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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Competition Bureau Invites Comments on its Strategic Alliances Bulletin

OTTAWA, September 4, 2002 – The Competition Bureau is seeking comments on its current Strategic Alliances Bulletin. Strategic Alliances under the Competition Act was published in 1995 to describe the Bureau's enforcement approach to strategic alliances, which have become increasingly common in today's globalized economy.

Strategic alliances take on a variety of forms and can include agreements between competitors or would-be competitors. These alliances can be harmless, even pro-competitive, but occasionally they can also contravene provisions of the Competition Act. Despite the Bureau's current bulletin, some have suggested that provisions in the Competition Act continue to discourage strategic alliances and have a chilling effect on agreements that are either harmless or beneficial.

While the Competition Bureau has previously expressed support for amending the conspiracy provisions of the Act, in part to address these concerns, it has also expressed an interest in issuing a revised bulletin on strategic alliances as an interim measure.

Comments and/or suggestions on how to clarify the Strategic Alliances Bulletin are requested by November 30, 2002. These can be submitted by e-mail, fax, or regular mail. All submissions will be made available to the public and will be posted on our web site, except where confidentiality is specifically requested.

Media Enquiries:
Tim Weil, Senior Communications Advisor
Competition Bureau
(819) 953-9271 or (613) 296-2189 (cell.)

To submit commentary, send to:
Attention: Mr. Jean-Sébastien Rivard
fax: (819) 953-8535

Mailing address:
Competition Bureau
Place du Portage I
50 Victoria Street
Hull, Québec
K1A 0C9

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