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Weekly Checklist Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are all the recent changes in the Weekly Checklist order procedures?

  2. Why doesn't my depository number work when I try to login to place an order?

  3. What is allotment?

  4. How do I view the Weekly Checklist if I don't have a depository number?


Go to top of page1. What are all the recent changes in the Weekly Checklist order procedures?

As of April 6 2004, we have acquired a new inventory system to manage our warehouse, order and financial processing. This has caused several changes in our process including a format change for the depository number, the enforcement of library allotments, and a new login page for the Weekly Checklist.


Go to top of page2. Why doesn't my depository number work when I try to login to place an order?

The format of the depository number has changed. The dash preceding the last two numbers is no longer used. For example, the depository number JS123456-01 is now JS12345601. Please use this new format to login.


Go to top of page3. What is allotment?

Allotment is the total number of copies of an item that a selective depository library may order from a Weekly Checklist.

The last two digits of the depository number indicate your allotment. For example, the library JS12345601 has an allotment of 1 copy per item per Weekly Checklist.

If you exceed your allotment on an order, the system will prompt you to adjust your order before completing the order.

If you require more copies of an item than your allotment allows, you must purchase copies (if available) from the main catalogue.


Go to top of page4. How do I view the Weekly Checklist if I don't have a depository number?

Non-depositories and the general public may view the Weekly Checklist but cannot place orders. Click the 'Browse' button or select the link 'Browse the Weekly Checklist without ordering' on the login page.


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Last Updated: 2005-01-05 Important Notices