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Competition Bureau of Canada

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For additional copies of this publication, or specific information on the Bureau's activities, please contact the Competition Bureau's Information Centre:

Competition Bureau
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Hull QC  K1A 0C9

Tel.: (819) 997-4282
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For information specifically on the merger provisions of the Competition Act, including those relating to the notification of proposed transactions, please contact:

Mergers Branch
Competition Bureau
Industry Canada
50 Victoria Street
Hull QC  K1A 0C9

Tel.: (819) 953-7092
Fax: (819) 953-6169

This publication can be made available in alternative formats upon request.
Contact the Information Distribution Centre at the numbers listed below.

Information Distribution Centre
Communications and Marketing Branch
Industry Canada
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235 Queen Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0H5

Tel.: (613) 947-7466
Fax: (613) 954-6436

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Cat. No. C2-566/2001E-IN
ISBN 0-662-30833-6


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