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House of Commons - Chamber Business

39th Parliament, 1st Session
(April 3, 2006 - )

Journals Index

The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

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Journals Index - RESP.Speaker
Journals Index - RESP.Speaker

RESP see Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

Response to the Government's Action Plan for Reform of the Access to Information Act see Access to Information Act--Reports

Restoring Financial Governance and Accessibility in the Employment Insurance Program see Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee (1st Session, 38th Parliament)--Reports, Third

Restoring Fiscal Balance in Canada see Budget 2006 (May 2, 2006)

Results of Fact-Finding on Situation at Caledonia see Six Nations land claims

Retirement income

    >>Spouses, income-splitting
    >>>>(Brown, P.), (391-0321), 405
    >>>>(Guergis), (391-0181), 259, gr, 357 (8545-391-6-04); (391-0203), 289, gr, 357 (8545-391-6-04)
    >>>>(MacKenzie), (391-0007), 41, gr, 203 (8545-391-6-01)
    >>>>(Miller), (391-0044), 107, gr, 203 (8545-391-6-01)
    >>>>(Stanton), (391-0023), 53, gr, 203 (8545-391-6-01)

Returning officers see Elections

Returns Ordered

    >>P-5.Six Nations land claims, Douglas Creek Estates development, Caledonia, ON, protests, negotiations, Professor Michael Coyle/ Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister Prentice, correspondence (Crowder), ordered, 405 (8550-391-5)
    >>P-6.Grain hopper car fleet, Farmer Rail Car Coalition, transfer or sale (Easter), ordered, 339 (8550-391-6)
    >>P-7.Chinese Canadians, Chinese Head Tax and Chinese Immigration Act, 1923, apology/compensation, legal advice (Chan), ordered, 405 (8550-391-7)
    >>Q-1.Pesticide Residue Compensation Act, payments (Casey), 171 (8555-391-1)
    >>Q-2.Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Program (CAIS), expenditures (Easter), 204-5 (8555-391-2)
    >>Q-9.Pensions, company contributions/payouts, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions mandate (Charlton), 231 (8555-391-9)
    >>Q-13.Afghanistan, Canadian Armed Forces, role (Black), 245-6 (8555-391-13)
    >>Q-22.Science and technology, projects, statistics by ministry or department (Fontana), 290 (8555-391-22)
    >>Q-23.Digby Fishermen's Wharf, Transport Canada/Maritime Harbours Society dispute (Thibault, R.), 290 (8555-391-23)
    >>Q-28.Immigrant students, investigation, policies and procedures (Chow), 464 (8555-391-28)
    >>Q-33.Afghanistan, Canadian Armed Forces, prisoners (Black), 359-60 (8555-391-33)
    >>Q-39.Television, private broadcasters, Canadian programming, statistics (Angus), 348 (8555-391-39)
    >>Q-40.Canadian symbolic and promotional materials, purchase and distribution, statistics (Angus), 360-1 (8555-391-40)
    >>Q-41.Women, status, committee reports (Mathyssen), 361 (8555-391-41)
    >>Q-42.Housing, affordable housing, federal-provincial agreements (Mathyssen), 348 (8555-391-42)
    >>Q-43.Scholarship and bursary income, income tax treatment (Regan), 348-9 (8555-391-43)
    >>Q-46.Housing, federal housing programs, expenditures (Chow), 361 (8555-391-46)
    >>Q-48.Education, post-secondary, Canada Social Transfer funding, statistics (Savoie), 362 (8555-391-48)
    >>Q-49.Literacy, government funding, National Literacy Secretariat, (Savoie), 362-3 (8555-391-49)
    >>Q-50.Tuberculosis, First Nations Inuit Health Branch, funding/statistics (Keeper), 363 (8555-391-50)
    >>Q-52.Off-Campus Work Permit Program, exclusions (Folco), 364 (8555-391-52)
    >>Q-53.Foreign students, Canadian International Development Agency-funded foreign student visas, graduate students (Folco), 364 (8555-391-53)
    >>Q-54.Commonwealth Award Program Foreign Student Visas, statistics (Folco), 364 (8555-391-54)
    >>Q-55.Foreign students, Canadian International Development Agency-funded foreign student visas, undergraduate students (Folco), 364 (8555-391-55)
    >>Q-58.Public Service, National Capital Region, Ottawa/Outaouais regions, employees (Nadeau), 365 (8555-391-58)
    >>Q-60.Science and technology, strategy, Budget 2006 measure (Fontana), 365 (8555-391-60)
    >>Q-61.Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), program funding (Scott), 365 (8555-391-61)
    >>Q-62.Innovative Communities Fund (ICF), project funding, Moncton Stadium and Fundy Trail (Scott), 365-6 (8555-391-62)
    >>Q-66.Salmon, Pacific, Wild Pacific salmon stocks and habitat/salmon farming, Fisheries and Oceans Department management, Auditor General Report (2000), Chapter 30 recommendations (Crowder), 366 (8555-391-66)
    >>Q-67.World Police and Firefighters Games, Quebec City, 2005, government funding (Julian), 366 (8555-391-67)
    >>Q-71.Environment, government programs re climate change, pollution and greenhouse gases, discontinuation or cancellation (Cullen, R.), 393-4 (8555-391-71)
    >>Q-74.Liquified natural gas (LNG), Robbinston, ME, Downeast LNG proposed terminal, marine mammal populations, impact (Cullen, R.), 366 (8555-391-74)
    >>Q-75.Afghanistan, Canadian Armed Forces, weapons, depleted uranium/White Phosphorus, use (Black, D.), 367 (8555-391-75)
    >>Q-76.Afghanistan, Canada, significant commitment, government expenditures/contracts (Black), 367 (8555-391-76)
    >>Q-77.Commercial Heritage Properties Incentive Fund, projects (Savoie), 367-8 (8555-391-77)
    >>Q-80.Skills training, government expenditures (Nash), 368 (8555-391-80)
    >>Q-81.Education, post-secondary, financial supports and incentives (Nash), 368-9 (8555-391-81)
    >>Q-87.Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, fifth periodic report, government action (Mathyssen), 369 (8555-391-87)

