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For any questions regarding the following information, contact our fully bilingual Customer Service.


Go to top of pageFlight Comment: Changes to your Subscription

October 26, 2006

Please note that Flight Comment will now only be produced three times a year.  However, the good news is that the issues will be larger and in full colour and there will be no change to subscription costs!  Expect a summary of trials, tribulations and the many changes to Flight Comment to be printed in Issue 2 2006.


Go to top of pageOn-line Client Centre: It's all about access

October 26, 2006

Wouldn't it be nice if you could

  • access your own account information on-line;
  • change your own personal account information at will; and
  • receive Standing Order "notifications", subscription renewals, quotes and pre-payment requests by e-mail?

Now you'll be able to do all of these things when Publishing and Depository Services (PDS) launches its new On-line Client Centre in October, 2006! If you have an account with PDS, you will be able to register yourself through the On-Line Client Centre and use your client number to access your account on-line, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Also, clients who are registered for Standing Order or Subscription Services, and who grant permission to be sent e-mail notices will now receive prepayment requests, notifications or renewals by e-mail (when registering, be sure to indicate whether or not you would like to receive notification by e-mail).

Contact Customer Service for more information on this new feature!


Go to top of pageHot Picks 2006

July 10, 2006

This catalogue includes some of our new releases and a selection of popular backlist titles.  Each publication is produced or sponsored by a department, agency, commission, or a scientific or social research organization. 
Call for your free copy!


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Last Updated: 2006-10-26 Important Notices