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Crown Copyright


Application for Copyright Clearance on Government of Canada Works

You must complete all of the mandatory fields in the Application for Copyright Clearance on Government of Canada Works form. We will not process incomplete and/or unreadable forms.

You can submit multiple application forms simultaneously, if all of the material requested will be used in the same new work. Simply complete the "Applicant Information" and "Information on the Applicant’s Work" sections of the form once, and attach as many pages as needed of Page 3 – "Information on the Government of Canada's Work."

If you wish to assign a reference or follow-up number to your application, this number can be entered in Section 6 on Page 3.

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  • You must complete the name, delivery address, city, province/state, postal/zip code, country, and telephone number fields.

  • The name of organization, Web site address, facsimile number and e-mail address information is optional, but should be provided if available.

  • You must provide the name of the person, institution, organization, or company on whose behalf you are seeking copyright clearance. Put an ‘x’ or a checkmark in the box provided if you’re seeking copyright clearance for yourself. If you’re seeking copyright clearance for your business or organization, you can indicate this by checking the box titled "Organization named above." If you are seeking copyright clearance on behalf of another individual or organization, the name of that person or organization must be provided.

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  • You must indicate the type of permission that you are seeking: to reproduce, adapt, revise or translate. For adaptations and revisions, copies of the source Government of Canada material as well as your adaptation/revision must accompany the application form. In the case of a translation, the language(s) to be used for your work must be provided.

  • You must specify every format in which your work will be produced. If you intend to use the Government of Canada material for advertising or promotional purposes, you must submit an explanatory letter along with your application form.

  • If you intend to publish your work on the World Wide Web, you must provide the precise URL(s) where your work will be published. For all other formats, you must indicate how many copies will be printed/produced.

  • You are required to specify the end use for the Government of Canada’s work. If you intend to sell your work for profit, you must indicate the actual/estimated selling price or cost to consumers. If you are planning to distribute the material free of charge, but in conjunction with a service for which you will be charging a fee, you must provide complete details in a letter or appendix attached to the application form.

  • You must indicate the territory or territories in which you will be distributing or selling the work in which the Government of Canada material will be included.

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  • If you need a response from the Government of Canada by a particular date so that you can meet a deadline, enter the date in the "I would appreciate a response by" field. Please remember that "Urgent" and "ASAP" are not dates. Please wait 15 working days before requesting a status update.

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  • If this request is identical to a request for which you received permission in the past, you can provide us with your previous PWGSC or Crown Copyright File Number.

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  • You must specify the complete title of the Government of Canada's Work.

  • The "Year/Date of publication" field should be completed if you have this information. A date will help us to locate the exact source work if the Government of Canada has produced other works with the same title.

  • You must indicate the format in which the Government of Canada work that you wish to use was published. The "Other" field should be used for any format that is not listed, e.g. microfiche.

  • You must provide ISBN/ISSN and/or catalogue/publication numbers (where these are available) or any other designator (such as photograph number) that clearly identifies the source material. In the case of material found on Government of Canada Web sites, you must provide the exact URL(s) where the material is published. We will not accept URLs that link to the first page of a Web site, e.g.

  • You must provide volume and issue numbers for periodicals and magazines in addition to the complete title of any article, chapter or work that you wish to use. You must refer to tables, charts, figures, illustrations, etc. by the title used in the source material, and not the title that you will be using in your work.

  • In all cases, you must identify the specific material that will be used (entire work, excerpts, photograph, illustration, table, etc.), as well as the page(s) on which the material is found.

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In some cases, requests to reproduce, adapt, revise, translate or commercialize Government of Canada material may require that you enter into a licensing agreement. If this is the case, a member of the Crown Copyright and Licensing section will contact you.

There is no guarantee that Government of Canada material that is published at a particular URL will still be on the Web site at the time that a permission request is reviewed and processed. If the material requested is no longer available on a Web site, permission to use that material may not be granted.

If the work that you want to reproduce is marked as © Her Majesty the Queen, but you’re not sure if the "author" is a federal, provincial or territorial government, submit a copy of the outside and inside covers of the publication along with your form. If you’re not sure whether the Government of Canada created a work that you found on a Web site, send a copy of one or two of the Web pages along with your form.

Estimated processing times are outlined in a document titled "How Your Application for Copyright Clearance on Government of Canada Works is Processed" (PDF Format, 66 kb).

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