Ridley Terminals Inc.

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
    >>>2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 260 (8560-391-770-01)
    >>>2004-2008 corporate plan summary amendments, 16 (8562-391-860-01)
    >>>2005-2009 corporate plan summary, 160 (8562-391-860-02)
    >>>Order in Council P.C. 2006-91 dated February 26, 2006, repealing P.C. 2005-1688 dated September 29, 2005, concerning long-term contracts, 16 (8560-391-893-01)
    >>See also Alternative Fuels Act

Riel, Louis David

    >>Role in advancement of Confederation and rights and interests of Metispeople and the people of Western Canada/reversal of treason conviction see Louis Riel Act (Bill C-258)

Robbinston, ME see Liquified natural gas (LNG)

Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee
    >>>2005 annual report, with Auditors' Report, 101-2 (8560-391-229-01)

Royal Assent

    >>Bills assented, 165-6, 353
    >>Message from the Governor General, 165, 353
    >>See also Laws--Repeal

Royal Canadian Mint

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
    >>>2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 126 (8560-391-176-01)
    >>>2004-2008 corporate plan summaries and 2004 capital budget (8562-373-810-01), erratum, 166 (8562-391-810-01)
    >>>2006-2010 corporate plan summaries and 2006 capital budget, 205 (8562-391-810-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Alternative Fuels Act;Dingwall, Hon. David;Privacy Act

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

    >>Document, "Annual Report on the RCMP's use of the Law Enforcement Justification Provisions, pursuant to Section 25.3 of the Criminal Code", tabled, 221 (8525-391-08)
    >>See also Arar, Maher;Awards, decorations, medals;Canada Pension Plan (CPP)--Clawback;Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar;Emergencies/disasters;Employment Equity Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Peacekeeping

Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 382 8560-391-509-01()
    >>See also Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 383 (8560-391-550-01)
    >>See also Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Account

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, 16 (8560-391-231-01)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act

    >>Legislation see Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--elimination of deduction from annuity)(Bill C-221)

Rural and remote areas see Post offices;Postal service

Rwandan genocide

    >>>(Dewar), (391-0378), 482
    >>>(Poilievre), (391-0071), 139, gr, 299 (8545-391-23-01)


Sackville--Eastern Shore constituency

    >>Name, change to Sackville--Preston--Eastern Shore see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-213)

