9271

For general enquiries, please contact:
Information Centre
Competition Bureau
(819) 997-4282


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