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Reassessing Eligibility for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefits

Here are questions often asked by those receiving Canada Pension Plan disability benefits:

1. How long can I receive Canada Pension Plan disability benefits?

You can continue to receive benefits as long as you are under age 65 and as long as your condition continues to be "severe" and "prolonged" according to the Canada Pension Plan. This means your disability must keep you from doing any kind of paid work on a regular basis and is likely to be long-term.

2. Why does the Canada Pension Plan review files?

People's medical conditions change. The Canada Pension Plan must make sure that only those who qualify continue to receive benefits.

3. Do I have to tell the Canada Pension Plan when my medical condition improves or if I start working?

Yes. You must report, in writing, any changes to your condition that affect your ability to work if:

  • your condition improves;
  • you return to any job full-time, part-time, temporarily or on a seasonal basis;
  • you decide to go to work for a trial period; or
  • you successfully complete a school, college, university, upgrading or retraining program.

Reporting a change in your condition will not necessarily mean that your benefits will be cut off. However, Canada Pension Plan will review this new information to ensure your continued eligibility for benefits and inform you of its decision.

When you applied for disability benefits, you agreed to let Canada Pension Plan know about these changes. If you delay in telling us that you have gone back to work or are able to work, you will have to pay back any Canada Pension Plan benefits that you were not entitled to receive. It may be considered fraud to make false or misleading statements to continue to receive benefits.

4. I want to try going back to work but am not sure my medical condition will let me. Will my benefit be cancelled?

If your condition lets you do some type of paid work on a regular basis, your benefits will probably be cancelled after a 3-month trial period. However, if your medical condition only allows you to work occasionally, you may still be eligible to receive benefits. If you start working, please let Canada Pension Plan know right away.

If you have to stop because of your condition, you need to advise us and your file will be reviewed immediately. If you must stop working after your benefits have been cancelled, and this is due to the same medical condition, you may also be able to use our fast-track re-application process.

However, to re-qualify you must have enough contributions in four of the last six years - excluding the time you were receiving Canada Pension Plan disability benefits.

5. How would the Canada Pension Plan know if I went back to work?

Canada Pension Plan may find out you have gone back to work:

  • from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) - your records let Canada Pension Plan know that you had earnings; or
  • from Employment Insurance - normally, you cannot receive both Canada Pension Plan disability benefits and regular EI benefits at the same time. An individual is either disabled from working and eligible for Canada Pension Plan benefits or able and available for work and eligible for EI benefits. If you receive both benefits, Canada Pension Plan will review your file. EI also supplies records of employment for individuals who are receiving disability benefits; or
  • from information provided by third parties - various sources inform Canada Pension Plan about clients who are receiving disability benefits even though they are working or are able to work.

Canada Pension Plan investigates all such reports.

6. How do I notify the Canada Pension Plan if I move?

You should notify us immediately of your new address, even if your payments are being deposited directly to your bank account. This will allow us to send you important information.

You can notify us of your change of address 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling, free of charge, our voice messaging service at 1 800 277-9914. Persons with hearing/speech impairments using TDD/TYY devices may call 1 800 255-4786.

You will be asked to provide your social insurance number, your new address and postal code, and your telephone number, including area code. Please note that if you are calling on behalf of another person, we are unable to make changes unless we have written authorization from that person on file.

7. How does the Canada Pension Plan review my file?

When we review your file, Canada Pension Plan may ask for information about your medical condition and activities that can help determine if you are able to do any type of paid work on a regular basis. With your permission, we may also ask other sources for such information. Canada Pension Plan may ask you to undergo a medical examination.

Please notify Canada Pension Plan if you are moving. If you can not be contacted Canada Pension Plan will have to suspend your benefit payments.

8. When my benefits are cancelled, will I owe the Canada Pension Plan money?

Not if you advise the Canada Pension Plan in advance that you are returning to work or that you will be able to work. There is no need to pay anything back if Canada Pension Plan is able to cancel your benefit on time.

If you do have to pay some money back, Canada Pension Plan can make arrangements for you to pay back the money gradually.

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Last modified :  2004-02-26 Important Notices