Safety see Air transportation;Cellular telephones;Display hooks;Impaired driving;Occupational health and safety;Traffic accidents;Trucks

Saguenay Port Authority see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Sahtu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Implementation Committee

    >>2003-2004 annual report, tabled, 46 (8525-391-06)

Sahtu Land and Water Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Sahtu Land Use Planning Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Saint-Georges-de-la-Malbaie wharf

    >>>(Blais), (391-0377), 482

Saint John Port Authority see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Salaries see Judges;Wages and salaries

Sale of Medals Prohibition Act (Bill C-210)--Stoffer

    >>1st r, 27

Sales taxes

    >>Ways and Means No. 3, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-02)

Saskatchewan see Farm Income Protection Act

Salmon, Pacific

    >>Wild Pacific salmon stocks and habitat/salmon farming, Fisheries and Oceans Department management, Auditor General Report (2000), Chapter 30 recommendations, r.o. Q-66 (Crowder), 366 (8555-391-66)

Salvatore, David see Cabinet Ministers--Staff, Post-employment compliance

Sauvageau, Benoît (BQ--Repentigny; deceased Aug. 28, 2006)

    >>References see House of Commons--Vacancies

Scabs see Replacement workers

Scheer, Andrew (CPC--Regina--Qu'Appelle; Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole)

    >>References see Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole

Scholarship and bursary income

    >>Income tax treatment
    >>>r.o. Q-43 (Regan), 348-9 (8555-391-43)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 4, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-03)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 8, notice, tabled, 523 (8570-391-11)

Science and Engineering Research Canada see Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Science and technology

    >>Projects, statistics by ministry or department, r.o. Q-22 (Fontana), 290 (8555-391-22)
    >>Strategy, Budget 2006 measure, r.o. Q-60 (Fontana), 365 (8555-391-60)

Scotchgard see Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS)

SCPI see Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI)

Scripts, Screens and Audiences: A New Feature Film Policy for the 21st Century see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports from 1st Session, 38th Parliament, Nineteenth

Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee

    >>>House of Commons membership, 91-2, 106, 442
    >>>Senate membership, message from Senate, 29
    >>>First (mandate), 164 (8510-391-02)
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 164
    >>>Second (broadcasting licence fees), 523 (8510-391-71)

Search warrants

    >>Endorsement out-of-province, use of telecommunications see Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other amendments)(Bill C-23)

Seaway International Bridge Corporation Ltd. see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Securities see Agricultural cooperatives;Charitable donations--Publicly-listed securities

Security certificates

    >>Special counsel to represent public interest see Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--appointment of special counsel)(Bill C-345)

Security Inteligence Review Committee see Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Privy Council, Vote 25--Reports on Plans and Priorites;Privacy Act

Self-employed workers see Status of Women Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Selkirk First Nation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>Orders in Councils P.C. 1997-1369 and P.C. 1997-1370 dated September 25, 1997, concerning a land claims agreement, 390 (8560-391-785-02)


    >>Messages from the Senate, 29, 153, 160, 212, 248-9, 319-20, 353, 355
    >>See also Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Parliament, Vote 1;Smoke-free workplaces

Senate Ethics Officer see Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Parliament, Vote 20

Senior citizens see Retirement income

Seniors Charter

    >>And Seniors Advocate, establishing, M. on supply (Charlton), 283, as amended, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 21), 307-9
    >>>Amdt. (Guergis), 283-4, division deferred, 284, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 20), 305-7

Sentences (convicted criminals)

    >>Conditional sentences, excluded offences see Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentence of imprisonment)(Bill C-9);Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentencing)(Bill C-235);Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other amendments)(Bill C-23);Criminal Code (amdt.--sex crimes and violent crimes)(Bill C-248)
    >>>(Layton), (391-0143), 234, gr, 385 (8545-391-35-01)
    >>See also Auto theft;Child sexual abuse and exploitation--Internet;Child sexual predators;Drug trafficking;Firearms--Use in commission of serious offences;Impaired driving;Military justice system;Peace officers;Street racing;Traffic accidents--Failure to stop;Young offenders

Sept-Îles Port Authority see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Sexual abuse see Child sexual abuse and exploitation

Sexual assault see Date rape drugs

Sexual expoloitation of minors

    >>>(Ambrose), (391-0303), 352, gr, 386 (8545-391-10-03)
    >>>(Bezan), (391-0309), 359, gr, 522 (8545-391-10-04)
    >>>(Boshcoff), (391-0398), 496
    >>>(Davies), (391-0391), 488, gr, 522 (8545-391-10-04)
    >>>(Godfrey), (391-0318), 400, gr, 522 (8545-391-10-04)
    >>>(Lake), (391-0326), 409, gr, 522 (8545-391-10-04)
    >>>(Merasty), (391-0316), 400, gr, 522 (8545-391-10-04)
    >>>(Neville), (391-0308), 359, gr, 522 (8545-391-10-04)
    >>See also Age of consent (sexual relations)

Sexual orientation see Gender equality;Hate propaganda

Sexual predators see Child sexual predators

Sexual relations see Age of consent (sexual relations)

Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
    >>>2005-2006 annual report, 371 (8560-391-606-01)

Shipping see Deltaport


    >>Vaisakhi, 307th anniversary, celebrations, resolution, 47

Silicone Gel-filled Implants: Areas of Concern see Health Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Silver Cross see Memorial Cross (Silver Cross)

Sirman, Robert see Canada Council for the Arts--Director

Six Nations land claims

    >>Douglas Creek Estates development, Caledonia, ON, protests, negotiations,
    >>>Coyle, Professor Michael/ Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister Prentice, correspondence, P-5 (Crowder), ordered, 405 (8550-391-5)
    >>>Document, "Results of Fact-Finding on Situation at Caledonia", tabled, 343 (8525-391-11)

Skills training

    >>Government expenditures, r.o. Q-80 (Nash), 368 (8555-391-80)

Small business

    >>Income tax
    >>>Ways and Means No. 4, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-03)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 8, notice, tabled, 523 (8570-391-11)

Small craft harbours see Saint-Georges-de-la-Malbaie wharf

Smith, David

    >>Member of Parliament, former, Abotech computer consulting firm, sole-sourced contracts, irregularities, KPMG audit, cronyism allegations, Ethics Commissioner Office report, The Smith Inquiry (December 2005)
    >>>Deemed concurred in, 108
    >>>Tabled, 15 (8527-391-03)

Smith Inquiry, The (December 2005) see Smith, David

Smoke-free workplaces

    >>Tobacco products/second-hand smoke, Senate take note, message, 248-9

Snowmobiles see Terra Nova National Park

Social progarms

    >>>(Martin, T.), (391-0366), 463

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada see Access to Information Act;Employment Equity Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Social security agreements

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>Estonia, Republic of, 109 (8560-391-212-01)
    >>>Japan, 160 (8560-391-212-04)
    >>>Latvia, Republic of, 109 (8560-391-212-03)
    >>>Lithuania, Republic of, 109 (8560-391-212-02)

Social security payments (United States)

    >>Income tax see Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemption from taxation of 50% of United States social security payments to Canadian residents)(Bill C-305)

Société Radio-Canada see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, First

Softwood Lumber Agreement

    >>Exports to United States/duty deposit refund charge
    >>>Ways and Means No. 6
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Emerson), 394-5, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 33), 395-6
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 356 (8570-391-09)
    >>See also Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006 (Bill C-24)

Softwood lumber, Canada-United States trade dispute

    >>Settlement agreement
    >>>Statement by Minister (Harper), 100
    >>>See also International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, First

Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006 (Bill C-24)--Minister of International Trade (Emerson)
>>>Ways and Means No. 6
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Emerson), 394-5, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 33), 395-6
>>>>Notice, tabled, 356 (8570-391-09)

Soldier Apprentice Training Program see Canadian Armed Forces


    >>Canadian special envoy, appointing
    >>>>(Wrzesnewskyj), (391-0015), 46, gr, 204 (8545-391-8-01); (391-0033), 94, gr, 221 (8545-391-8-02)

Souvenirs see Canadian symbolic and promotional materials

Soviet Union see Hungarian revolution (October 23 - November 4, 1956)

Sparrow Lake, ON see Trent-Severn Waterway--Stanton


    >>Documents, tabling
    >>>Access to Information Act
    >>>>Information Commissioner Special Report, "Response to the Government's Action Plan for Reform of the Access to Information Act", 103 (8560-391-734-01)
    >>>Auditor General of Canada Office
    >>>>2006 annual report, 179 (8560-391-64-01)
    >>>Board of Internal Economy
    >>>>By-laws adopted June 21, 2006, tabled, 341 (8527-391-10)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (October 24 and 31, 2005 and November 14, 28 and 29, 2005), tabled, 136 (8527-391-07)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (April 10, May 1 and 15, 2006), tabled, 320 (8527-391-08)
    >>>Canadian Human Rights Commission
    >>>>2005 annual report, 121 (8560-391-123-01)
    >>>Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
    >>>>2005 annual report, 19 (8560-391-661-01)
    >>>Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)
    >>>>Report following Labrador by-election, May 24, 2005, 19 (8560-391-4-01)
    >>>>Report on the 39th General Election held on January 23, 2006, 169(8560-391-4-02)
    >>>Committees of the House
    >>>>Committees Activities and Expenditures
    >>>>>2005-2006 annual report, tabled, 136 (8527-391-06)
    >>>Emerson, Hon. David, references, change of political party affiliation, allegation of inducement to join Cabinet by Prime Minister Harper, Ethics Commissioner Office report, The Harper-Emerson Inquiry (March 2006), tabled, 15 (8527-391-05)
    >>>Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner
    >>>>2006 annual report, together with addendum to Chapter 5--Environmental Petitions, 469 (8560-391-521-01)
    >>>Ethics Commissioner Office
    >>>>2005-2006 annual report on activities in relation to Members of the House of Commons, 369-70 (8560-391-890-01)
    >>>>2005-2006 annual report on activities in relation to Public Office Holders, 370 (8560-391-891-01)
    >>>Gallant, Cheryl, references, constituent passport application information, constituency office database storage and use, allegation, Ethics Commissioner Office report, The Gallant Inquiry (June 2006), tabled, 335 (8527-391-09)
    >>>Grewal, Gurmant, former Member of Parliament, Liberal government (Martin), attempt to "buy" vote, offer of cabinet post/Senate seat, Health Minister Dosanjh and Prime Minister Chief of Staff Tim Murphy, conversations, tape recording, Ethics Commissioner Office report, The Grewal-Dosanjh Inquiry (January 2006), tabled, 15 (8527-391-04)
    >>>House of Commons, administration, documents
    >>>>2006 Report of the House of Commons to Canadians, tabled, 262 (8563-391-01)
    >>>>"Strategic Outlook for the 39th Parliament: House Administration", 262 (8520-391-02)
    >>>House of Commons Calendar
    >>>>Year 2007, tabled, 469 (8527-391-13)
    >>>House of Commons proceedings
    >>>>Government motions, notice, March 30, 2006 letter, tabled, 11 (8527-391-01)
    >>>Members of Parliament
    >>>>Expense allowance, document, "Individual Member's Expenditures"
    >>>>>2005-2006, tabled, 469 (8527-391-12)
    >>>>Travel, sponsored travel, Ethics Commissioner Office, 2005 annual report, tabled, 15 (8527-391-02)
    >>>Official Languages Commissioner
    >>>>2005-2006 annual report, 149 (8560-391-301-01)
    >>>Parliamentary delegations, reports
    >>>>Portugal, November 5-9, 2005, 45 (8565-391-75-01)
    >>>Smith, David, former Member of Parliament, Abotech computer consulting firm, sole-sourced contracts, irregularities, KPMG audit, cronyism allegations, Ethics Commissioner Office report, The Smith Inquiry (December 2005), tabled, 15 (8527-391-03)
    >>>Vellacott, Maurice, September 2005 Sudan trip, travel expenses, Canadian Friends of Sudan financial assistance, allegation, Ethics Commissioner Office report, The Vellacott Inquiry (June 2006), tabled, 369 (8527-391-11)
    >>>Candidates, list, 8
    >>>Milliken, Peter, elected, 8
    >>>Presiding over election, Bill Blaikie, 8
    >>Parliament, opening, informing House of message from Governor General, 9
    >>Throne Speech
    >>>Reported, 11
    >>>Tabled, 12 (8525-391-01)

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